Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I haven't seen you around for the last couple days, but I know you had the Ultrea concert last night, and I'm sure "The Force Awakens" was also on your to-do list. :) Or it could just be my FB. Not having a news ticker really sucks, and I never know if "posts You like" is gonna show me anything new or not. But at any rate, I hope you've been enjoying your weekend. I am sure you got a lot of great shots at the concert and had a blast in the process.
I am off until next Saturday, and I've been home all day just chillin', reading and trying to reorganise my cds, to double 'em up on the shelves so I can free up some room and get a lot of books off the floor. I need an extra bookcase, but in The Tiny I don't have enough space. So I've become a master of arrangement instead.
I am looking at Treble and Bass Clef charts to try and familiarise myself with the note progressions. I remembered Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge from music class in junior high (what they now call middle school), and just tonight I remembered F.A.C.E. for the spaces in between. Pretty cool, eh? It won't help me all that much, because at this stage of the game, I will still always learn by memorization rather than identifying each note, and I am getting pretty good at reading the notes as an ascending and descending ladder. But knowing the EGBDF and FACE allows me to look at the music and play the notes on my guitar, and that in turn helps with memorization of some of the more complex lines. We do practice in choir for an hour every Sunday, but it's still easy to forget the counterpart lines and just sing the melody, if you don't memorize your part.
A little bit of rain tonight. Cold, too, but thankfully not freezing. Tomorrow morning I will go to church and practice afterward, and then I'll be home. Looking forward to Christmas week. Post if you get the chance.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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