Friday, May 9, 2014

Quite An Accomplishment (Sweet Dreams)

Happy Friday Evening, my Darling,

Congratulations on being all done with school, except for maybe turning in some exams. Wow. That's quite an accomplishment, Elizabeth, because you have been going to school for, what?, about sixteen years straight? And, you have always pushed yourself to excel, so it's been a lot of work, and you have done and accomplished a lot.

That is awesome, and You did it! I hope you are celebrating in some way or another. And, just in general I hope you are enjoying the start of your weekend.

We took The Kobester to Lake Balboa this morn. It was a beautiful day, lots of ducks and geese about. Now I will relax for a while, then the usual. I am all out of movies to watch, and there is nothing at Redbox, so I am gonna browse the Criterion selection to see if I can find anything.

I will be back later at the usual time. Live it up, girl, you've earned it!

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:25pm : Just wanted to wish you Sweet Dreams. Tomorrow will be an excellent day, and your screening will be a success - good exposure for you. I will see you in the morning and you know I love you.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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