Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy Friday Night (more added)

Hey my Baby,

Happy Friday evening. Not a lot to report today, except for one bit of good news. My neighbor - he of the Perpetual Rap-a-thon, seems to have moved out. It began yesterday. I came home to see him carrying a microwave down the stairs, but I didn't allow myself to get my hopes up because I thought maybe he was just buying a new one. But then this morning, a lady who looked like she might be his Mom was helping him carry a matress out, so it was confirmed and I said a silent hooray. Now I will say a prayer that a nice quiet person moves in. There have really been a lot of changes recently, with me getting my Chromebook and in turn becoming more home-based in my off hours. Then the Myspace thing. Now my noisy neighbor is gone. I just really wanna focus in on what is important now, and the quiet will help me do that.

I hope your day was good. It always takes me a day or two to readjust to getting up early, so I am a little tired tonight. I already finished my walk, so I'm gonna read for a little bit, then I will come back and say goodnight. I Love You!  :):)

11:30pm : Just for the heck of it, here is one of the Myspace blogs I was able to retrieve. I wrote it in early December, when I had begun to get a sense that you might still have been thinking about me, after the events of early Fall. You had made a reference or two by December, and I had picked up on those references, as I detailed back in (I think) March, in another Myspace blog. At any rate, I went from being crushed to hopeful, and as Fall was changing to Winter I wrote this blog, about living life as an art. Because I was not sure how you felt about me just yet, I tried to keep some of my cards close to the vest, as you can see by some of my phrasing, in the way I address parts of the blog to a "general You", rather than "You specifically". Back then, I felt I should play it safe and not assume too much. But by the middle of the blog, you can tell I had given up that approach. Everything I wrote was clearly intended for you. All that was missing was "I Love You, Elizabeth", which I didn't think I should say at the time. But it was in my heart all the same, elated as I was by the sense that you were coming back.......

Here is the blog, it is called "Live Artistically". Hope the text is not too small to be legible.  :):)
I Love You, and send you a goodnight hug and kiss!

Sorry about not having written for a while. I can write more regularly when I have a story to tell, or am excited about something. But when it's just me and my thoughts, I sometimes get bogged down. Chalk it up to my Mars in Pisces. I tend to daydream a bit, to let my mind wander - as Paul McCartney sings in "Fixing A Hole" - "where it will go". And when I let it go, the thoughts it gathers can be hard to put into words. But I'll try. In fact, I am gonna try and write every day for the next three days, Monday thru Wednesday (Thursday is my Cinematheque night), just to get all of these random thoughts out of my head. Since they are random, I will just list them in no particular order. And if I get bored with listing them, or simply forget, then they will all run together, which is kinda the way they exist in my brain anyway. But here they are, read them at your own risk, they might sound like mumbo-jumbo, or they might make total sense. Either way, don't say I didn't warn ya!

1) I want you to send thoughts to me, and I will send them to you, and in this way we will communicate as human beings did before the advent of speech. Before speech (and eventually, language), it is likely that thought transfer was highly developed in humans, meaning that it could be used to communicate in more specific detail than could be achieved by grunting and/or pointing, which were the only direct communication tools the caveman had at his disposal. But if he was able to transfer his entire thought, in all it's complexity - which he was unable to articulate in words - to the mind of his fellow tribesman or his mate, then ideas could be exchanged, jobs could be performed, progress could be made and humans could move forward. It is not stone-age life I am interested in now, however, but the notion that the ability to transfer thought is still present within us, though dormant. Yet with practice, I find that it can be awakened and used at will, through everyday application. I think that thought transfer - while it is not easy to interpret for modern man because of all the "noise" in the world - may be the most pure form of communication there is: The communication of The Spirit. And so, when you communicate in this way with another person, you are "talking" with them spirit-to-spirit, and while you are using language (the same aural "language" with which you hear your own thoughts), you are also feeling (i.e. intuiting) the response of the other person. And in that way you are having a more accurate conversation than can be had with words alone, because words can be misconstrued, and misinterpreted, and at a distance, words can be put up on a screen with no inflection of the voice, thus their meaning can be obscured even further.

At any rate, I am not suggesting you forgo normal voice communication with others. The world might come to a standstill if we all did that. And I am not suggesting either that you try thought transfer communication with everyone you know, because many if not most people will not be receptive and/or responsive to it. But try it on someone who is likely to be responsive. Try it on me. Believe me, you will know if it is working. And you may already know. 2) Try and live your life artistically. No matter what you do for a living, but especially if you are a spiritually inclined person. Be part of the Everyday World - take care of daily business, etc. - but do not dwell in it. The world is yours to create, so surround yourself with what is beautiful to you, and eliminate that which is not. Try to identify which is which, and this is very important because a lot of nuance is involved in the identification of what brings happiness into a person's life, and conversely, what is causing distraction or pain. Many people fail to identify what makes themtruly happy (and not just momentarily satiated), and thus suffer the ups-and-downs of mood swings and emotional roller-coaster rides more than those who do make the identifications. For instance, using my own life as an example, I was able - very early on - to identify what would make me very unhappy - miserable even - if I had to spend my life doing it, and that was of course "doing the expected" and becoming a 9 to 5 person, working at an ordinary "job job" and living a basic "consumer lifestyle". I had an almost primordial dread of this, even coming out of high school: "oh my God! Everybody is now supposed to 'choose what they are going to do', and I have no idea"! Something at core level told me that I didn't fit in to any of it - and it wasn't a matter of having no qualifications for certain careers, or the right training or anything else. I just felt outside all of that. Even though I was well aware that we live in a society in which one must earn a living.

But my point is that, even in my anxiety of the time, something positive was at work, because right away, at the age of eighteen, I had identified, without a doubt, something that would have caused me tremendous unhappiness had I "signed on" to that kind of lifestyle. The thought of driving down a freeway to a cubicle brought on bouts of existential terror, because I would think: "wait a minute.....this is my life we are talking about"! My life, you know? Not just "what I do for a living" but me, myself! I felt like I was going to be sentenced to a lifetime of spiritual jail, a loss of freedom I could never get back. But I never felt guilty about not fitting in, because I knew it just was NOT right for me. Now, at that point in my life, I still had no idea what I would do to earn a living, so I had not yet "identified" that aspect of the situation. And thus it was still a problem. But, having positively identified something that would basically have been a soul-killer for me, I avoided it like the plague. And my life kind of played out from there. It wasn't a piece of cake, but life never is. Still, my life evolved on it's own, and along the way I have continued to identify and add that which makes me happy, and conversely I have continued to identify and eliminatethat which makes me unhappy. And do you know what? As it turns out, I am certain - I have Zero Doubt - that this is the way my life was meant to play out all along. I mean, I just am 100% certain of that. And that is because I have come to learn so much about myself, through identifying with my spirit and it's desires, that I know now how I am supposed to fit into the world, which was something I worried about for many years in my teens. Once I made that decision, however - the decision not to become part of 9 to 5 Consumer America, most of my angst went away. Because I knew I had escaped what would have been, for me, a fate worse than death. Instead, here I am, having interesting days, knowing interesting people, and being involved in situations and quests for which I am optimally suited. And at no time has this been more true than now, in the present year. So, by identifying and avoiding the wrong path many years ago, I find myself on the path that is exactly right for me. I've been there all along, and I didn't even know it.

Please note that I am in no way putting down anyone who pulls a 9 to 5 job, or leads a "normal" American life. Heck no. Those folks are heroic in their own way, and if they have families to provide for, they have little choice in the matter. And I work seven days a week myself anyway, but in my case the job sort of evolved around me rather than the other way around. Another example I can give is my friend who is a long-distance runner. I have known him since I was 13 and he was 23. He worked at the legendary College Records, where I spent so many after-school afternoons learning about rock music. Anyway, he ran many miles, every day. It is what he does. Most folks, if you ask them "what do you do"?, they tell you what their job is. I always thought that was a stupid thing to ask someone: "So, what do you do"?. Well, I do all kinds of things........but I am NOT my job, you idiot. But anyway, my friend was and is a runner; that was his Main Thing in life. He hasn't missed a day of running in over 40 years! Two other things he loves are music and writing, and on his business cards there is his name and then his motto: "Write Run Rock". Now, he was kind of the same way as me but even more extreme; any job he had was gonna have to conform around his running schedule. If it didn't? Goodbye job. He figured he could always find another one. In other words, he had identified what would make him happy in life - writing, running, rocking - and everything else had to take a back seat. So he is another example of living your life artistically.

Ideally, you can find a way to combine your artistic life with your need to pay your bills, and it helps to know other people who live their lives this way, to observe how they do it.

But whatever you do, and I mean that it is of utmost importance! - identify (to a precise degree, and make sure you are being honest with yourself) what will make you truly content throughout your lifetime. And vice-versa (maybe even more important), identify what will certainly lead to a lifetime of misery, and then make a vow to yourself not to take that road. I know too many people who have been stuck doing something that they hated, for years and years, and they feel forced, I presume, to lie about it and say, "well, it's not so bad". I say - and this is especially true for those of artistic temperment - do nothing to jeopardise your Spirit. This is Your Life. Live it your way. Surround yourself with beauty (for me: music, art, interesting books, and of course Weird Stuff!), and find like minded people. If you know me, you have already found one. 

I will write some more this evening, and hopefully all through Wednesday, so either check back on this blog or I will start a new one. Meanwhile, have an absolutely fantastic day. 

7pm: I'm back. I'll just continue on this blog tonight and then start another one tomorrow. One thing to know is that we are living in a time when something big is happening in the world, and you are part of it. Now, I don't mean that everyone is part of it, or that everyone knows of it, but you know in your own mind that you are part of it, and that is because you are living a special life. Keep in mind that "special" does not mean that your life is of greater value than anyone else's, or that you are a better (or worse) person as a result. Special should not be a cause for conceit nor self-conscious modesty. It just means that you are aware of what is happening, and it is your awareness that makes you a participant. There are very few people in this category, and this scarcity of awareness is what makes you special. You are Aware, most are not; ergo you are Special. What is happening is that a release of information is taking place, and what we are discovering is that much of what we thought we knew about our world was either wrong or deliberately misleading. In America, people of my generation have had good reason to doubt "the official story" (from news organisations, government officials, etc.) ever since the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Those of us who doubt "official stories" are called "conspiracy theorists", and if you read my blogs you know I harp on that aspect from time to time. Tonight, however, I don't want to talk about the deceptive nature of politics or the media, but rather the deceptions that are taking place in the worlds of academia, science and space exploration. Take NASA, for instance.

Have you ever heard of a moon called Iapetus? I never had until the other day. Iapetus is one of Saturn's three moons. It also bears a striking resemblance to the Death Star of "Star Wars" fame. That George Lucas used Iapetus as a model for his planet-busting omni-weapon is of some consequence, because there is ample pictorial and geographical evidence that Iapetus is NOT a naturally occuring planetary sattelite in the sense that we understand them. If you go to, you can read Richard Hoagland's research essay on Iapetus, from which much of this new information is obtained, but in case you don't wish to read it, I will just tell you that Iapetus has a ridge and trench running the circumference of it's equator that very much resembles a seam. Yes, a seam, as if this "moon" was not a real moon at all, but rather an artificial sattelite that was put together and then "parked" into orbit by someone with an astounding technological capability. That George Lucas would use it as a model for the Death Star suggests, however subtly, that he was privvy to a release of information as far back as 1975 or 76, when he began working on "Star Wars". Co-incidentally, this would be at around the same time his good friend Steven Spielberg was working on his epic "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind", the first major film to deal with the concept of Alien Abduction.

What all of this adds up to, is that there is an elite group of people in the world who have been aware, for quite some time, that we are not alone in the universe. And they have sat on that information and suppressed it, except for the release, in small fictionalised increments, of various details in movies like "Star Wars" or "Close Encounters". But the bigger picture is this: what if there was, at one time long ago, a civilization with the technological capacity toconstruct a 900 mile wide "planet"? It boggles the mind, does it not? This is the type of subject matter I read about in Joseph Farrell's books, and right now I am reading his "Genes, Giants, Monsters and Men". I have only finished the first 70 pages, but so far the theme of the book is uncovering the origins of Mankind, or at least the origins of civilization. Farrell is certainly no amateur "conspiracy theorist" but a PhD from Oxford. In England, of course, there are Megalithic structures like Stonehenge, which therefore brings up the question of how such a structure was built, and for what purpose. For more than a century, the orthodox world of academia has been unable to come to a conclusion about this topic, and that is because they cling to ideas like Darwinism (which has only been around for less than two centuries yet is accepted by all of science as the Gospel Truth of human history). But a man like Farrell, or the visionary Richard Hoagland, refuse to look away at the obvious - that structures like Stonehenge, or the Great Pyramid at Giza, or the giant heads at Easter Island, all point to evidence of a building technology that should not have existed to ordinary Stone Age man, or early civilisations like the one in Egypt. Archeologists would have us believe that the Pyramids were constructed by thusands of slaves dragging megaton blocks of stone up ramps, stones that were cut with such precision that a piece of paper cannot be wedged between them. Now that's what I call a convoluted theory. You might as well say that skyscarpers were constructed the same way. They don't consider the possibility that technology and machines could have been part of the construction, because they do not see any evidence of such technology or machinery. But what if the machinery was taken away by those who brought it? The obvious answer, much more plausible than the "thousands of slaves dragging enormous blocks of stone" theory - is one that science ignores because it refuses to accept that much of what is called "mythology" could actually represent real historical happenings. It is that, at some point in the distant past, what we call "human beings", who were in a primative state of their development, had help from an outside source in becoming civilized. And this help came from another civilization, one with an astounding technological capability that most likely exceeds ours in the present day. And this highly advanced civilization may have lived on Earth for a time, hence stories in the Bible and in other mythology suggesting Giants and "Gods" that were present on the Earth ("Gods" meaning physical beings with technology that left man in awe of them). And when they were done helping man become civilized, they went back to wherever they had come from.

It is highly unlikely that humankind went from centuries of hunting and gathering to an almost overnight development into civilized beings with organized and standardized systems of weight and measurement with which to conduct commerce, which led to trade over a wide area of the globe, which led to the world economic system we have today. You'd have to read Farrell to get the whole picture, and I realize that his type of subject matter may not be everyone's cup of tea.

But the greater point, why I am writing about it tonight, is that the research of highly accomplished men like Farrell and Hoagland leads to a conclusion that flies in the face of what anthropology has taught us, and that is that the Sumerians were likely not the first civilization on Earth, nor did they or the civilizations preceding them simply "pop up out of nowhere". Orthodox academia would probably refer to researchers like Joseph Farrell and Richard Hoagland as "renegades" or practitioners of "junk science", but to those of us who can see the obvious, what they are doing is exposing the truth about our world, and that truth (not the Whole Truth but merely One Truth Of Many) is that Human Beings had outside help in Becoming Civilised.

And that help came from a Highly Advanced Civilization that most likely came here from somewhere else. The evidence for this is pretty overwhelming, and one day in the not too distant future, it will come to be accepted as fact, and what is now considered fact, like Darwinism - the idea that we "became ourselves" after starting out as one-celled amoebae in the Primordial Soup, will be discarded like the fallacy it is.

Now, this next part is important. I say all of this not to interest you in the subjects Farrell writes about, which are specialized and possibly not of interest. But I say it to promote to you the importance of keeping your mind wide open, and not accepting as Gospel that which you are taught or which you see on TV, or are told by our national and world leaders.Keep your mind open, and create your art, and live your life through the filter of your Spirit, because that is where you will find your fulfillment. We, as humans, are finding out more and more about our true origins, and more and more we are discovering that the systems we live under in the present day have been imposed on us by an Elite that would like to keep us down, and suppress the knowledge of our origins, and thereby suppress what we are capable of as individuals.And THAT is why I am constantly promoting things like development of your Sixth Sense, and the use of thought transfer, and Visualization, in which you are constantly visualising your life before it happens, to ensure that it blossoms into what you want it to become. I am constantly encouraging you to work on the facilities of your being that most people would ignore, but you are not to ignore them because you are special, and the development of your Spirit is as important for your life as the development of an athlete's body is important to his. Your Spirit is not just some ephemeral thing, wispy and intangible: No, that's not what it is at all. It is instead the main component of Who You Are. It is your body that is ephemeral and transcendent; your Spirit is the only part of you that will never decay. It is your Essence, and it has many faculties that most people do not work on and develop, because they have been taught to stay away from that aspect of themselves, and to live their lives in three dimensions, as if they were only a "person" in a physical body.But you are more than that, because you are special and aware. You are essentially a Spirit, with all of a Spirit's capabilities. Think of those capabilities as being very real, and incredibly powerful, because they are. Never downplay these spiritual capabilities. Use them, develop them, bring them to the forefront of your life and live by them.

They will help you to live as a human being. They are also why you are special.

That's all I wanted to say tonight. I will be back tomorrow night for sure, in another blog.
Thanks for reading. 


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