Good Afternoon, my Darling,
I am at Pearl's and just wanted to say hi, cause it's Thursday and I will be at the movies during the early evening. Tonight we are gonna see Welles' version of "Macbeth". Orson Welles and Shakespeare are a great combination, and I am looking forward to it. :)
I liked your posts this morning! That was some picture your friend Morgin posted. We can consider ourselves the "unmarked" version of that couple, lol. But yes, it was hot stuff in any case.
And I agree with your other FB friend Elizabeth Gadd : October is my favorite month. I think it is for a lot of people. I mean, for me it's close, and if you asked me in July I might say July! And December for the Christmas season. And April for Spring......but overall, I love October for so many reasons - but the main one is Halloween!
Halloween just plain rules. :):) Time to start watching scary movies (wait - don't I do that all the time already?)........well, time to double up then.
I had better get dinner ready, but I will write more when I get back, later tonight.
I Love You! Enjoy your evening. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12:25am : Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby. The Welles version of "Macbeth" was excellent, I thought, very dark looking and although it was all shot on sets, it still has the look of a fantasy. I will probably buy it on dvd, as I am becoming a big Orson Welles fan as well as a newly minted fan of Shakespeare.
I am also gonna try and find obscure or semi-obscure horror & sci-fi movies to post, for my new list. I saw "The Hearse" (definitely obscure!) with Mr. D (the late great Dave Small) when it was released in 1980. It only played about a week or two, and was made by a low budget studio, but me & D always remembered that movie because it was just plain weird as well as scary, mostly for the creepiness of the Hearse itself. As a bonus, it also featured Joseph Cotten - a regular in the films of Orson Welles, though we didn't know that at the time. Anyway........."The Hearse"! Weird, obscure horror movies rule.........
I hope you had a nice evening, and as you can see, James the singer is really digging your photo! He posted it again in a one year comparison of his band's progress, and this time, I really took notice of the angle of your shot, and I can tell that you made a point to frame it as you did, with band at the far left, and huge audience filling the center. Just a terrific shot, and you made James' day, and his band got to play at a big rock festival, and it's all super cool and moving things up and forward.
Tomorrow is Van Halen, so I am excited for that. I will do the usual and drive to the North Hollywood subway station and take the Red Line from there to the Hollywood & Highland station. Then I will walk a few blocks to the Bowl. Should be a blast.
Of course, I will be around at the usual times all day before that, and I will definitely write before I go. More hikes next week, too. :)
That's all I know for tonight, my Darling. Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning.....
I Love You, Elizabeth. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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