Happy Sunday Morning, my Darling! Afternoon already for you. Ahh, the pleasures of sleeping in, balancing the Alpha Waves (are those the brain waves that make you feel rested?). Anyway, I do indeed feel rested! I didn't just now get up, I have actually been awake since 9:30, but I wanted to wish you a great day. It is gonna be another hot one here. Today is the kind of day we would get in the car and go down to Venice Beach or Santa Monica, go for a nice walk on the sand or the boardwalk, then have lunch at a beachside restaurant, and watch and listen to the ocean waves.
I am gonna hang around the apartment for a while, and then maybe venture out in the afternoon to get a new pair of shoes. I do so much walking, I wear 'em out pretty quickly. I will check in again in a little while.
I Love You! :):)
2:45: Now that's my idea of a great road trip! L.A. to Middleton (no need to stop), we are together. I get to see your beautiful town and state. Then we drive back to L.A. and you can see things here. I'm coming to get you, my Beautiful Baby!! Seriously, that is a road trip I would make any time, and all I would have to do is make a few preparations. My sister has already volunteered to sub for me at Pearl's, if ever the need arose. So, with maybe a couple weeks notice, I could drive to Middleton any time. But however it works out, my Sweet Girl, we are gonna be together, see each other's towns, the whole works. I have to reiterate that I think about you non-stop, and I think of all the things we can do together. Right now, I am just saving money and keeping my focus, and it's on you and me and good times. I Love You So Much, Elizabeth!! :):)
(and if you ever need me to come to Middleton, for any reason, even for just a hug, all you have to do is say the word and I'm there )
3:05 : Popping in again to remind you that anywhere you want to go, we are going. For real!
10:35pm : This eve, I brought my camera along on my walk, took a few shots of the older parts of town at dusk. I only got a couple I liked and out 'em up at Flickr, but I will keep shooting and posting to give you an idea of what Northridge looks like. Really what I am trying to document is the history of the town, the parts that are still standing. If Northridge was established in 1910, like the sign says, than I have been here for almost half it's existence. So much has changed over the years, so I like to find what hasn't changed, or what has changed very little, and photograph it.
Well, I sure enjoyed my day off, sleeping in, playing guitar, reading, getting my new shoes, taking pictures. But what I enjoyed most of all was sharing thoughts with you. When I walked down to the local Big 5 to get my shoes, I walked through campus and it was very quiet. Late afternoon on a hot summer day, but the air had cooled a bit by that time. But there was no one around, and I could just do what I love to do in that situation, which is to look to the Northeast, over the San Gabriel mountains, and think of you, Elizabeth, and think of the happy travels we will have in the future, all the things we will do together. When the vibe is just right like that, and you can feel when it is!, I just know you are receiving my thoughts and energy as I am sending them to you. It's like the distance is meaningless.
So, it was a great afternoon. It's really true that the more we have practiced thinking about each other, and sending thoughts to one another, the better we have gotten at it. It's also true that the more we focus on our intention, as Dr. Wayne Dyer calls it, the closer we bring it to reality. I focus on you and I, and good things for us - whatever we decide they may be - and the means to make those things happen (money, etc.), and closeness to God, and our harmony in the world. And I know that will happen, as long as we focus our intent. It is belief, but it's even bigger than that - it's knowing. Always know that there is something special ahead, because there is, if you know it!
I guess that covers it for today, except for the most important part......
I Love You, Elizabeth! It is quiet; I am with you, we are together, we can feel it.
We can feel it, my Darling. :):)
(goodnight kiss)
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