Saturday, December 26, 2015

Late Christmas Night Love (wonderful season)

Happy Late Christmas Night, my Darling,

I hope you had a nice holiday today. I will post now, then come back and write more. Back in a few minutes.......

I'm back yet again. This will be the last night I do it this way, at least for a while, because tomorrow I am back at work and I'll be writing at a somewhat more reasonable hour (I know - only a half hour earlier, but still......).

Anyhow, as I say, I hope it was a nice Christmas for you and your family. I did see several of your posts today - one was from your friend Tristan, that "tattoo > Christmas" in a manner of speaking. That is funny, because he's such a character. Another was Sarah's post about explaining her year to relatives, "riding around in a van, etc.". Life on the road, in other words. I love it, and for you I have to re-state one more time that I know that you had a total blast on the Holiday Run tour, and it makes me super happy that you did have a blast, and even though you can't wait to do it again, I can't wait even more, because I want you to have as many awesome & true-to-life rock n' roll experiences as you possibly can. Because of the way everything has unfolded - like magic - I want it to keep going, and there is no doubt it will. :)

The doubly awesome part about having these experiences, especially at a young age, is that they accumulate. And as they do, you start to realise that this is your life. And that's the really great part.

To put it in context, imagine being in, say, a monotonous factory or a job you don't care for, and feeling stuck, and then thinking the same thing : "this is my life".

Your life is gonna be as an Artist (which includes all things therein - rock n' roll, photography, your own music, et al.) It will take you all kinds of places, and there will be times when there are pressures and it will feel like work.......but will be An Experience. A Continuing Life Experience.

And it will consist of many singular experiences and adventures, like your recent road trip.

For me, to know that you had fun makes me happy. So I win too. I want you and all the bands to keep advancing and have a blast in the process.  :)

I also saw your post of Clint and his girlfriend, so you know I liked that one too!  :):)

It has been a wonderful Christmas season, I think.

I had a nice day today myself. I went to Pearl's for an early Christmas dinner, and then we went and saw lights again, this time up in Granada Hills. Then I came back home and did my walk, even though it was fruh-heeeeeeeeezing cold, and super windy. They say Chicago is the Windy City, but at the moment it's Northridge.  :)

Now it's nice and warm in my apartment. I am grateful for a nice Christmas and looking forward to the New Year.

Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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