Hi Elizabeth,
I just got home from my walk and I saw your post. More on that in a moment. First, I hope your screening went well, and that the past few days have been as good as possible under the circumstances. I have to say they have been a little difficult for me, just because I did not know what was going on or the status of things. All the reasons why are in my recent blogs on the subject and I needn't go into them any further tonight.
In the past, I have always taken your posts of babies (especially those being held) to mean that you are my baby and vice versa. I hope I have been making the right interpretation all this time, and I think I have. So does your post just now, from a little while ago, indicate the same thing? I hope so.
I am just getting back, so I am gonna have a snack real quick, and then I will write some more in a few minutes, around 11 or 11:15 as usual. Be right back........
11:10pm: One thing I wanna say, having seen your post last night, is that I am sorry to hear that your friend Brian suffers from Crohn's. My foreman from back in the MGM days had that, and I know it's gotta be pretty tough to deal with. Brian seems like a good guy, and I know he loves film. I hope he can minimize and maybe even eliminate his symptoms.
Well, here I am. You see, I am at a disadvantage because I am way out here in Los Angeles, so I don't know who's who. As the old baseball saying goes, "You can't tell the players without a scorecard". And I don't have any direct communication to go by, which we know because we've been through this before. I don't know what happened in the Fall of 2012 to cause direct communication to stop, but it must have been pretty severe. I mean, I can imagine, as I've said before. Those Myspace blogs, if parents read 'em, could have indeed been shocking. But the thing is, if parents (or anybody else) ever met me, they would see that I am a fairly straight arrow. They might even be surprised that I am fairly conservative myself, though in a moderate way. There is my age, of course, but you know what? Screw that. I come from the beginning of the rock n' roll era. I keep myself in shape. I can't stop the world from turning, and I can't stop gravity, but I am younger in spirit than most, and that includes people younger than me, lol.
Still, looking at the other side of it, if I were a parent, or friend, I might be : "Hey, what're you doing talking to that guy! He's 54"!
That's the way I would be, if I were a parent. No doubt about it.
But then, we live in an interesting world, and while you can indeed make generalisations about people, there are also people who do not fit into molds. I am one of those people. I am older, but I was born into the era of The Beatles. Paul McCartney is 71 years old and still playing stadiums and three hour shows. So this is the mentality and energy of my generation.
I could write about so many things, from so many angles, but I get distracted by emotion. You and I have different social makeups. You are ultra-gregarious, I am one-on-one. All of that is no big deal, but the only thing that gets my radar up is..........certain guys.
If a guy is a Certain Guy, it doesn't make him a bad guy. It just makes him a Guy I Have Noticed. As I have said, I notice things. I comes from a lifetime of being in the World, with all these people, lol. I am connected to and very intimately in touch with my emotional radar, and so, if there is a girl I am in love with, I can see what I will call a Certain Type Of Guy coming from a mile away.
Again, it doesn't mean he is a bad guy. Just a guy who likes my girl a lot. And so that gets my radar up, and I never fail to notice it.
You - being the girl in question - may not see it the same way, especially because of your social outlook (see Sagittarius).
But I see it, and so I just mention it, just because I don't wanna compete with a lot of these guys. I don't want you to change your nature, and you should not have to. It's your life. It's just that I am not an aggressive person, and so if a guy comes along who is pushing for something, I will have a tendency to step aside and say, "You Win", and then let the girl sort it out. I am a one-on-one person, in the relationship sense. If I were married, I would not have a lot of husbands-and-wives type parties. I would never be an "office party" type of guy, because I have seen what happens. Everybody is in competition. Everybody wants to chat everybody else up. Everybody wants everybody else's girl, everybody wants everybody else's guy, everybody wants to be in competiton.
This is why marriage is going down the tubes. And when marriage goes down the tubes, families will go down the tubes. And when that happens, goodbye society. You see, I really am fairly conservative, which means traditonal. And traditional means "what works".
So, my Girl, that is enough expoundature for this evening. I like your post from earlier this evening. Please try to see things from my point of view if you can. Don't change a thing. Keep being you. But please remember that I have a lot of experience, and I have my radar, and I see things.
People are good guys, so it's not that. It's just that I am looking out for your best interests, and I love you from the heart.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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