Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Love From Home

Good Evening, my Darling,

I am finally home. I was at Pearl's all day today, except for a short half hour to stop here after dropping her off at Golden Agers this morning. The tile guys were at the house putting the new floor in the playroom, so somebody had to be there. I hung out with the Kobedog and read my Travis Walton book. And, the tile guys were very efficient. They got all the tiles in place. Tomorrow they will come back to grout the whole floor and then they'll be done. Probably just a few hours tomorrow.

Congrats on the photo shoot today! I saw James' post, and that's gotta be you doing the pics. :) In fact, you are probably already done, so I'll bet they came out great.

Right now I am halfway paying attention to the debate. I am supporting Hillary. I know Bernie Sanders is the fashionable candidate, and he is well spoken, but he would get crushed in the general election against any Republican. Hillary, on the other hand, will win a general election. And we'll get Bill back, too. So it's win/win.

Usual schedule for me. I am all out of "Walking Dead" episodes at the moment (waiting on the Libe for my next disc), so I will watch one of the few remaining "X-Files".......and go for my walk. Enjoy the rest of your evening! I will be back at Pearl's at the usual time.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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