Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Happy Late Night, my Darling,

Well, once again I see that the reports are all good. I was able to see two posts in the "posts You like" function, and one is of the video clip James posted, presumably shot by you, in which the fans are holding up lights of some kind. Can't tell if they are lighters, but that's usually what is raised at a concert, and especially during a sing-a-long. James seems like a cool guy, and he is rightfully very happy about his tour experience. He, like me, also described it as magical. The only difference is that I would tell him it isn't cheesy to say so!

No, what it is, is totally magical and that's the way it should be described.

I am beyond happy for all of you guys, and that includes the fans, too.

To make people happy with music is one of the greatest things in the world, and conversely, to be in the audience making the band happy with your response is equally great.

When I was about 20, 21, I remember coming out of concerts like Judas Priest and just feeling three feet off the ground.

But more than that. What I felt, was like "this is The Real Me, at this concert".

Whatever happened at the concert brought out The Real Me, the way I knew I ought to feel.

It was a world I knew I belonged in, and not only belonged in but could thrive in, and feel everything I knew I was always meant to feel.

It was amazing to me, to have such a realisation at such a perfect age.

Early 20s is such a great time, so soak up every minute of it.

Soak it up, and let it sink in, because as I have said, it's gonna continue. Those guys already have a lot of fans, devoted fans, and with the right management moves they will get more tours, bigger tours, and their following will continue to grow.

Once you've got the fire started, you just keep feeding it until it's blazing.

I must say, the other post I saw, the one with Princess Leia and Han Solo?.............

Well, I just happen to love that one too. But for other reasons.  :):) !!

As all of you guys have said, what a great way to end the year and to set the stage for 2016.

Guaranteed to be awesome.

I Love You and will see you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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