Good Afternoon, my Darling,
I'm at home and just checking in to Say Hey. I just now saw your post via Alex Harper, and she is exactly right, lol : we are having a year-round Summer. I haven't had to even put on a sweatshirt yet, and tomorrow the weatherman says it's gonna be 90 degrees for Halloween. But I love it and have no complaints. Maybe even the dreaded L.A. Cold won't make an appearance this year. We are supposed to get rains of biblical proportions (El Nino) starting in December, but they've been wrong about that, too, in the past.
I'm probably the only person who is rooting for the drought (facetiously, of course.....or sort of), but I think we are comfortable here with Endless Summer because it's what we are used to.....
I hope you are having a nice day and getting ready for Halloween. I am gonna head out in a few minutes to do part of my walk, and then also go to the store for bananas and another pumpkin for Pearl's house. We are gonna carve one tonight and one tomorrow.
I will write more in a while. Enjoy your afternoon!
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12:55am : Happy Super Late Night, my Darling. I had a neat experience at CSUN this eve. There is a student building on campus called the Chicano House. It's not far from my apartment, and it's been a meeting place for Latino students for over 40 years. For several years now they've been hosting a Dia de Los Muertos event, and usually it has been on the actual day of that celebration, which is November 1st, and is big in Los Angeles. This year, probably because November 1st falls on Sunday (not a school day) they did it tonight. I met Grimsley over at the Chicano House at 8pm, and we went inside - something I've never done before - and I was floored by the art, the colors, the atmosphere, and the overall reverential yet mysterious celebration of the deceased.
Dia de Los Muertos is the Mexican culture's variant of All Saint's Day, or All Souls Day if you prefer, and I had not experienced this form of art before, in such an up close and personal way. In previous years I'd only ever stopped at the vendor's tents to look at the painted ceramic skulls and other artworks.
It was really something to see, and a great lead-in to tomorrow night.
I am gonna try to go on a hike in the afternoon, as I had such a great Halloween hike last year. Maybe I will go out to Placerita again, or maybe Cave Of Munits here in the Valley. But I will be around all morning and much of the evening, and having fun.
I hope you have a great day tomorrow and an absolute blast tomorrow night.
I will check in before the Trick or Treating begins, and I wish you Sweet Dreams until then.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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