Good Evening, my Baby,
I'm home. I saw your post while at Pearl's. Unfortunately, I know nothing of back-up systems, but you - being a computer genius - will certainly figure it out and fix it. :) I do know of chocolate, however, and I would certainly love to participate/partake in your Chocolate Fountain! I don't know exactly what it is; is it an event? Or is it literally a Fountain Of Chocolate that one can drink from? Better, even, than The Fountain Of Youth! Calling Ponce de Leon : "Yeah, but did you locate the Fountain Of Chocolate"?
I'd like to go in search of it. :):)
I came up with something similar when I was a little kid. There used to be a chocolate syrup you could buy in the market called "Bosco". It was similar to the Hershey's Syrup that comes in a can (and also totally rules the world). Anyhow, when I was small, I told my parents that I wanted a special faucet. Instead of Hot and Cold, I wanted one tap to turn on milk, and the other one to turn on Bosco, so I could make my own chocolate milk anytime I wanted it. That was my version of a Chocolate Fountain.......
And yours sounds awesome, as you say. :)
I hope you had a great day. Mine was a lot of driving around, but I was listening to my Spirit album "The 12 Dreams Of Dr. Sardonicus", which I was reminded of because of the Led Zeppelin lawsuit that's in the news. It still sounds great after almost 45 years, and it made the traffic much less noticeable. I am also liking that Real Estate album a lot. Kinda shoegazy.
Well, that's all for now. Usual walk schedule : here till 8:30, then walk, then back.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox(subliminalchocolatefountainmessage)xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:20pm : I'm listening to the John Field nocturnes. His style was simple but very moving. He invented the nocturne and then Chopin really developed it. My most favorite are the ones by Faure, but I like the nocturnes of all three composers. I like the feel and rhythm of a nocturne at bedtime, and the tones of the piano and the way it speaks, quietly but with eloquence.
I am thinking about you and hope you had a nice day.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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