Good Morning, my Darling,
I am home a little later than usual because I took Pearl and Kobi to Lake Balboa. We've been doing our Friday morning dogwalks there for several weeks now, though today it was so hot we didn't stay long. Anyhow, I am back and I see your post. It talks about things not going according to plan, so I don't know if you are referring to your screening, or perhaps something to do with school? Those are my guesses, just because we were talking about the screening and yesterday was the day, and we were also recently talking about how you had planned to go into linguistics, but did not, and in that case the Taya Iv post certainly applies : "Just because it didn't go as planned doesn't mean it went wrong".
If you are referring to your film and/or last night's screening, I thought it took a little while for them to announce the winners? I don't know any more about the situation, and maybe you weren't referring to the film, but even if you were, and things didn't go as planned (for whatever reason), I hope you still had fun making it, and it certainly should have been good experience for you behind the camera.
Like you say, though (via Taya Iv), if it didn't go as planned - whatever it was, film or school or anything else - it doesn't mean it went wrong.
Boy do I know about that, lol. I have had many things not go according to plan, as all humans do, but what I've found out is that, in the long run, everything that happens -planned or not - leads to something awesome in the literal sense of that word. If you pay attention, that is, and I know you do. You know about and pay attention to the Behind The Scenes of things. And you know about the Hugeness of Life. Which is why you are gonna have an awesome life, and in fact you are already living it every day.
Having said all of that, I hope you weren't referring to your film, and that you did have a good screening.
But either way, You Rule, and it's gonna be a great Summer!
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(I'm gonna stay inside until it's time to go back to Pearl's, probably read, maybe watch a movie. It's way too hot for any afternoon excercise, so I'll do it all tonight)
11:20pm : A good day, all in all, even with the heat. In my building, when you come in you can hear all the air conditioners running. It was a good day to stay in, read and write, play guitar. I did get all my exercise done this evening, though. Now I am listening to Wilhelm Kempff....
I hope you had a nice evening as well. School will soon be out, and you will have a chance to do what you like, to have fun, take pictures, see friends. You are very talented, but more than that, you have something very special. And you know you have it. Just keep it close to you, keep it inside and nurture it. Know that it was meant for you. It takes a little while to get a grasp of it, because it's a big thing. But just know that it's all yours, and that it's rare. Few have it, but you are one who does.
I Love You and wish you Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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