Happy Late Night, my Darling,
Those are some fantastic shots you took, looking from the stage at the crowd last night. Great stuff, and you really captured the energy of the audience inside the club. I think one of the shots has the band(s) and maybe the overall tour entourage positioned in front of the audience? I say that because I see James in that pic, and a guy with an acoustic guitar. That pic is so cool, and it will be like a time capsule for those guys to remember their tour by. And for you, too.
It's so great to capture the moment in pictures and to tell the story of life in this way, for your bands and for yourself and for the viewer as well. I have also recommended that you keep a notebook or journal, just to jot down a paragraph or two each day during your gigs, or even every day. In that way you will have a recording of your thoughts and impressions in the moment as well, and one day you can compare them with your photos and have a written record of your experiences as well. I know - from doing it myself - that it takes extra effort to write a little bit with pen and paper, but it's really worth it because it all goes together, words and pictures, and who knows what you can create when they are put together?
Just the same, though, your pictures are so good in and of themselves, and you got some great lighting and color effects in addition to capturing the immediacy of the moment in which they were snapped.
I am enjoying reading in the FB text things like the band's amazement at the audience knowing all the words to the songs. All of that is super cool, such a part of the rock n' roll experience, and I am also excited to see that in just about every post of one of your photos, you are not only credited but mentioned and thanked.
It's also part of the experience, including the overall life experience, to look back and see how you got from A to B, and to try and see the Magic at work. Of course there is work and a steady progression of events behind this process, but when you look at a couple years ago, and then now, it can feel like it comes out of nowhere. It's like with me, today I thought: "If you had told me a few years ago that, 1) I'd be singing, and 2) That I'd be singing as part of a church choir, and 3) That I'd be singing in a program with a group like the Master Chorale, I would wonder how that would come to pass". But that's the Magic Of Life, when you leave yourself open to things. In your case, it's pure Intent, as we have talked about, because you have wanted to do the things you are doing, and now it is happening. But you began by intending to do it in your mind.
Pretty awesome, eh?
I am always looking forward to whatever is gonna come next, but with a sharp Intent myself and a focus on the Magic. That's how you make it happen, by wanting and believing in it.
I am so glad that all the bands have believed in you and have chosen you as their photographer and videographer.
It makes me happy, and all I can say is "Wow"!
But I always knew it was gonna happen. :)
Sweet Dreams and I will see you in the morning, Sweet Baby.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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