My Darling,
I really loved that description you posted, of what it means to be an artist. That, of course was one of the very first words I used to describe you. I used artist because it encompasses more than simply saying someone is a good musician, or composer, which is how I knew you when I first used the term. But I used it because you had done more than simply cover "Autre Temps". Instead, you had covered it in an entirely original way, just piano and voice. Also, I then saw "The Hours" at Youtube, and saw that you were also writing and playing original music. In his description of what it means to be an artist, the photographer who wrote the paragraph you posted referred a lot to an awareness of one's perceptions, that an artist absorbs all sorts of stimuli from both inside and outside the human experience and at some point makes an effort to translate what it means, or simply what it is. What is this experience? This is what an artist notices, that he or she is living a continuous experience, and instead of shutting it out and focusing entirely on the everyday back-and-forth of life, an artist invites the experience inside his consciousness to the point of saturation. That is why Einstein was famously said to never tie his shoes, or why he didn't comb his hair. Beyond being a mathematician, he was an artist who was trying to understand this experience, and in doing so he focused so much on his particular art (mathematics) that he shut out the ordinary (for the most part anyway; as I have said before, it's of course impossible not to go to the store, get in a car, everybody watches at least some TV or movie, people have to go to the bank, etc. Everyone has some connection with the ordinary, and the ordinary is, for the most part, a good thing. At least in small doses, lol. It's when it gets turned into a Cubicle Lifestyle that one has completely tuned out the Human Experience, and is then living the opposite of an artistic lifestyle).
Oh boy, I went off on a tangent again. But what I noticed about you, right away, was an effort to stretch. Anybody could have covered that song in the traditional way. Yours was entirely different. You took the heart of the song, and re-interpreted it. Put another way, you took your experience of the song, and by re-interpreting it, you were describing what the song meant to you. In fact, in your Youtube song description, you talked about falling in love with the song upon hearing it, and then knowing right away that you needed to record your own version. So all of that; the experiencing of the stimuli (the song), the feeling what it means to you (understanding that feeling), and then the desire to re-interpret it (rather than making a carbon copy) - all of that goes right along with what the photographer in your post talks about as being the attributes of an artist.
I was able to see that right away, which is why I used the term. An artist can be a musician, or a painter, a writer, a photographer, or even a mathematician, but at heart it is someone who is on a neverending quest to experience, then understand, then translate that understanding or re-interpret it. And some artists know all of this possibly without even being aware of it. You, however, were no doubt very aware of it, even if you may have put it in different terms than I am using (or you may think of it the same way). But you were certainly aware of it, and that can be seen in your eyes.
I have said that an artist could be considered a translator for God, and though some would say that God does not need to be translated, but instead simply felt through the wind in the trees, or in the wonder of the night sky, or in the love of another human being, I answer that by saying that each human can only feel God in isolation, can only feel God's wonders for him or herself. So what an artist is trying to do, by re-interpreting his own isolated feeling of a particular aspect of God, or of the human experience, is to share his sense of wonder at that experience. An artist wishes to describe experience in order to share experience in order to achieve some measure of communion. In fact, when I met Uli Jon Roth after his March concert in Reseda, that is what he told me, when I complimented the expressiveness of his band. He said, "we try to make it a communion".
So, I think an artist can do that by having a concert, or showing a photograph, or even in smaller ways, say by watching a sunset with a loved one. In that case, the couple could even watch it in silence, but as long as there was communion, an artistic result would be achieved. Telepathy is a form of artistry, therefore, because it goes a long way toward sharing the glimpses that can't be articulated. You and I are artistic all the time in that respect, because we can feel each other's presence constantly, and thus we are sharing - much of the time in silence yet always with great wonder - this human experience.
I felt so close to you today, Elizabeth.
I am gonna go for the first half of my walk now, and then I will be back and write more. I Love You, and I love sharing with you, sharing life. :) :)
9:15pm : Good news, I was able to rescue about 25 of the Myspace blogs via Google and Yahoo caches. With Google, there is a little green arrow that shows up to the right of the url that comes back with a searched-out link, so when you click that green arrow, it'll say "cache" and "share". So then you just click "cache" and the saved blog comes up. Then you copy and paste it and email it to yourself. I will keep Googling all the keywords I can think of, but I also think Myspace is gonna have to give people a chance to retrieve stuff. Boy, did they ever make a mistake! They are getting so many comments. So I will keep my fingers crossed.
I like your post of Sarah's guitar, but I really liked the text, "I'm so happy today", and I hoped that it referred to you as well. I certainly was extremely happy today, and that is because I was with you all day (still am!). Sometimes it's funny, because I will be so tuned in that I am really preoccupied, and I have to double check things, make sure I don't lock my keys in my car, make sure and pay attention when someone is talking. Like, my brother will be telling me about the Dodgers - and I used to really follow sports a lot more than I do now - but I'll be listening and trying to stay in the conversation (because ordinary stuff is good too, as we say), but my mind is tuned in to The Elizabeth Channel, and so, because of the physical distance between us, it's like I am in two places at once. I have gotten really good at bi-locating, lol. Because you and I are adept at psi, it's like my whole day is spent with you. Some days, there are more distractions or noise, and the Connection can be less than 100%, but on a day like today, it's like I am physically here in Northridge, but psychically with you in some inner place. So I run a lot of things on automatic pilot. I do love the ordinary, in measured doses, because it's a good grounding mechanism, lol. People like you and I who have the combination of high IQ and introspection (curiosity) are always pushing the existential boundaries, wondering about the "whats" and "whys" of things, and we can get so good at psi communication, that it's almost like we are sometimes more present in our spirit bodies than our physical ones. I think that, at least while we are on Earth living human lives, our spirits are connected to the body in some way. I always think of it as a tether. That's why, in dreams, sometimes you can feel literally like you are flying, and yet you are physically lying in bed. It's just that your spirit self has taken off somewhere while your body sleeps. So, when people like you and I get good at psi communication, we can kind of do it in the daytime, too, but perhaps minus the sensation of flying.
It's all interesting, anyway! Now I am gonna go for the other half of my walk......I'll be back to say goodnight.
11:30pm : Ha! When I got back I saw the picture of your brother and his girlfriend (I'm assuming she's his gf). And they're flying, so it's perfect! That bro of yours is quite a character. I get a kick out of him, in a good way of course. I am gonna read my book now, "Our Occulted History". Marrs is getting way out there with Sumerian tales of the Annunaki gods, and their reign on Earth perhaps 12 to 14 thousand years ago. Don't mind me, but I love weird stuff, lol! I love to read all the stuff that conventional anthropology, geology, archeology, won't go into, because of all the evidence that contradicts their findings. Anyway, don't mind me; I'm weird, lol. I will see you in the morning, my beautiful lady. We made a nice soft landing here at Blogger without missing a step! But that's just us..........pretty graceful.
I Love You, My Baby! Goodnight hug and kiss! :) :)
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