Hi, my Darling,
I'm writing from Pearl's, just wanted to check in and say hello before I leave for the CSUN Movie. Tonight it's not actually gonna be a movie, but instead they are gonna show a compilation of TV shows that Welles was involved with in the 1950s. He did it all: radio, film, theater, television. I think we are gonna see three or four half-hour episodes of the various programs, so I should be back at about the usual time.
I think it's great that you went to the show last night. I liked the picture of you guys, and I must say that James has a classic smile. That, and his hair give him a unique look. It's fantastic that you have become their photographer!
I Love You and will see you in just a bit! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12:30am : Happy Late Night, my Darling. All is quiet here at Pearl's, except for the soft sounds of KUSC playing in the background, my night music. I really enjoyed tonight's program at CSUN. We saw three 15 minute episodes of a 1955 BBC show called "Orson Welles' Sketchbook", which were televised monologues by him. Then we saw an episode from another short-lived series called "Around The World With Orson Welles", where he went to a famous bakery in Vienna called Demel. And he pulled it off Orson Welles-style. It is rare at my age where I am still discovering new things to be a fan of, but as of very recently I am a big fan of Orson Welles (which I've probably mentioned a few times, haha).
We also saw another TV program, really weird, called "The Fountain Of Youth" by Welles, and finally, an episode of "I Love Lucy" with Welles as the guest star.
Grimsley was there and we hung out for a few minutes afterwards.
I hope you had a nice evening and I will see you in the morn.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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