Monday, May 12, 2014

A Hot Day, but Nice :):)

Good Evening, Sweet Baby,

I am home. It was a hot one here today, so I mostly just stayed inside. I guess you will be finishing up your exams this week, so you probably still have some studying and writing to do. I saw your post (Nhor) this noon, and I figured that maybe it meant you will be going on a nature vacation like I mentioned last night. Either that, or you just liked the photograph. :) But, I know you've gone on short nature vacations right after school let out, last year and I think the year before, too. Last year you went to the Mississippi River, too.

Well, I didn't do any of my walk this afternoon, so I've gotta do it all tonight, but I will wait till the usual time just to let it cool down a bit outside. I'll be here til about 8:30, and then back at the usual time.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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