Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Gonna Go For My Walk, Be Back In 45 Minutes

I don't know if I should message you or not. I am really hoping you will find this tonight. The setup here at Blogger is more complicated, as far as checking pageviews. Myspace was simple, and had an easy to check counter at the bottom of every blog, and as far as I could tell there were no "bots" or anything of the kind, because when I wrote any recent blog, I always got one page view (from you), and then when I wrote "more added", there was always another page view later on. With this blog, right after I wrote the first one a few minutes ago, there were 23 views. Of course, nobody knows about it, so those views have gotta come from scanning 'bots, or random Blogger people. When I first started at Myspace, the same thing happened. I'd post a blog and immediately there were 15 views, like within minutes. Some were friends, and probably some were random Myspacers, but over time - and especially since I asked everyone not to read earlier this year, the page views were down to just yours. Occasionally there would be a few more than two, but basically it was just me writing to you. Now, it is harder to access the page view counter because it is not listed right beneath the blog like it was on Myspace. I have to access my Blogger account to see it, and I haven't gotten the hang of it just yet as you can imagine. So again, please please please let me know as soon as you find this blog. I will check when I get back from my walk. It is now 9:55 my time, I should be back by 10:30 or a little later. I Love You!!

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