Monday, October 12, 2015

Good Work! :)

Good Evening, my Darling,

Great job on the Austaras video! Your use of macro, with a tight focus at the center/softer at the sides, is very effective, ditto your use of lighting techniques , as in the reflections off the cymbal and the backlighting through the curtains silhouetting Johan. Very dramatic, and fitting to the music.

I am guessing you have a few videos coming up, cause it seems like today was a business day, staying in touch with bands that are clients? Betty Rise, James from Versus Me, Austaras. What about the other guy, Tristan? Is he a client, too? He's quite a character, lol........  ;)

So my guess is that you've got a bunch of releases coming up, and then you will have hit the jackpot! Because then your name will be all over the place.  :) What a year, eh?

I am gonna relax for a few, then watch yet another "Walking Dead", then go for my walk. I'll write more back at Pearl's at the usual time. Enjoy the rest of your evening!

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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