Sunday, December 27, 2015

Settling Back In

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

I am back at Pearl's, writing again at the Usual Time. Another freezing cold and windy night in the Valley. I went on my walk, of course. But now I am shifting back into work mode and schedule after my holiday week off.

I hope your day was good. I actually saw a post of yours in the news feed this afternoon. By "news feed" I mean the main scroll of posts that goes down the middle of FB (as opposed to the much smaller "news ticker" on the side, which I don't have anymore anyway). But yeah, it's been a long time since a "like" by you showed up in my news feed. It's weird as I've said, because I have all my settings in your favor, but anyway, maybe it's a good omen. The "like" was of that "black metal classroom" video, which was a riot. :)

Today was low key, not much to report. Tomorrow morning we will be singing two songs in church. Usually we do just one, but somebody must have renegotiated our contract.  :)

You are no doubt working on the Fall ll Rise video, or maybe you've finished it?

Well at any rate, I will be around in the early morn before church, and then back afterwards at about 1pm.

See you then!

Sweet Dreams..........

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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