Hey my Darling! I am back from Pearl's, a long hot day here, but now the temp is beginning to drop a bit. I hope you had a good day, and that you got your Alcest ticket (I am sure you did!). I am gonna unwind for a little while, and then go for my walk at sunset, but I wanted to let you know I was home. "Home" is really a state of mind now, and when I think of that word it means you and I together. I Love You! :):)
(back in a while.....)
10:30 : I am back, writing later than usual because Grimsley called. He can usually talk quite a bit and this time was no exception. He wanted to tell me about the Neil Young book he is reading. His tastes run more toward American music - Grateful Dead, Jam bands, blues - and mine is much more Eurocentric, although I like all kinds of stuff really, but we do like many of the same groups and I have known the guy since I was 14 and he was 21.
I stayed in all day because of the heat, reading my book, mostly. I am very interested in esoteric knowledge, stuff that has been kept out of the mainstream, because I believe there is much more to human history than has been taught on a conventional level. I find it interesting that the calendar of the whole modern human race is based on the birth of Christ, and not from a religious standpoint but by the fact that it only goes back 2000 years. When you think about it, that's a mere 100 generations. That's just 100 "grandpas" ago that the era of Christ was experienced (if you believe it), and going back before that, to Sumer, you are then talking about another 5000 years, and that is still really the blink of an eye as far as geological time goes.
The idea that human history is only 7000 years old is something I am not sure I buy, so I like to read all I can about it, books about Sumerian history, Egyptian history, the so-called myths that have been passed down.
I could go on and on about the subject because it fascinates me, but tonight it is late, so I will wish you sweet dreams (even though you are probably asleep), but just in case you are not, I will send you a good night kiss, and imagine us in each other's arms at this moment.......
I Love You, Elizabeth. Sleep well, my Darling. :):)
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