Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tomorrow Will Be A Great Day On All Counts

Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,

How's everything going in Arizona? I hope your film is coming along well, and that you are enjoying the desert. I also see that you have a video about to be released tomorrow. That is awesome and I will look forward to seeing it! I remember the band name Ash Aria from a while back, maybe earlier this year, but I did not specifically remember that you were doing a video with them. But it will look great, no doubt.  :)

Tomorrow is the big day. Having worked the phones at Hillary's L.A. headquarters for her 2008 campaign, and being a big Clinton fan in general, I am super excited. And now a victory is certain and no more nervousness is felt. Trump is toast and at this time tomorrow we will have, for the very first time in America, a woman as President-elect. I (and many others) have been saying for years that that's exactly what we have needed, and of course Hillary Clinton was always gonna be the first choice to break that barrier.

It will be an exciting day tomorrow all the way around.  :)

That's all I know for today. Post if you can and if you want to........  :)

See you in the morning. I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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