Sunday, October 18, 2015

Late Night October Love

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

I see that you are perhaps still awake, by your recent post (Jane Love). At least it appears as recent on my news ticker. Boy, I sure hope the text in that post doesn't apply! ;) ......and of course I know it doesn't, lol. Maybe Jane Love is a model you'll be working with? I see she is from Chicago, so maybe she is a new subject for an upcoming project.
Today was a day off, though I didn't do anything remarkable. I did sleep in, and then my sister came over at 1pm for shopping, just like in the Olden Days. I hadn't seen Vickie since early August, just before she went to Spain. We had a nice time, though.

This evening, my friend Dave F. came over for a walk, as he often does on Saturday nights. After that, it was "Walking Dead" time, this time with the correct episode.......

Tomorrow morn is church and choir. I hope your day was good, and I like your new cover picture with the lightning over the trees and field. I know you took it last year, but it is a great shot and of course perfect for Halloweentime. Speaking of which, I can't believe I am gonna miss Disneyland Halloweentime again this year.........but I have no one to go with me. I may have to fly you out here.  :)

Disneyland or bust, Sweet Baby.

I Love You and will see you in the morning, before church, and then I'll be back after choir practice around 1pm.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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