Saturday, May 31, 2014

Baskets (sweet dreams)

Good Evening, my Baby,

I am back home. It was a busy day, and this time my sister did come over, so we went shopping. This morning, Pearl, Kobi and I went over to Louise Park, a smaller park near her home, and this time we brought our new basketball. :) I told you we bought a basketball, right? We had been at this park a couple weeks ago, and Pearl saw some boys shooting baskets. She used to play in high school, way back in the late 30s- early 40s, but she really got a kick out of watching those kids play. So when we left that day, she said that we should get a basketball, so we did.

I did all the shooting today, of course. I am a little wary of giving the ball to Pearl to shoot, because on the one hand, she wouldn't be able to push it up very far. But more importantly, she has osteoporosis, and I would not want her to spontaneously break anything, trying an unfamiliar body motion.

But, it's still fun for me to shoot. Pearl can watch, and Kobi can stand around and wonder what the heck is going on and why we aren't walking around. When I was a kid, my friends and I shot tons of hoops. We were always playing one sport or another, and basketball was a favorite. I could shoot pretty good back then, but until this morning I had not shot a basketball in maybe ten years, so there were a lot of airballs, haha. But - fun stuff; Pearl, Kobi and me, and our new basketball. :)

I saw your posts this morn. I loved the quote about photography, and the idea that it's a means to stop time. The whole idea of the passage of time is something that fascinates me, and really in a good way. The workings of time include things like photographs and memories, because those can bring not just images (pictorial or mental) back into the present, but something close to the total experience. Like, say you were looking at photos from last year's trip to The Sideways Trees. Suddenly, you might picture (or better yet, place) yourself riding in the car, on the way there. You might remember a song or cd you were listening to. And suddenly the past is in the present. You can feel it and relive it. So that's my favorite thing about photos.

The passage of time is a trip. In the last ten years, I lost my parents, but - and I say this with no sorrowful feelings - it's really like they aren't gone. There was a grieving period, of course, when each passed away, but since then, it's really like they are still here because I can feel their presence all the time. Not in the metaphorical sense, either, but literally.

So it's a trip, and very interesting, because once we find each other in this world, and once a bond is formed, whether through family or love or close friendship (a form of love), we lose the sense of beginning and end. We live in the now, but we can look at photos and go back, or we can look at places we haven't been and go forward, but it's really all One Big Now. And what proves it, to me anyway, is the feelings of Deja Vu that places and photos can give you, and the very interesting experience I have had that when a loved one passes away, you don't feel a loss of presence.

Something that is interesting to consider, is where did yesterday go? And if a photograph has captured it, is it possible that it still exists? I think that in some sense, the answer is yes. Just the fact that we experience Deja Vu, and we have emotion-based memory (as opposed to strictly practical memory like knowing where our house is), is indicative of the non-linear nature of time.

Well, now I went off on a huge tangent, lol. But that's the kind of feeling I get when I am in a place like Corriganville or Placerita, or even a very familiar place with buildings, like Reseda where I lived as a small child, that there is something really humongous at work, in memory, emotion, and the reason we are limited, right now, to physically experiencing time in a linear manner.

On the surface, it's day-by-day and year-by-year for us humans. It seems directional and limited. But below the surface, where our emotions, memories and sixth sense are at work, we see a bigger picture.

I will end the tangent with that thought, but the quote on photography got me started! :)

I hope your day was good, and maybe you took some pictures or did something equally fun. I am gonna relax for a few, then go for my walk in an hour. Then back later as usual.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:50: It's late, so I will wish you sweet dreams. Hope you had a great day.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Just Getting Home :):)

Hi Nice Lady,

I'm just getting home, hope your day was good. I see, at, that it was a beautiful day in Middleton, so that is great. It's warm here, not quite roasting yet, but getting there. I need to do a proper walk and workout tonight, so I will do that when the sun goes down. So, hi for now, and I'll write more later.

I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:45pm : It's late. I am listening to Bach, I love the English Suites. I hope you had an excellent day. I don't know what's going on with this blog, but it shows zero hits, so I will write more tomorrow. :):)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

It's Me (more added)

Hi Elizabeth,

I just got home from my walk and I saw your post. More on that in a moment. First, I hope your screening went well, and that the past few days have been as good as possible under the circumstances. I have to say they have been a little difficult for me, just because I did not know what was going on or the status of things. All the reasons why are in my recent blogs on the subject and I needn't go into them any further tonight.

In the past, I have always taken your posts of babies (especially those being held) to mean that you are my baby and vice versa. I hope I have been making the right interpretation all this time, and I think I have. So does your post just now, from a little while ago, indicate the same thing? I hope so.

I am just getting back, so I am gonna have a snack real quick, and then I will write some more in a few minutes, around 11 or 11:15 as usual. Be right back........

11:10pm: One thing I wanna say, having seen your post last night, is that I am sorry to hear that your friend Brian suffers from Crohn's. My foreman from back in the MGM days had that, and I know it's gotta be pretty tough to deal with. Brian seems like a good guy, and I know he loves film. I hope he can minimize and maybe even eliminate his symptoms.

Well, here I am. You see, I am at a disadvantage because I am way out here in Los Angeles, so I don't know who's who. As the old baseball saying goes, "You can't tell the players without a scorecard". And I don't have any direct communication to go by, which we know because we've been through this before. I don't know what happened in the Fall of 2012 to cause direct communication to stop, but it must have been pretty severe. I mean, I can imagine, as I've said before. Those Myspace blogs, if parents read 'em, could have indeed been shocking. But the thing is, if parents (or anybody else) ever met me, they would see that I am a fairly straight arrow. They might even be surprised that I am fairly conservative myself, though in a moderate way. There is my age, of course, but you know what? Screw that. I come from the beginning of the rock n' roll era. I keep myself in shape. I can't stop the world from turning, and I can't stop gravity, but I am younger in spirit than most, and that includes people younger than me, lol.

Still, looking at the other side of it, if I were a parent, or friend, I might be : "Hey, what're you doing talking to that guy! He's 54"!

That's the way I would be, if I were a parent. No doubt about it.

But then, we live in an interesting world, and while you can indeed make generalisations about people, there are also people who do not fit into molds. I am one of those people. I am older, but I was born into the era of The Beatles. Paul McCartney is 71 years old and still playing stadiums and three hour shows. So this is the mentality and energy of my generation.

I could write about so many things, from so many angles, but I get distracted by emotion. You and I have different social makeups. You are ultra-gregarious, I am one-on-one. All of that is no big deal, but the only thing that gets my radar up is..........certain guys.

If a guy is a Certain Guy, it doesn't make him a bad guy. It just makes him a Guy I Have Noticed. As I have said, I notice things. I comes from a lifetime of being in the World, with all these people, lol. I am connected to and very intimately in touch with my emotional radar, and so, if there is a girl I am in love with, I can see what I will call a Certain Type Of Guy coming from a mile away.

Again, it doesn't mean he is a bad guy. Just a guy who likes my girl a lot. And so that gets my radar up, and I never fail to notice it.

You - being the girl in question - may not see it the same way, especially because of your social outlook (see Sagittarius).

But I see it, and so I just mention it, just because I don't wanna compete with a lot of these guys. I don't want you to change your nature, and you should not have to. It's your life. It's just that I am not an aggressive person, and so if a guy comes along who is pushing for something, I will have a tendency to step aside and say, "You Win", and then let the girl sort it out. I am a one-on-one person, in the relationship sense. If I were married, I would not have a lot of husbands-and-wives type parties. I would never be an "office party" type of guy, because I have seen what happens. Everybody is in competition. Everybody wants to chat everybody else up. Everybody wants everybody else's girl, everybody wants everybody else's guy, everybody wants to be in competiton.

This is why marriage is going down the tubes. And when marriage goes down the tubes, families will go down the tubes. And when that happens, goodbye society. You see, I really am fairly conservative, which means traditonal. And traditional means "what works".

So, my Girl, that is enough expoundature for this evening. I like your post from earlier this evening. Please try to see things from my point of view if you can. Don't change a thing. Keep being you. But please remember that I have a lot of experience, and I have my radar, and I see things.

People are good guys, so it's not that. It's just that I am looking out for your best interests, and I love you from the heart.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Just To Say Hi

Hi Elizabeth,

I am home. I just wanted to say that I haven't posted because I know you are preparing for your screening and I didn't wanna distract you in any way, but I did want to post now, just to say hi and because by not posting for an extended period, it just creates tension and possibly makes it look like I was mad, which I was not and am not.

Anyway, just to let you know that I am here. :)


Monday, May 26, 2014

It's Just Me, As You Might Guess (I'm Only Human) (walk) (late night rambling)

Hi Elizabeth,

I am just getting home, kind of a long day today, but I did attend a very moving memorial service at Pioneer Cemetery. There was a Vietnam vet there who gave a very powerful speech. I also stopped by the Greek Festival for my annual tour of their beautiful church. And this morn, I began the day by taking Pearl and Kobedoggie to Lake Balboa. It was pretty hot today. I hope your day was good. :)

Well, you know as I sometimes say, I am only human. Ah, the foibles of human nature, right? And I have plenty of foibles! So, I was having a pretty good day yesterday, but then I got confused again. Knowing me as you do, I am sure you can guess why. Now, before I go any further, I ask - because of the lack of voice inflection and facial expression in textual conversation - that you read this in a spirit of good-natured........hmmm, what to call it? about Good-Natured Resignation? Resignation as in a kind of "sigh" in recognition of not only the subject matter, but my own foibles as well. "Sigh", as in "oh brother, here goes Adam again".......It's a sigh, but not one of exasperation. Just a good natured sigh. So that's the spirit this is in.

First of all, congratulations on your musical collaboration. I am glad to hear you are still singing! And, as I say with all your projects, I always look forward to seeing or hearing them, if you choose to post. In this case, I imagine your friend will post. But that brings me to the crux of the matter, which as I am well aware is one of my main foibles.

Remember now, this is just a good natured question. This guy Johann, is he your boyfriend? Or, is the situation headed in that direction? I ask because our communication has changed quite a bit in the last several months. I know some of that has to do with school and general busy-ness of life, and also because of the way in which we communicate; it's one-sided as far as writing the words go. I do all of that, and as I have noted many times, I can't keep it fresh and interesting all the time since it is not two-way. That is no comment on you (or me), it's just the way it is, and also as I say, I know you've had one heck of a busy schedule.

But to get back to my question, I've mentioned Johann once before. I am a Noticer Of Things (it's my nature, just the way my brain works), and I guess it was about last Fall I noticed that he was popping up in every post you made, with the "like" button. I figured he was a fan. You had others like that. I just figured "he's a guy who just saw the Autre Temps video, and now he's on board". Is he from Germany? I say that because of his name. Anyhow, then a few months ago, I saw a post that seemed to indicate you knew him. No problem there, of course. Can't remember the post, it was probably music related. But still, he was popping up in every post, very often the first person to hit the "like" button (yeah, I realise it sounds childish of me to notice such a thing), but what one notices - when one loves Elizabeth! (me) - is that when another guy is hitting the like button with that much frequency, and that rapidly when she posts, is that "this guy seems to like Elizabeth, too". Anybody, male or female, would notice such a thing if they were in my position. I think I remarked about all this several months ago when I mentioned him the one other time.

But I just figured, "he's one of these guys from Europe who saw the video and is a fan".

Well, I thought that until yesterday, and then I got confused again. Super-confused this time, because of the different factors involved. First, I had thought he's from Germany or Europe, so I thought, "wow, if he came all the way to America to see Elizabeth.........yikes". I figured I was toast, y'know? I made an assumption because in the pic he posted on your FB, it said that he "came to Madison to record vocals". So I thought, "well, there are plenty of places to record vocals. He obviously came to Madison because he wanted to record Elizabeth's vocals". He wanted to work with you, which is awesome. And whether he came from Germany or wherever, that is quite a compliment to you.

But, and again please keep in mind the good-natured intent of all of this, because of the way in which our own conversation has changed, and it really has changed quite a bit since the days of Sam Cooke and Eric Whitacre, that is why I ask if he is your boyfriend, or if things are heading in that direction.

I ask because as I have said many times, it is hard for me to know where I stand. You see, in my heart I am coming from the days of Sam Cooke and Eric Whitacre, and from everything that happened in the amazing Spring of 2012, and Winter of 2013. That's where my heart still is located. But then I can't help but notice that our communication has dwindled quite a bit, and I sometimes wonder if I am posting things that are no longer wanted. I mean, mostly I communicate through these blogs (which I assume you still read), but I also post my songs and a ":):)" here and there. But when Johann pops up out of the blue, in person no less, I wonder if I am making a fool out of myself with my posts. If he wanted to collaborate with you, that is obviously something that is planned in advance, and again, my heart is still living in the land of Cooke and Whitacre, when our communication was straight-to-the-heart. But this collaboration, I wasn't even aware of until it happened. And this is a guy who clearly likes you very much. He travelled to your town to work with you, but obviously he likes you, too. I know, because I am a guy and I have been through things.

Now, of course your life is your life, and you can do whatever you want. You don't need me to tell you that. But I just ask, in all fairness to myself, too (cause I'm only a human being), if you could clarify for me what is going on. I would really appreciate it, cause even though I'm way over here, 2000 miles away, I really have given this my best effort, every day for over two years. I really have, and because there was once a time of Cooke and Whitacre, and great communication, my heart and sensibilities have continued to dwell there. I still love you as I always have, and I support you in all that you do. I have hoped that one day you will want to communicate directly once again, but I have been more than willing to do that on your timetable, when you are comfortable with it.

But it all depends on how you feel. How you feel about me, how you feel about Johan, etc. I just feel I needed to ask, because of the drop in our communication in recent months, and the fact that I only just discovered that Johann was not just a fan from somewhere out there on the Internet, but he was someone you know, who now seems to be a part of your life. I don't mean to jump to conclusions, and I hope I am not doing so. Perhaps he's just a friend, I have no idea. But I ask for the aforementioned reasons that I can see he likes you, and he travelled to see you, and I am far away, with my heart in the same place it's always been, but not knowing where I stand or what, if anything, has changed.

Please let me know?

You are awesome, Elizabeth, and you know that I love you, now and always.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

9:40pm : Just to say that I am gonna go for my walk now, so I'll be back here about 10:45 or so.  :)

11:10pm : I am back and I see your two posts relating to the Student Cinema Showcase. You usually don't post at this time of night, so maybe you meant them for me? If so, I would guess that you mean you are busy with your film, and/or focusing on the upcoming showcase. Or maybe you are naturally excited about the showcase and didn't mean those posts in particular for me. But because I wrote what I wrote, and because you normally don't post late at night, I will guess that you meant them for me, and that the posts mean that, right now, you are busy with your film and excited about the showcase.

I am only even guessing that you read this blog, because ever since April, it shows zero stats on the main stat counter page, as in individual page views. Zero hits for individual blogs since April. But, on the overall stat counter, it averages 1 to 3 "page views" a day. So I dunno. But I am guessing you read at least tonight's blog.

If you are busy, no worries. Elizabeth, the last thing in the world I want to be is the proverbial Older Guy On The Internet, haranguing away with my opinions or what is right and wrong, et al. Please know that I am very hip in that regard. I understand young people because I am a Young People who just happens to be a few years older than the others. I very much understand about life, at least from my own perspective. And so because I understand, I am understanding.

Elizabeth, if you have gotten anything positive, or useful, in all the words I've written, then I have been blessed in a huge way. I want you to have an awesome life, in all the ways we have talked about, great and small. I do not want to constrain you, nor make you feel obligated to read or respond to me in any way.

I only want you to read or respond if you feel like doing so. If it is in your heart.

Now wait just a minute. Me to self: "shut up, Ad. You're overstating the case". And I am......

I am just trying to interpret your posts from a little while ago, if they were meant for me to interpret.

The thing is, I do love you, and I want to be here for you, and yet I am also aware of all that is going on. You have a ton of stuff going on right now.

It's just that I am also aware of the way human connections are established, and the interworkings inside those connections. Because of my life, and because of my makeup, and astrology, etc (my psi, in short), I get a feel for things - big picture down to minute details - that I have learned to rely on for accuracy. This trust in my intuition has helped me live my life, and I am not certain I'd be here without it.

What I am trying to say is that I understand all aspects of most any situation, and I most certainly never would use that understanding to do harm or cause bad vibes in any way. I am the opposite of that.

So, I will stand by for now, but I still hope you can answer my initial questions of this blog, just cause I don't want to get in the way if you have a new situation in your life.

Said with love and in good faith.  :)

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happy Me!

My Baby,

There you are! I was worried. Confused, too, but forget all that right now. I am just happy to see you post something, and I hope all is well and that you are enjoying your holiday weekend. The Agalloch album is killer! So much going on inside the music. Just a few weeks til you see 'em.

Well, Elizabeth, I am very relieved right now. I am at Pearl's, and about to take the Kobester to CSUN, but I just wanted you to know how glad I am to see you post something, and that when you are happy, I am happy.  :):)

I Love You! I will be back in a little while.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):) !!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Hi :)

Good Evening Nice Lady,

I am guessing you may be on a road trip for Memorial Day weekend. Wherever you are, I hope you are having a blast, and I wanted to say hi. I sure do miss you! I had a nice day, though busy, driving to Glendale to see my sister Sophie. Well, that is all for now.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxo :):)

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Good Evening, Talented Lady,

I just wanted to say congratulations on having your film chosen again, to be shown as part of that program at the Madison Library. I saw the posting on your FB. :) You are really getting some notice for your work and I think that's great, so I wanted to say so. Remember, you are an all-around filmmaker now, so make sure and think of yourself as one. :)

I got my Agalloch CD in the mail today. After one listen, boy, there is a lot going on with this record. Some stuff sounds very Agalloch, like the first album, and some other stuff, especially some of the lead breaks, sound very 70s, ala a band like Wishbone Ash or even UFO. Really different components for Agalloch. The vocals are awesome throughout, and there is some absolutely shredding guitar at the end of the instrumental song near the end of the album. Incredible stuff from Don Anderson. I also like the classical guitar interludes. Once I get this record absorbed into my system, I think it will be up there with their best, although with Agalloch, almost all their stuff qualifies.....

You will be seeing them in just a few weeks, hopefully they will play much of the new one, including that shredding instrumental!

I hope all is going well, and it sounds like it is. I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Just To Say Hi

Hi Elizabeth,

Sorry I am posting so late. It was just a typical day, with nothing to report except for my trip up to Placerita, which I put on FB. But I did wanna check in to say hi and see how you are doing. I know you are probably busy with projects and fun stuff as Summer begins. I just haven't been writing on as regular of a schedule because you haven't been on FB as much, or posting as much. So, it's the usual case of me not having anything to respond to and not wanting to be boring with the same old details.

Anyhow, it was a good day, with a nice walk in the canyon. I hope your day was good, too. With my job being seven days, I'm just kind of on automatic pilot as far as a schedule is concerned. Everything else I just intuit or observe. I am like you in that way, very much is cerebral, just processing thoughts and information, and reacting to the energy that is generated. When you are very cerebral, you can almost communicate in your head, lol, because you are so connected to all the input of thoughts and the connection with the other person, in this case me and you.  :):)

But it's all good, and I know you are just starting to enjoy your Summer and have a lot going on, what with just finishing school and all. For now, I will follow your lead.

Sweet Dreams. I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fountains (Nocturnes)

Good Evening, my Baby,

I'm home. I saw your post while at Pearl's. Unfortunately, I know nothing of back-up systems, but you - being a computer genius - will certainly figure it out and fix it. :) I do know of chocolate, however, and I would certainly love to participate/partake in your Chocolate Fountain! I don't know exactly what it is; is it an event? Or is it literally a Fountain Of Chocolate that one can drink from? Better, even, than The Fountain Of Youth! Calling Ponce de Leon : "Yeah, but did you locate the Fountain Of Chocolate"?

I'd like to go in search of it.  :):)

I came up with something similar when I was a little kid. There used to be a chocolate syrup you could buy in the market called "Bosco". It was similar to the Hershey's Syrup that comes in a can (and also totally rules the world). Anyhow, when I was small, I told my parents that I wanted a special faucet. Instead of Hot and Cold, I wanted one tap to turn on milk, and the other one to turn on Bosco, so I could make my own chocolate milk anytime I wanted it. That was my version of a Chocolate Fountain.......

And yours sounds awesome, as you say. :)

I hope you had a great day. Mine was a lot of driving around, but I was listening to my Spirit album "The 12 Dreams Of Dr. Sardonicus", which I was reminded of because of the Led Zeppelin lawsuit that's in the news. It still sounds great after almost 45 years, and it made the traffic much less noticeable. I am also liking that Real Estate album a lot. Kinda shoegazy.

Well, that's all for now. Usual walk schedule : here till 8:30, then walk, then back.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox(subliminalchocolatefountainmessage)xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:20pm : I'm listening to the John Field nocturnes. His style was simple but very moving. He invented the nocturne and then Chopin really developed it. My most favorite are the ones by Faure, but I like the nocturnes of all three composers. I like the feel and rhythm of a nocturne at bedtime, and the tones of the piano and the way it speaks, quietly but with eloquence.

I am thinking about you and hope you had a nice day.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Monday, May 19, 2014

I Like 'Em

Good Evening, Beautiful & Funny Lady,

I am home, and I just wanted to say that I like your pictures! I thought it better to say so here instead of on FB, since they were Tina's pics. But I do like 'em, and I am glad you have such nice friends. I guess the pics are school related. I hope your week is off to a good start. It is a lovely evening here, so I may go for my walk while it is still light out, in search of a picture or two. A regular day, took Pearl & Kobedoggie to the park. Back at the usual time.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Bluebirds :):) (Movies & Love)

Good Evening, Sweet Baby,

I am just getting home from Pearl's. Back on the job after my short break. It is a beautiful day, not as hot as it was, so I am gonna go for my walk early. My friend Dave is gonna meet me at CSUN, with his daughter ala the last couple weekends. We will walk down to the duck pond as usual.

I have to say that I loved the Bluebird of Happiness this morning. What a nice message and picture to awaken to! I wish you Blessings Of Happiness, too - now and every day. :) And, I would love to see a real Bluebird. We have Blue Jays, and they are pretty too, but I have yet to see a Bluebird.

I hope you had a great day. I had my second sleep-in, so I am feeling good. I will go meet those guys now and then be back later at the usual time.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:20pm: Just browsing movies on Amazon. I came across one I saw way back in 1977 called "The Shout", a really weird, mesmerising film about a mentally ill man who uses mind control, learned from Aborigines, on a couple he moves in with. There was a period in the mid-70s when there were some really interesting films coming out of England and Australia, like "The Last Wave" and "The Wicker Man", which you've probably heard of and maybe even have seen. Now, I don't mean the remake with Nicholas Cage. That was really bad. I mean the original from 1973, and the Wicker Man of the title is where they got the idea for The Burning Man of the rock festival of the same name. All three of the films I mentioned are what I would call "quietly mysterious", and yet all are very scary! Not in a horror film way, however.

I hope you had a great day. You must have graduated by now, but maybe your commencement is still coming up. It'll be a great week, in any event. Sweet Dreams!

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

An Awesome Life, Day By Day (Late Night Love)

Good Morning, Sweet Baby,

It's afternoon for you, just before noon for me. I didn't wake up til 10am. Man, there is nothing like feeling fully rested. I saw your post this morning, and I guess you might mean the photographer's words to apply to you, as well. I'll bet it feels very emotional to be graduating, and at the culmination of your educational career. And it has been a career, because it is what you have done for so very long, and because you have applied yourself with such focus and dedication. Like any career, there were probably things you liked about it, and some you didn't like as much, but also there must have been things you loved about it. Maybe even things you loved that you didn't realize at the time, but now, in looking back, you do.

I went through school, though I hardly applied myself and did not have the educational career that you have had. Still, I know what it was like to be all done with school. For me, there was a feeling of "what am I gonna do now"? There was a lot of anxiety for me at that time.

I know also that you have made a lot of friends at school. I would say, and I really mean this, "don't worry about a thing". :)

Just take things one day at a time, as the old saying goes. You will still see all your friends. Some more often, perhaps, and some less often, maybe once in a while, but it will happen gradually and naturally. And in these days of Facebook, you know you'll never really lose anybody who wants to keep in touch.

Don't worry about a thing. Don't worry about what you're gonna do next, because you are already doing it. Day by day, you are living your life. That's what you have always been doing, and that's what you are gonna do next! Things will present themselves, opportunities will pop up. This is all the stuff we've talked about from time to time. It can sound simplistic, but it's really not. Just live your life, every day. Life is days and hours and moments.

You are already in that mindset, Elizabeth, and so - where I would have said in the past: "You are gonna have a great life"! - I now say: "You are already having it"! And I say that because I can see, from the sidelines (and from my own experience) that you have the ability to live life in the moment, and to appreciate the days, hours and moments.

School may be over, but the University is still nearby, your friends are right there, everything is in place. So just let things unfold, slowly, with no pressure. You still have Italy coming up, too, and you have all the support of everyone who loves you: your family, your friends.......

....and me! :):)

One thing I know for sure, today is an awesome day. I got to sleep in, and in a little while I might drive up to the Pioneer Cemetery. Yeah, I know - only I would drive to a cemetery on my day off, haha. But this is the oldest cemetery in the San Fernando Valley, dating back to the "Pioneer" days (hence the name), and it's more of a cultural artifact than a "working" cemetery nowdays. Nobody has been buried there for decades, and it's only open one day a month, the third Saturday, which just happens to be today. And, I've never been there. So, I may drive up to Sylmar. It's about 10 miles away, near The Nethercutt Auto Museum.

Anyway, I just wanted to say I Love You, and I hope you have a fantastic day. Your Summer is gonna be awesome, and so is everything else. Day by day by day.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a bit)

9:20pm : I got all screwed up in my schedule which is why I didn't post a song at the usual time. Sorry about that. I was watching a movie earlier, then went out for a late walk, and when I got back I realized : "Aww man, I missed my song"! So I got it backwards, with the nightly piano piece first. I've said it before, but it's weird to have a day off because then, no matter how many days I've been working and adhering to my schedule, I seem to immediately revert to my own natural biorhythms and my tendency to naturally awaken about 9am (today was an exception because I was exhausted) and to stay up a little later, like 1 to 2am.

Getting a full night's sleep is a rare thing for me, so when it happens, my body instantly reverts.

The movie I watched was great, "Our Man In Havana" with Sir Alec Guinness. He made a series of very sophisticated comedies in the late 1950s, like "Kind Hearts And Coronets" and this film tonight, that just aren't made anymore. Alec Guiness was really one of the most talented people in the history of the movies. He did everything from "Kind Hearts", in which he played 8 different roles!, to serious military drama in "Bridges At Toko-Ri", to one of the biggest roles in one of the biggest pictures of all time, "Star Wars". I really enjoyed finding this dvd at Northridge Library this evening, as I hadn't even heard of the film before.

I did drive up to Pioneer Cemetery this afternoon, but it was closed. There was a maintainence crew on the grounds, but it was not open to the public. I had based my info (3rd Saturday of the month) on a website that I just now see was last updated in 2003! So, when I got there, a sign said that it is open for regularly scheduled docent tours, and it will also be open on Memorial Day. So maybe I will go back then. It is not a big cemetery, really just the size of a large residential plot. And it is kind of sparse. Not many headstones. They are spaced very far apart. But, the place was subject to a lot of vandalism in the 1960s and 70s, before it was adopted by the San Fernando Valley Historical Society. At any rate, I will go back.

I hope you had a nice day. I will sleep in tomorrow, and then be back on regular schedule as of 1pm, when I pick Pearl up from church.

I Love You, Elizabeth.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Friday, May 16, 2014

Happy Friday

Good Evening, my Darling,

Happy Friday evening, and TGIF. It's TGIF for me, too, because I have a day and a half off as of now, which means the all-important Two Sleep-Ins! Oh boy! I know I keep saying this, but you have gotta be all done with finals by now, right? So maybe you are attending a commencement ceremony, or you will be soon. I hope you are enjoying your Friday night and celebrating all your hard work and accomplishments of your academic career. I know it's not quite done yet, and you still have Italy to look forward to, but you certainly have a lot to be proud of. :)

I'm gonna do the usual and stay home until later. It was another very hot day. I'm sure glad I don't live in San Diego, where all the fires are. That looks positively hellish. The temperature is supposed to cool down in a couple days, but for tonight I will do all my mileage after 8:30 or so. Gonna hang around and browse Amazon and Criterion Collection, see what I can find. I had to order my Agalloch CD direct from Profound Lore, as Amazon did not have it in stock. I thought it would cost an arm and a leg (17.50 or 20 bucks) because when you order from an indie lable, they usually charge more for the product and especially shipping than a major outlet like Amazon. But, it was rock-bottom cheap: only $11.99 total, including shipping! So it's on it's way and I can't wait to hear it. This time, on this tour, you get to see them and I don't. They aren't playing here in L.A. But, I did get to see them last.......when was it........September? I think so. And I am glad you get to see them this time around. :)

So that's all I know for the moment. I'll be here for the time being, then walk, then back. I Love You!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Staying Inside (xoxoxoxoxoxo)

Good Afternoon, Sweet Baby,

I am home after picking Pearl up from the hair salon. Still cookin' outside, so I'm just gonna stay in here with the air conditioner on. I liked the picture this morning and I agree with the photographer - it looks like a landscape from the South, perhaps the swamps of Louisiana. I love forest scenes, overgrowth, nature when it is untouched and even crumbling! I like the way the air can feel in different spots when you are out in a forest or park. That's how it is at Corriganville, different feels from one spot to the next, each spot is it's own little organism.

I hope you are having a great day. I'll be around for most of the rest of the day, here or at Pearl's. Not gonna go anywhere until this evening's walk.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :))

(back in a bit)

11:50pm : It's late, but I wanted to say goodnight and wish you sweet dreams, and best wishes on any remaining finals. :)

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Scorchin' (sweet dreams)

Good Evening, my Darling,

Does your post (Kyle Cushman) mean that you are all done, too? If so, huge congratulations! Even if not, it can only be another day or two. So congrats are in order either way! Now, will you be attending a graduation ceremony? I ask because you still have Italy coming up. Well, I am sure I'll get it all figured out one way or another. :) Pretty awesome, eh?

Another super-hot one here today. Blast furnace hot and dry. I did drive out to Corriganville anyway, while Pearl was at her Women's Club meeting, just because I missed the place and I wanted to see if I could find a good picture opportunity or two. I had the whole place almost to myself, but I stayed in the shady areas near the trees. I would've gotten baked on the trails. But it was great to be back there, my first visit since last November. I love looking for patterns of light and shade. The place has such a feel.

Usual schedule for tonight, and so I'll be here till 8:30, then back at the usual time. I Love You!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)  and again, congratulations on all your hard work. :)

11:35pm: Just to wish you sweet dreams.........hope you had a nice evening.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday Evening Love (xoxoxoxo) (Flawless)

Good Evening, my Baby,

You are probably still working on finals. I am just getting home, nothing major to report. Another hot day, so I will do my entire walk a little later, just like last night. They say it's gonna be hot all week, so maybe Summer is here for us. Last year we had a mild Summer, between 80 and 85 most days. But this is shaping up to be a hot one.

I just wanted to check in and say hi, see how you are doing. I'm thinkin' aboutcha.  :)

Gotta stop by the store on my walk, get some lettuce and a few veggies. I'll be back at the usual time.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:35pm : Just to check in and say goodnight. I hope finals are going well. I will see you in the morning.

xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:45pm : Ahh, I see you are still awake. And, you are always flawless. When you awake, all during the day, and when you are sleeping. :)

I Love You, Elizabeth. :):)

Monday, May 12, 2014

A Hot Day, but Nice :):)

Good Evening, Sweet Baby,

I am home. It was a hot one here today, so I mostly just stayed inside. I guess you will be finishing up your exams this week, so you probably still have some studying and writing to do. I saw your post (Nhor) this noon, and I figured that maybe it meant you will be going on a nature vacation like I mentioned last night. Either that, or you just liked the photograph. :) But, I know you've gone on short nature vacations right after school let out, last year and I think the year before, too. Last year you went to the Mississippi River, too.

Well, I didn't do any of my walk this afternoon, so I've gotta do it all tonight, but I will wait till the usual time just to let it cool down a bit outside. I'll be here til about 8:30, and then back at the usual time.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day! (A Nice Lunch) (You Are All Done!)

Good Morning, my Baby,

Happy Mother's Day to your Mom. I hope you guys have a nice day, you and your family. My sister Vickie and her husband Nick are gonna come over at 1pm, and we will take Pearl out for lunch, after church. Did you have a good screening last night?

Well, I just wanted to say hi and wish you a great day with your Mom. I will be on a normal Sunday schedule, more or less. I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

6:55pm : I'm just getting home. Pearl and I had a very nice day with Vickie and Nick. We went to The Great Wall for lunch, ate tons of food, drank a couple Tsing Tao beers (except for Pearl), had green tea too. Just an incredible amount of food. We were there for two hours. Then we came back and everybody was beached, so we had to give Kobedoggie a rain check on his trip to the park, which he can cash in tomorrow.

I hope you guys had a nice day too. I will relax a while, then walk off some of the day's calories!

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back later)

11:20pm : Tired, and still full, lol. I usually eat fairly light, and kind of on a regimen (i.e. the legendary No Fun Diet), so I'm not used to such a major-league feast, but it was fun, and a nice get-together for Pearl, which is the important thing.

As for are all done with classes! That must feel a bit strange, or at least it will start to sink in that way. But, it'll be a good kind of strange. And so Summer is officially here for you, maybe after a few finals.

I don't know what you've got planned next, but make sure you take some You Time, just to relax and take stock of things. I hope you get to take another family vacation to one of your Special Places, too, like you have done the last couple years, to the lake and the place with the sideways trees.

I am at the end of a work cycle, so at the end of the week I will have a couple days off. And on Wednesday, while Pearl is at her Reseda Women's Club meeting, I may try to drive out to Newhall to visit the Gene Vincent gravesite, which I've been meaning to do for a while now. I've gotta do some road trips and get that camera warmed up......

Well, that's all for now. It was a nice Mother's Day, and I guess it was for you, too.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saturday Night At The Movies

Good Evening, my Talented Filmmaker Darling,

I hope your screening was a success! I know your film was shown at 7pm, so that was a while ago, but you may still be at the event, or hanging out with friends afterwards. But I hope you did good. How could you not, I say! I just got home a few minutes ago, so I am gonna chill until about 8pm, then my friend Dave is coming over again for another walk. Dunno if he's bringing his daughter with him again, but we will probably head down to the duck pond, just like last week.

Then I will be back at the usual time, as always. Let me know how things went, if you get a chance. :)

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Quite An Accomplishment (Sweet Dreams)

Happy Friday Evening, my Darling,

Congratulations on being all done with school, except for maybe turning in some exams. Wow. That's quite an accomplishment, Elizabeth, because you have been going to school for, what?, about sixteen years straight? And, you have always pushed yourself to excel, so it's been a lot of work, and you have done and accomplished a lot.

That is awesome, and You did it! I hope you are celebrating in some way or another. And, just in general I hope you are enjoying the start of your weekend.

We took The Kobester to Lake Balboa this morn. It was a beautiful day, lots of ducks and geese about. Now I will relax for a while, then the usual. I am all out of movies to watch, and there is nothing at Redbox, so I am gonna browse the Criterion selection to see if I can find anything.

I will be back later at the usual time. Live it up, girl, you've earned it!

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:25pm : Just wanted to wish you Sweet Dreams. Tomorrow will be an excellent day, and your screening will be a success - good exposure for you. I will see you in the morning and you know I love you.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday Morning Love (Congratulations On Good Work!) (Eternal)

Good Morning, my Darling,

I'm on a break while Pearl is at the hair salon, so I wanted to say hi. I hope your last few classes are going well. You are probably pretty excited to be done! Sorry I missed last night, but it was just an ordinary day. Tonight is the final movie for this semester's Cinematheque series. We will see Ray's "The Stranger", yet another one I haven't seen. He was mostly new to me as a director. Now I have seen 14 of his films and I think he's one of the greats, certainly. It is such a blessing to have this campus theater so close by, and that it is open to the public.

I will be here for about an hour, then back to pick up Pearl at 1pm.

Enjoy your early afternoon and have a blast as school finishes up! I Love You.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

2:40pm : I just wanted to add huge congratulations on your documentary being selected for the Arts Showcase. You have a natural talent for film, both still and motion picture, and now that talent is being noticed and acknowledged. Now, when it says that "two 30 minute films" will be screened, does that mean a complilation of many shorter works, shown in 30 minute increments, or does that mean that only two works were chosen, and each is 30 minutes long? If it's the latter, that's especially impressive, but either way it's quite an honor, with there being so many film students nowdays. Good work, Elizabeth! I'd like to see your documentary, so I hope you can post it eventually. Now, continue having a great day. The hairdresser took extra long with Pearl, so I am just now getting back, but I'll be around until 6:30 on one computer or the other.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:20pm : Well, that's it for the Satyajit Ray series, one of the best we've seen I think. His films aren't grand motion pictures in the sense of sweeping epics, but they are so humanistic that you come away from a Ray retrospective thinking him to be one of the great directors in the history of cinema. There is no one like him, and several of his films - "Pather Panchali", "The Music Room", "The World Of Apu" - are masterpieces, and so many others are excellent as well. I'd put tonight's film, "The Stranger" right up there, too.

Again, congrats on your documentary. That is fantastic, Elizabeth. And you are right about the weird feeling that you were "just a freshman" about five minutes ago. Where did the time go? Wow......

But you know, I have had the good fortune to be watching on the sidelines, and I have seen your progress through the last two and a half years of your college career, and it has been a steady progression towards bringing out the Artist inside of you.

I like the Taya Iv post about "cringing" at early work yet recognising the burgeoning genius, though I must say, you have nothing to cringe at. She talks about writing in her post, and maybe you meant photography, or just art in general (unless you are doing some writing), but anyway, every artist starts somewhere.

All art is about feeling. The nuance of emotion, and the outward projection of the complexities of those nuances, are what art is all about.

In 2006, I undertook to write a book about an experience in my life. "Write a book". Wait a minute! I am not an author, I basically failed or did poorly in every English class I ever had because I can't tell you an adverb from a dangling participle. So...."write a book"?

Well, I did it because I had to. And, I had the advantage of a lifetime of reading as my teacher. Much better than any English class, haha. Now, my first effort - the first draft - was all over the place. I wound up with 800 pages of material. In my second draft I pared it down to 600 pages, and I got better at sentence construction. Eventually (when I am not working seven days a week) I will finish it, and make it as word-perfect as I can.

The point is that, It Happens. Art evolves, so long as you Live It. Your art becomes part of your everyday thought, and I don't just mean, "oh, what poem shall I write today"?, or "where shall I go to take a picture"? What I mean - and I am sure I've said this before in different ways - is that It Becomes Your Whole Life.

Not just Your Life, but It Becomes Your Whole Person, and Your Person is bigger than Your Life, because You Are Eternal.

Now, you don't go around all day thinking about Your Eternalness, because that would wipe you out (and get a little pretentious, too, lol), but it is nevertheless a fact, and so what happens as you develop as an artist is that you start to simply accept and know your Eternal Nature, and you realize you have something to say.

It doesn't even matter if you know exactly what it is, just that you Know and Accept it.

Then you develop that quiet confidence that I have mentioned before.

In closing, for tonight, I urge you again to consider Yourself, and Your Art as what is to be concentrated upon. Because you see the world in this way, you have something to project, to relay. It could be anything at any given moment. It exists at all times in your thoughts, so pay attention to them, especially the quick ones that flicker by, all the time, every day.

I Love You, and it has been an amazing two years.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxo  :):)

Sweet Dreams.......

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Italy! :):) (Excellent Photos)

Good Evening, my Darling,

So when are you going to Italy? I ask because I saw your post. I thought it was for Fall semester, but now you are done with school, or at least UW, so maybe it's a seperate school altogether. I'm confused, lol. :)

But, whenever you do go, I wanna come over and sing Italian love songs with you!

I hope you had a good day. Probably a lot of studying if you still have Finals to turn in.

Well, I will be back later, after my walk. I Love You.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:20pm : I see you added some photos to your Flickr page. You chose four excellent shots to emphasize a style. Take a couple minutes and go back and look at those photos, just glancing back and forth between them, and you will see what I mean. You have developed an imprint; your own style.

So go back and look at them, but don't overanalyse. Just absorb. And in that way, you will continue to bring out your imprint - your inner vision. Remember, the camera is just the tool. The photograph is You.

You are an Artist, I had that right from the beginning. :)

I Love You and wish you Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cue Pomp & Circumstance! (xoxoxo)

Hey Awesome College Graduate Lady,

Congratulations! I did not know you were a senior. How weird, indeed! I thought when I met you, when you were still in the dorm at UW, that you were a freshman then. Let's had just turned 19 in November 2011 (I met you in April 2012), which means you would have been still 18 when the Fall 2011 semester began in August or September. Which means also that you would have been about 18 1/2 when the Spring semester let out in May or June of 2011. Were you finishing high school at that time? I know you did some college prep.

Now I'm all confused, lol.  :)

I thought you were Class Of 2015, and that Italy was part of your final year.

Well, huge congratulations in any case! And regarding your comment that it feels weird, yep, it's amazing the way the passage of time works. I always liken it to slow in the day-by-day sense, but fast in the big picture.

It's amazing in any event. Now your Summer will be even more awesome than I originally thought!

I am gonna unwind for a few and then go for my walk about 8:30 or so.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:25pm : I am listening to Scriabin. Tried all day to get a Paul McCartney ticket, but the cheap ones were all gone and the expensive ones were really expensive. Still, there is always the last resort of going down there the night of the show......

Well, this is Day One of a good week. Things are going forward.

I will see you in the morning.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Late Night Love

Good Evening, my Darling,

Sorry I'm checking in so late, but it was really just an ordinary Sunday and there was nothing to report. I saw your post a little while ago, and I guess that maybe you are studying for finals, and/or writing papers. I know it's a lot of work.

Anyway, a low key day for me, shopping, reading and Kobedogging at CSUN. Agalloch just posted a link to NPR where you can listen to the new album. You probably saw it. Some bands - a lot of bands, actually - I will listen to pre-release music, but with my favorite bands I want it to be like it used to be, where you hear maybe one song before the album comes out, but in general you get the album when it comes in the mail (used to be the record store!), and you open it and listen to it then. For me, I like the anticipation factor and the official release date.

Having said that, I will try very hard not to listen to the NPR link for the next ten days or so, haha. ;)

I am having fun listing some movies over at FB. I know a lot of them are older, and some are obscure, but they're all worthwhile. I am trying to come up with my own personal Top Ten, which is just as hard for movies as it is for music. In the past, before the dvd era and access to so many films, I might have said "Exorcist" as my #1, "Taxi Driver" as #2, "Blazing Saddles" as #3, and maybe "Apocalypse Now" as #4.

"Texas Chainsaw Massacre" would have been up there (and still is!). Sorry about that. But only the original movie. The modern remakes are no good.

I'm not sure what else would have been in my previous Top Ten, but now, I'm not sure that any of those films would make the cut. I will have to think about which films are my all time favorites, but as for my FB list, so far I have tried to give an overview of all kinds of movies I have enjoyed in the past ten years or so, and they are all films that I would rank very highly. I will keep going and see how many I can think of.

Well, that's all for today. Everything is good at the moment, if routine. For you, school will soon be out, you will have Aced all your finals, and you will be ready to have a blast all Summer.

Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning. I Love You!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Happy Saturday Evening! (xoxoxo)

Good Evening, my Darling,

I am home from Pearl's and just wanted to say hi. Nothing major today, my sister did not come over so I postponed my shopping until tomorrow, stayed home and watched a great movie from Criterion called "Leon Morin, Priest". It's a French film made in 1960 by a director named Jean Pierre Melville, who directed a lot of excellent films, mostly crime stories, so this one was a departure for him. It's set in a small village during WW2, and concerns a young priest who develops a friendship with an atheistic woman, who then falls in love with him. The story is bigger than that, but it's really an outstanding movie with great performances by Jean-Paul Belmondo and Emmanuel Riva.

No walking this afternoon, too hot, and so I will go for part of it now. I am gonna meet my friend Dave and his daughter (the ones who came with me to the Chatsworth Nature Preserve last month), and we are gonna do a half-CSUN walk. Then I will do the rest later, by myself.

I hope you had a great day, and I will be back later at the usual time. I Love You!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:20pm : I hope all is well, and I'm right here if you need me. I will see you in the morning.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Friday, May 2, 2014

Everything Is Good (You've Got It)

Good Morning, my Darling,

I am home a little later than usual because I took Pearl and Kobi to Lake Balboa. We've been doing our Friday morning dogwalks there for several weeks now, though today it was so hot we didn't stay long. Anyhow, I am back and I see your post. It talks about things not going according to plan, so I don't know if you are referring to your screening, or perhaps something to do with school? Those are my guesses, just because we were talking about the screening and yesterday was the day, and we were also recently talking about how you had planned to go into linguistics, but did not, and in that case the Taya Iv post certainly applies : "Just because it didn't go as planned doesn't mean it went wrong".

If you are referring to your film and/or last night's screening, I thought it took a little while for them to announce the winners? I don't know any more about the situation, and maybe you weren't referring to the film, but even if you were, and things didn't go as planned (for whatever reason), I hope you still had fun making it, and it certainly should have been good experience for you behind the camera.

Like you say, though (via Taya Iv), if it didn't go as planned - whatever it was, film or school or anything else - it doesn't mean it went wrong.

Boy do I know about that, lol. I have had many things not go according to plan, as all humans do, but what I've found out is that, in the long run, everything that happens -planned or not - leads to something awesome in the literal sense of that word. If you pay attention, that is, and I know you do. You know about and pay attention to the Behind The Scenes of things. And you know about the Hugeness of Life. Which is why you are gonna have an awesome life, and in fact you are already living it every day.

Having said all of that, I hope you weren't referring to your film, and that you did have a good screening.

But either way, You Rule, and it's gonna be a great Summer!

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(I'm gonna stay inside until it's time to go back to Pearl's, probably read, maybe watch a movie. It's way too hot for any afternoon excercise, so I'll do it all tonight)

11:20pm : A good day, all in all, even with the heat. In my building, when you come in you can hear all the air conditioners running. It was a good day to stay in, read and write, play guitar. I did get all my exercise done this evening, though. Now I am listening to Wilhelm Kempff....

I hope you had a nice evening as well. School will soon be out, and you will have a chance to do what you like, to have fun, take pictures, see friends. You are very talented, but more than that, you have something very special. And you know you have it. Just keep it close to you, keep it inside and nurture it. Know that it was meant for you. It takes a little while to get a grasp of it, because it's a big thing. But just know that it's all yours, and that it's rare. Few have it, but you are one who does.

I Love You and wish you Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Have A Blast Tonight! :) (Movies & Photography)

Good Afternoon, Awesome Lady,

I'm at home, all done with hair salon errands, so I wanted to wish you best of luck and excellent results for your film screening this evening. I hope you guys win! And, I hope you have a full theater and a lot of fun watching. :)

I will be hanging around here until it's time to head back to Pearl's. Too hot to do my walk now, I'll sandwich it in there somewhere tonight. It's movie night for me, too, of course. Two more Satyajit Ray films to go. Tonight we will see "The Home And The World", another one never before seen by me. It's a long one, almost 2 1/2 hours, so I may be a few minutes later than usual. But it'll be pretty close to 10pm I would imagine, give or take.

Well, two thumbs up in advance for your movie! Have a great screening.

I Love You, Elizabeth.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:10pm : So how'd it go? Good I hope. I saw all your posts, and I especially like the one about cinematography, which can apply to any form of visual art, really. "What makes you different from other cinematographers"? It's exactly that - trusting your inner vision. In your art, and in all technical matters surrounding your art, it is better to always focus inwardly, as if you were the only artist in existence. There is plenty of time to be a fan of other's work, but when you are creating something of your own, it is best to tune every influence out. Ritchie Blackmore once had a great philosophy relating to learning the guitar. He'd had a year of classical lessons to start with, but he said "it's good to have that foundation, to learn the proper fundamentals, but if you keep going that way you never develop an individual sound". So the same is true in visual arts. Always follow yourself.

I noticed something way back, when I was photographing The Meadows building after the quake, and that is that the eye is literally a part of the photographic process, another refractor in the lensing of a picture. This is akin to the system in which guitar notes are produced. The note begins in your mind and emotional system, and it very rapidly travels down your arm, through your fingers and into the body of the guitar, through the fretboard, and a note (or chord) is produced. And while you never want to overthink this process, because it will trip up your playing, you still want to be aware of it - be on top of it - so that you can control it for maximum effect. Art of any kind is all about the maximum effect coming out of You the Artist. It's not about what the audience wants, or what is expected, or what you've been influenced by.

It's all about You. So with your camera, both still and motion picture, always remember that your eye is physically part of the process, which starts in your mind. And in that way, you will imprint your personal signature onto your pictures.

And we've already talked about photographic Feng-Shui and all that. But I find it helpful to really focus inward - get into your own head, in other words - and listen to that quiet, mysterious inner voice when taking pictures. Adjust your frame to make small (even minute) corrections until your Feng-Shui feels perfect......

Photography is really a physical process involving the body, and especially the eye and mind. The camera is merely the tool.

Oh man, now I can't wait to go take some more pics myself!  :)

I am also glad that Russian Circles are gonna play the free show in Chicago. Free Summertime concerts rule! I am hoping we will have some here, too. We usually do, it just depends on whether there will be some good ones, i.e. "ones I like", haha. But you've got Agalloch and Russian Circles coming your way, and no doubt others, too, so it will be a good Summer for music.

I can hardly believe it's May already. Time flies, in the big picture, but in the middle, in the day-by-day part, it goes slow. Kinda weird, I know.....

And that's all I know for today. Except that the Ray movie was really good! A heavy drama with political intrigue. Few actors, much dialogue........but absorbing. And great photography.

I Love You, Elizabeth. I will see you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)