Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Year Of Dreams + Theories on 1989 and OKC

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

I hope your day was good and all projects going well. I saw another post today that looked like it might relate to a new client, a young lady with an opening slot at an upcoming gig. She pointed out that this is "the year of dreams" and I think she's got that exactly right.  :)

Today the main event was taking Pearl to see her new doctor for the first time, which entailed a lot of paperwork but otherwise went smoothly. At home this eve, I was working on my latest drawing. It's coming along well, but I've gotta find a method for keeping my pastels clean & free of other colors, which is hard to do when blending. My drawings are abstract but they do have stylistic patterns exclusive to me. I have my own chaotic style, haha. But I want to get better at blending colors without the murkiness that can come when the pastels get "dirty".

I guess I could shave the outer layer off every so often, or maybe try to wipe it off. Well anyway.......

No movie the last few nights, just watching episodes of "One Step Beyond".

I am starting a new book called "Aberration In The Heartland Of The Real" by Wendy S. Painting, about (once again) Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing. This particular book is new, published in 2016, and it is the result of a ton of research by the author. I read such books, and all the stuff on 9/11, to try and get a better understanding of how the Federal investigative agencies operate (in addition, of course, to wanting to know what really happened in these cases). I am interested, concerning 1989, how seemingly fast the particular Federal agency (which agency is not known to me) happened upon the scene at Concord Square and also at Northridge Hospital on the night of September 1, 1989. They were there within an hour or two of the initial incident, and conversely, police were not there in what would have ordinarily have merited a local police response.

That suggests to me that a surveillance of some type had already been underway. I have always wondered if I triggered the resulting situation by going down to the apartment building that night, or if something was already in place. Some situation that was being monitored -surveilled - that I just happened to walk into.

I think it was a bit of both, and really, I think it is so much weirder than that, especially when I think of all the subsequent stuff that happened. But my point tonight has to do with what I witnessed and interpreted as an extreme emergency response by the unidentified Feds.

They were in an all-fired hurry to Put A Stop To Something, and it has made me think over the years that perhaps - by going down to the apartment building that first night - I perhaps disrupted something, some operation, and thus unwittingly set an emergency response into motion, to stop whatever was unleashed.

But even that explanation would not suffice - not even close - to explain why the situation then continued for 12 days, and why I was left alone to be kidnapped and then "rescued", and then left alone at home again to await further horrors.

All of that suggests a different scenario, one involving some insane type of behavioral provocation and reaction : "Let's see how he reacts when kidnapped".

But even that doesn't explain it, because I witnessed the way in which the kidnapper was dealt with, and it was not part of any script. It was all too real.

So in the end, all you can do is guess, using and correlating the best evidence you have. And in the end, I think it all had something to do with me more than anything else.

I mention all this tonight because of the book I am reading ("Abberation"). The author is a brilliant researcher, and she brings up stuff about the FBI that was never mentioned in the mainstream press (big surprise there, right?). There is a theory, backed up by a lot of documented evidence, that the Oklahoma City bombing was known about in advance by the FBI and the ATF, because both agencies had separately infiltrated a group of white supremicists at a place called Elohim City. The theory states that these agencies wanted to bust these people - who were known to be heavily armed and anti-government - and so there is a possibility that undercover agents , acting as "compatriots" and provocateurs, may have provoked or "egged on" a radical action by the group - such as a bombing - so that they could arrest them and put them out of business.

And of course they would nip it in the bud. There would be no actual bombing, because - although they would provoke the supremicists into action - the agencies would also have them under constant surveillance and infiltration. So they would let a "bombing" proceed forth right up to the final moments, and then they would jump in and arrest everyone and put them away for life. The bomb itself would never go off.

Except - if this theory is true - it didn't work out that way. The bomb did go off; 168 people died.

And the government prosecution covered up the certain involvement of others besides McVeigh, who was most likely either a patsy or minor player. And, according to the theory, they covered it up because they - the agencies and their undercover "sting" operation may have inadvertently caused the bombing to happen in the first place.

I report this stuff because something has to explain What Happened In Northridge in 1989, an event of such high secrecy that it has never been acknowledged in 27 years. Federal agencies were involved from the start, and were on scene very rapidly, trying to shut down some scenario.

Others know more about this scenario than I do, but it is known, somewhere.

What right does the FBI have to keep secrets from people concerning their own lives?

They have no right at all, of course, but they do it anyway. ////

That's all for tonight, SB. I will see you in the morning.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Hurts Donut + 1989 "Ex Neighbors" Part 3

Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,

I hope your day was good and your week off to a great start. Today I did see some of your posts, and because most of 'em had to do with bands, I am guessing you are working on projects. One post was via Megatone (for Tristan's band), so maybe you were even at the studio. You probably haven't been there in a while! :) Another music post showed a female lead singer I haven't seen before, so maybe a new client too?

It's all good any way you look at it, and you've pretty much been working steady all year.

That's awesome.  :)

The only other post I saw was Sarah's post for Hurts Donut.......

Okay, SB......only you guys would have such a place, lol. I mean, when I saw it I immediately pictured a donut shop run by nine year olds, but with a line of customers of all ages. And when a customer gets to the counter to place his order, he inevitably winds up getting punched in the shoulder by one of the kiddie proprieters, who simultaneously proclaims The Slogan........(do I have to say it?).......(of course I do) :

"Hurts, don' it"?  :)

As an aside, I have to briefly state my sense of wonder at the staying power of Kid Jokes. I have considered this off and on over the years, and it seems to me that kids are the only ones who tell Kid Jokes. We all know the classic ones, and they remain (mostly) the same, year after year. So it's kind of far out, because it's an example of Kid Culture, perpetuated entirely by children to other children. And it has staying power, as evidenced by Hurts Donut, now an established business, haha....... know stuff that's entirely their own. And they pass it on down through the years.  :)

No big news for today (nor yesterday), but I did do an Aliso hike today in 103 degree heat, so that was awesome, and tonight I watched an episode of "One Step Beyond" about a girl who could start fires with her mind, or more specifically her emotions. Fires started when she was upset. All the phenomena on that show, and the particular cases from which each episode derives, are supposed to be true. I don't doubt it.

Well, I am tired tonight, but I will continue with a little bit of the "Ex-Neighbors" story, just because I need to continue it and also because I didn't write last night. As always, just disregard if it's too weird or in any way unpleasant......

I don't wanna dwell on the Attack itself, as I've said before. Basically, Ray assaulted my Dad, and my Mom (a little bit), and while he did not beat them up, what he did do certainly would have gotten him arrested under ordinary circumstances.

But my question has always been : Why?

Why would Ray Tippo be there? In the middle of a set of circumstances that, up to that point, had revolved around a seeming revenge against me? As noted before, at that point I had not seen Ray in at least 15 years.

And as far as I knew then, or now, Ray Tippo had never met my Dad in the entire time he lived on Rathburn Street.

But maybe I didn't know everything. Maybe things happened in that neighborhood that I didn't know about.

Before I get into the logistics of Ray Tippo's appearance, I need to mention what happened while he was assaulting my parents on the front lawn of 9032 Rathburn.

A car drove up, and another man got out. His name was Eugene Carpenter, and he had also been our neighbor on Rathburn Avenue in the 1970s. Likewise, as with Ray Tippo, I had not seen Gene Carpenter since about 1976 or so, 1978 at the latest. So we are talking at least a decade I had not seen this man. Gene Carpenter, like Ray Tippo (and later Jared Rappaport), had been a CSUN professor. Also like Ray (and Jared), he had an Angry Streak running underneath his middle-class facade. When I was a kid, he accused me of being a "mastermind" behind a minor shoplifting ring (yo-yos and felt pens and stuff like that), that me and a couple friends had engaged in when we were twelve. Gene had two small daughters who weren't even involved, but somehow he knew about it, and he confronted me as if I'd done something to him or his family, even though I was 12. I was scared of him after that, at least a little bit, and like Ray Tippo, kids just knew which adults to give a wide berth to.

Gene Carpenter, CSUN professor in the history department, always seemed outwardly friendly, but in his eyes you could see his friendliness was forced. This was a grown (and very tall) man who had confronted a 12 year old kid (me) about stealing felt pens from a grocery store, and a set of incidents that had nothing to do with him or his family, and he confronted me when I was alone, on the sidewalk, away from any other adults including my parents.

All of this happened in 1972, a full 17 years before he got out of a car at 9032 - entirely out of the blue - and joined in Ray Tippo's assault of my parents, which happened during the 12 Day Experience that I call "What Happened In Northridge".

I have wanted to get into the logistics of this event, and I am sorry to say I don't have much to go by, and tonight I am tired. But for now I will just list what we have as a means to categorise evidence.

We have (at the time) two CSUN professors, both of whom had lived no more than several houses down on Rathburn Avenue from 9032 during the early to mid-1970s, when my family lived there too. In Eugene Carpenter's case, there is no other connection, other than that he would "pretend to be friendly" with us kids when he saw us in the neighborhood (though you could tell by his eyes...). Also, there is the incident I described, when he confronted me, while I was alone, over stealing felt pens.

In Ray Tippo's case, my only connection to him whatsoever was that I was his daughter's 12 year old "boyfriend" for one Summer, also in 1972. Other than that, I saw him even less than Gene Carpenter. We kids rarely saw Ray anyhow, and when we did we just walked past and said nothing, because he was Plenty Scary Looking as described previously. I probably said "hi" once or twice in the four years they lived across from us. That's all.

So what we have here, is two former neighbors, both who were or had been CSUN professors (like Jared Rappaport, who didn't move to the neighborhood until 1988), but who had moved away from Rathburn Avenue in the late 1970s, at a minimum 13 years before September 1989, when both men appeared out of the blue to assault not me.......but my parents.

Besides the aforementioned common traits (CSUN professors, ex-neighbors who had moved away roughly at the same time), we have the fact that they both arrived at 9032 to commence their assault at nearly the same time.

So their attack was coordinated.

And as we shall see, they were not alone, for another person was to arrive later on for a separate assault...this time on me.

And the whole thing was timed. Timed and planned. ////

That's all for tonight, SB. See you in the morn. Post if you can.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Rundgren Chords + Birthday Party + 1989 "Attack Of The Ex-Neighbors" Part Two

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

I am writing from home once again, although I am back at Pearl's starting tomorrow morning. I didn't do much today. Slept in, then worked on my new Todd Rundgren chords (lots of minor 7ths, not too hard), and I am getting better at tucking my bad finger behind the neck for most chords and then bringing it back out when necessary. It's more of a challenge to play now, but I am having fun learning Beatles songs, and now Todd too, and singing has had a lot to do with it, learning to sing and play at the same time, and overall doing both has improved my musical ability a fair amount. When you sing and play, you really begin to understand the song structures and how the vocal melody fits in harmonically and rhythmically. So that's all I did this morning, then later I went to Marie Callender's to get a cherry pie for Pearl's birthday party. Do you guys have Marie Callender's up there? If you do, you know they have great pies of all kinds.  :)

Pearl's actual birthday was last Wednesday but we celebrated it today. She is 92. My sister Vickie came over with her husband Nico and we all went over to Pearl's and had a nice time. Pearl's daughter was there too, of course, which is why I am at home, but yeah, it was a good party, and Nico and I even managed to sneak in part of the Rams/Broncos game.......   :)

I hope your day was good. I didn't see any new posts, but I'm sure you are busy with your Dreamhouse footage. Post if you have the time, and if you want to......   :)

Well, in getting back to my story of "The Ex-Neighbors", though I know I kind of poured my heart out in last night's blog, I did so only to demonstrate my state of mind at the time it was happening. That's what one must do when writing; not only tell a story but bring it to life, and that is what I was trying to do, to set the scene. And on that day, it was a very, very intense scene.

But now, what I want to do - and this will take a few days, as have my descriptions of other events - is to focus not on all the violence and turmoil, but on the logistics. The "how" and "why" mostly (because we already know the "who, what and where"). So I will temporarily dispense with the aggressor Ray Tippo, whom I described last night as charging across the street at us, Dad, Mom & me, as we exited 9032 Rathburn Avenue on our way (I think but am in no way certain) to the Devonshire Division LAPD Police Station.

I will dispense for now with Ray Tippo's actions by saying that when he ran across the street, he did so to attack not me, but my Dad, who was 69 years old at the time. Dad was robust for his age, but was never a "physical" person, and not many folks keep in great shape at that age. So Dad was entering an elderly phase. And Ray Tippo ran across the street - again, out of the freakin' blue - and charged up to my Dad and pushed him down, two hands to the chest like some junior high school bully. Ray Tippo was a big man, about 6' 3" and I would guess 225, and on top of that, he was a Major League A-Hole who abused his wife, which I may have mentioned way, way back.

Ray Tippo was a bad guy. He was also a college professor at CSUN (shades of Jared Rappaport), in Ray's case, in the English department.

Finally, Ray Tippo was the father of my 12 year old little girlfriend in 1972, when I was also twelve. Their family had moved in to the house directly across the street from our's on Rathburn, in 1972. And that Summer I had a twelve year old "relationship" with Ray's daughter, which consisted mostly of sitting on swing sets together and such things as that.

But the thing is, Ray Tippo and his family moved away from their Rathburn Avenue house in 1976 or so. Certainly no later than that year. The last time I saw his daughter was in 1977, at a concert.

And I had not seen her Dad, Ray, since sometime before they moved. The truth is that he was a scary guy. Kids instinctively know who is a Scary Adult. And kids avoid those adults. I never saw Ray much anyway, because I only knew his daughter for two years, really, and he was probably at work - teaching at CSUN - a lot of that time.

But you knew he was scary just by looking at him : big as a linebacker, small & round impenetrable black sunglasses, and a Macho Black Mustache. He never said hello if he passed you, and he looked as if he would just as soon kick your ass instead. He had aggressive body language, and a kid - especially me - could tell on instinct that he was a man to avoid at all costs.

But the thing is, Ray and his family moved away in 1976 or thereabouts, and I hadn't seen him since.

I would have had no reason to see him, as I had never known him, and in the two years I knew his daughter I may have said "hi" to him once or twice. That's it.

So by September 1989, I had not seen nor thought about Ray Tippo for 12 to 13 years, which is a very long time to a young person.

But now, on that afternoon that I described in last night's blog, somewhere in the middle of the 12 Day Experience, here came Ray Tippo, charging out of a clear blue sky from across the street toward the front lawn of 9032 - our house.

And he stopped in front of my Dad - not me, who the focus had been on the entire time - and he berated my Dad for a few seconds and then pushed him down in the previously described fashion. For the record, Ray was about 53 at the time, 16 years younger than Dad, and much bigger.

But the point - and the Question of the Evening - is : why in the world was Ray Tippo there? What was he doing there? He'd moved away 13 years earlier. How in God's name could he have been connected to what was going on during that time, during the 12 Days Events?

And above all - the only apparent connection between Ray Tippo and my family had been between me and his daughter, also thirteen years prior, when we were each 12 years old! As far as I knew, then or now, Ray Tippo and my Dad had never even met.......

But their encounter said otherwise.

What could Ray Tippo have been so angry about - enraged, actually - concerning my Dad? And during a Nightmare Series Of Events lasting 12 Days that would seem to be light years away from anything having to do with him?

These are questions I have been pondering for years.

One question I have not been pondering is whether Ray Tippo was actually there, and whether the event happened as described. It did happen, as described, and I haven't even fully described it yet. Remember, the event is called "The Attack Of The Ex-Neighbors" (plural), and Ray was only one of those neighbors, though he was the first on the scene.

But he was Really There, and what I have described Actually Happened, as I have described it.

Why he was there, and why he attacked my Dad (instead of me, though he would have had no reason to attack me either) is anybody's guess. I will keep working on it, even though I don't have much to work with. ////

That's all for tonight, SB. I will see you in the morn and then again after church. Post if you can....  :)

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo  :):)

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Late Night Love From Home + "Horatio Hornblower" + 1989 & "The Attack Of The Ex-Neighbors"

Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,

I'm a bit late tonight because I'm at home (off til Sunday morning), and so I tried to cram as much stuff into my evening as I could possibly accomodate, including my full 5 mile walk all at once, reading my two Dr. Farrell books that I'm working on ("The Third Way" and Volume 3 of his "God, History &Dialectic" series), and also listening to the entirety of the new Bill Nelson album ("All That I Remember", just wonderful music) while working on my new drawing for August. I may have mentioned that I'm doing 12 this year, one for each month......

I also watched a movie (yes, I did all of this starting at 7pm, which is why I'm writing to you so late), called "Horatio Hornblower" from 1951, starring Gregory Peck and Virginia Mayo. I couldn't remember if Hornblower was a real person or fictional (he's the latter), but I knew I remembered him from Junior High, and probably the study, in History, of Napoleon's battles against England. Anyhow, what an epic movie! I have always loved the Hollywood "Swashbuckling" pirate movies of the 30s and 40s, like "Captain Blood" and "The Sea Hawk" with Errol Flynn (one of my favorite actors), and a bunch of others. This movie was like those, except it was military instead of pirate, but it had all the requisite cannon battles, naval language, swordfights, and a heartfelt romance between the ultra-handsome Peck and the beautiful Virginia Mayo.

And on top of all that, the story went on forever, through all kinds of plot, and it was shot in glorious Technicolor, well restored on the dvd. I actually had not heard of this film until I did a library search for director Raoul Walsh. I'm running out of movies I've never seen, so I search old time directors and actors to see what I can come up with. But anyway, it was really good, a classic even.  :)

I hope your day was good and your weekend off to a good start. I didn't see any new posts, although the "posts You like" feature sometimes puts posts from 2015 up in the top spots, so I don't know if that means you just now "liked" them, or what. Some I recognise from last year, and some I don't. And then FB will also just "freeze" into it's logarithm, and show the same "posts You like" for eons, and I don't know if that means it's just FB being FB, or if you haven't made any new "likes" that particular day. It's all pretty confusing< I know, and it's not the easiest way to communicate, but it's all good, and I'm trying as always. I hope your editing is coming along well.  :)

Last night I said I was gonna explore "The Attack of The Ex-Neighbors", and I shall begin now, with a brief outline. The trouble with this event is that, besides being inexplicable, it also exists somewhat in isolation in my memory. In other words, I have no continuum to connect it to, in the way I can connect Concord Square to the event at Northridge Hospital the same night, and waking up in the empty apartment the next morning. That is a memory continuum that I have been able to reconstruct for almost a full 24 hour period, from one even to another. The same with Wilbur Wash. I know it lead directly to the event at the Howard Johnson motel.

But with "The Attack Of The Ex-Neighbors", I have no "before" point and only a vague, chaotic "after" point. Nothing to form a continuum in the sense of "what happened before and after".

At any rate, the memory is as real as any of the others. At some point in the twelve days (my estimate) that the events of September 1989 took place, I was at home. And there's that conundrum again : how could I simply "be at home", on and off, with all that was happening to me? Unless it was an experiment of some kind? I have no idea. But my memory, which is very real, shows me that I was at home, late one afternoon, perhaps 4 or 5pm. My parents were there with me, and this means my Dad must have come down from his HUD apartment a half mile up on Reseda Boulevard, to which he had moved in March 1989, when my parents separated for good. So, Dad was there, and Mom was there, and we were in the living room, and I remember I was at my wit's end. I felt like I was living in an upside-down world, where wrong was right, and evil was okay, nothing that was happening to me was being addressed, not by police, and it seemed okay to the world at large that I was being persecuted. I am sorry if this all sounds heavy, but I have to describe my reality and my mindset at the time.

I thought, basically, that somebody was gonna kill me sooner or later, and that the neighborhood was just gonna watch, like they all knew about what was going on. In retrospect, I don't know how much I knew of what I had experienced during the overall 12 day event. I don't know know if I was aware of my kidnapping by the crazy Rappaport, or if that event had happened yet (though it probably had). This is what amnesia - deliberately induced amnesia - will do to you. Amnesia and state of shock.

But I was very lucid in our living room that afternoon, and I certainly knew the Overall Gist of what was being done to me, because I was shouting at my Mom and Dad, that "nobody cares". I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone, like "what kind of world is it where there are no laws"? And where people's behavior turns insane, and yet the cops do nothing at it seems to be protected?

In my living room that afternoon, I literally thought I was going to be killed pretty soon, in some kind of insane game that was being played against me, in which I was the target. The events had been going on for days, and I was lucky to be alive thus far.

So I was really trying to get my parents' attention, as I figured they were the only allies I had left. The cops were nowhere in sight, and were powerless, as we had seen several nights earlier at Northridge Hospital. My neighbors either seemed to be in on it - as with Jared Rappaport - or aware of it but happy to just spectate. And I thought the world had gone insane and that I was gonna die.

In reality, it is simply impossible to put into words just how crazy and terrifying the whole situation was to me. It was like civilization had broken down entirely, towards me, and whatever anyone was gonna do was okay.

So I was trying to enlist my parents' help, and what I remember was that my Dad suggested going up to the Devonshire Division Police Department (part of LAPD), which is located about a mile and a half north of 9032 Rathburn Avenue. And I remember a sense of urgency to go up there. And so we exited the house, Mom, Dad and I.

And about three seconds later, as we were walking toward the sidewalk, a Madman came charging across the street, across Sunburst Street, which intersects Rathburn. The crazy man was very large and moving very fast, and within another three seconds he was upon us.

I have said I am not gonna name names, except in the case of violent criminals, and when this man came charging at us - out of the blue - I recognised him immediately. But because his sudden appearance was so incongruous, it took me a couple of seconds to register :

"Oh my's Ray Tippo!".

And then Ray Tippo was upon us, but instead of attacking me, he attacked my Dad.  ////

To be continued. Sorry it's so grim and, but I have to tell it so I can analyse it. I have been living with this for 27 years this week, and no one has ever even acknowledged that it happened, let alone discussed it with me, so it has been a millstone around my neck ever since.

It feels Biblical in it's implications, something truly Unusual. And I am gonna see it through if it takes me the rest of my life, because it's simply not possible for me to do anything less.

However, I still live my life in the now, and I am greatly blessed.

But What Happened In Northridge is leading up to some kind of revelation and resolution, and so it is imperative that I not give up on it.

I will continue tomorrow. That's all I know for tonight, SB.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Friday, August 26, 2016

Good Tour + "Border Incident"

Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,

I hope the rest of the tour went well for you guys. It looks like they dropped you off before the final show tomorrow night, but you were there for the bulk of it, and I'm sure it was quite an experience. Now that you're back home, you can switch to 24 hour editing mode - :) - as you go through all the footage you shot.

This tour will lead to others (and maybe already has), and it's like anything in showbiz, once you get on a hot streak, the work keeps coming.

No news from me, but I did watch a movie tonight : "Border Incident" from 1949 with Ricardo Montalban and directed by the great Anthony Mann. It was the story of a smuggling ring who take Mexican farmworkers over the border into California, and a team of Mexican and American Federal agents who are out to stop them. It plays like a Noir crime film, and because it is directed by Mann it naturally features some great black and white photography, mostly shot to resemble nighttime in "day-for-night" mode (in the days when it was easier and cheaper to put a dark filter over the lens during daylight so it would look like "night").

Well, that's all I know for tonight. Starting tomorrow night I will be off until Sunday morning. I am gonna keep working on my analysis of 1989, in the mode of looking over the "technical" questions I have (i.e. "how and why did such and such happen"), and maybe next I will consider an incident that, to this day, I have been absolutely unable to fathom, let alone understand. I call it "The Attack Of The Ex-Neighbors", and to me it is the most inexplicable event of any that happened in the overall experience.

See you in the morning. I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Baby On Board + Totally Pro As Always + Top Of The Grotto + The Todd Concert Blew My Mind

Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,

I see that tonight you were in Bloomington, Illinois, getting closer to home and back in Central Daylight Time, so not Super Late anymore (as if 2:30 in the morning isn't late enough, lol). I hope you and Dreamhouse had another great show tonight. I saw the short promo clip you did for them, and I have a question : did you create that while on the road? I ask because it looks like it has live footage. If you did that while traveling, and presumably while living in an RV, then that is pretty amazing, Elizabeth. I know you are a technical wizard, but still, to put out a vid - even a short clip - under road conditions is Totally Pro! And reliable, too. It shows once more that bands can rely on you in any situation.  :)

Now, besides that, I also saw your post of Derek's photo. That one is way too classic.  :) I certainly will obey the sign and won't leave my Baby unattended.  :)

I didn't post yesterday just because of the usual reasons : I didn't see any posts by you (and I know that FB cuts out stuff all the time) and on my end I had nothing to report, except good singing in church. But today I had a really good hike. I made it to the top of the Grotto Trail at O'Melveny Park, a super steep trail that is probably tied with the Chumash Trail in Simi Valley and the Castle Peak trail in El Escorpion Park for the steepest I've been on. The steep part of the Grotto isn't real long, just a couple hundred yards, but you've gotta be careful to not wind up on your rear end, especially coming back down. When I say I went to the top, I just mean the highest part, not the end, because it ends a lot further down, at Mission Point. It is yet another trail that is an access point to that peak. I hope to do the whole hike one day, but I will need a few hours. But just to make it up the Steep Part of the Grotto was really inspiring, even if it was only 90 degrees today, instead of 100........   ;)

I am still thinking how great that Todd Rundgren concert was. It came out of the blue, cause I only even found out about it the night before. If Grimsley hadn't called, I would not even have known he was playing. And to hear that many great songs, so well played, and to be standing so close.......and all for free.

What a blessing.

I see you've still got three shows left, so have a blast the rest of the way!

See you in the morning. I love you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Todd Is Still Godd

Happy Super Late Night, my Darling,

I hope you had another great show tonight. You guys are all over Pennsylvania it looks like, including another show there tomorrow. I only saw one post in the last couple days, a pic of a band on some steps leading down to the ocean, so I imagine that is not a reference to you, as you guys are inland. Well anyhow, post when you get a chance and enjoy your travels in the meantime. :)

Tonight's Todd Rundgren concert was really good. I said to Grimsley it was like a time warp because his voice was incredible (he's 68), and he played a ton of guitar, which he hasn't been known to do in recent years. Maybe it's because he's been on a "greatest hits" tour this year. He said early in the show that "this time, we are gonna play all the songs you know, exactly the way you remember them". Todd is a technical wizard and a stylistic chameleon (especially since the 1980s), and so apparently in tours past, you kind of never knew what he was gonna do, whether on record or live. As I said last night, most of the great albums and fan favorites come from the years 1972-1981, and in that period he established himself as one of the greatest songwriters and overall musicians of the era. Tonight he played 19 songs over 90 minutes, most of the songs from the classic era, and it was a great, great show.

Todd is Godd once more.

I'd guess there were about 3-4 thousand people in Pershing Square, but we managed to work our way through the crowd until we were about 50 feet from the stage, dead center. I had a clean view, the crowd was mellow, the band (including Prairie Prince on drums and the great Kasim Sulton on bass and note-perfect backing vocals) was high energy, and it was one great song after another. The final encore was "Just One Victory", one of Todd's best songs and my favorite off the "Wizard" album.

For me (and many fans I'm sure), I go so far back with this guy that it just blows my mind that he can do it just as good as he did it 40 years ago. And, his body of work is up there with the greatest musical artists, and one day he will be recognised that way.

Getting home was easy too. The subway station was right across the street from the park, so all in all, a very enjoyable evening.

Tomorrow morning will be church and singing, and so I will see you before I leave and then once again after choir practice, around 1pm.

I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Saturday, August 20, 2016

You Are Somewhere In PA + Todd Tomorrow Night + "Under The Dome" + 1989 Howard Johnson Event

Happy Super Late Night, Sweet Baby,

I see you are in the middle of Pennsylvania now, Williamsport tonight and Stroudsburg tomorrow, the latter about 100 miles from NYC. So you guys are kind of doubling back a bit, which happens all the time on West Coast tours. Instead of going from San Diego to L.A. to the Bay Area and then up to Portland and/or Seattle, bands will sometimes mix it up, go up and down and then back up again, and I suppose that has to do with venue availability on particular nights. Anyhow, I trust you had another successful show tonight, and that you are having a blast on the road.

No news from me, but I did go up to Aliso Canyon for the first time in a few weeks, where I squoze in a quick hike. That's what I've gotta do these days - squoze 'em in. I've gotta have my time management down to a science to get stuff done, and I do.

Grimsley called this morning to tell me that Todd Rundgren is gonna play a free concert tomorrow night at Pershing Square in Downtown L.A. I don't usually follow the Pershing Square Summer concert schedule, so I was not aware Todd was playing, but as you may know he's one of my all-time favorite artists, which makes it all the more ridiculous that I haven't seen him live since 1991, although truth be told, most of his classic material is from the 1970s. Still, at his greatest he was All-Time Top Ten Great, as with his albums "A Wizard A True Star" and "Todd", and you may have seen my live photo of him on FB, a b&w close up shot of him playing guitar at the Roxy Theater in 1978.

So, Grim and I are gonna go tomorrow night. We can take the subway there, which always rules, and because it is a city park concert, it should be over fairly early, I would guess by 10:30 or so. So I should be back here by 11:30 and posting at the usual time.

No movie tonight, but I have been watching "Under The Dome" for the last three nights, and it's turning out to be pretty good. Very addicting as all these modern shows are ("Walking Dead", "Breaking Bad"). I don't know how far they can go with it because it's based on a book (by King) and a book has an ending, but we'll see. For now I like it!

Tonight, for my 1989 Tidbit I will continue with my theme of Location, and how it played into my recovery of major event memories, and ultimately, how strange I find it that the memories were recalled in such a way.

To backtrack and briefly recap, I remembered the Wilbur Wash Event because of being at the location. Prior to being there, I had no memory whatsoever of this Monumental Event. And as we discussed the past few nights, the only reason I was there at the Wilbur Wash, 7 years and 8 months later (after September 1989), was because Bob moved there after being evicted from his apartment. We also discussed all the potential ramifications of his move, and how it could have come about.

Okay. So then, the Event began to happen, at night but on the same day as my encounter with Gary Patterson as described yesterday. An entire book could be written about the Event, and because of that we have to skip over it (for now) to get to the next location, because location is our theme.

In my book, as related on Myspace, I described how, at the conclusion of the Wash Event, certain people who were herded into a room at a nearby motel : the Howard Johnson Inn on Reseda Boulevard where it t-bones with Valerio Street. Recall that the Wilbur Wash Event took place at Valerio and Wilbur, which is a half mile from Reseda Bl. I think the Feds found a convenient place to corral everyone, although it was a strange mix of people in the room I was in, and most people in the room had not been at the Wash, so far as I had seen.

But my point for tonight - and I know all of this is out of context and weird - is that - just like with the Wilbur Wash location - I did not recover my memory of being at the Howard Johnson motel, or of what happened there after the Wilbur Wash Event, until I went there , in March 1997.

So it was just as with Bob's move to the Wash house in May 1997, and my memories of the events at the two locations were coming back to be almost simultaneously.

The reason I wound up at the Howard Johnson motel on Reseda Bl. was because we got evicted too, even before Bob did. I was living at the time, in early 1997, at the famous Burton Street house, with the late and legendary Dave S. and my Dad. Yep, Daddio lived there too, because he too had been evicted from his apartment in Northridge! Yep, it's a wild story....

But the point is that we were all living at the Burton Street house in Reseda, and in March 1997 we got evicted by Dave's dad, who was the owner of the house. The eviction is a complicated story and not relevant to 1989 (at least I don't think so), but at any rate, when we got evicted, we didn't know what to do. An eviction makes it very hard to find anyone who will rent to you, and we needed something immediately. That day. Because we had nowhere to go.

So I suggested that we share a room at the Howard Johnson motel for the time being. I said to Dad and Dave, "It's close, so we're near everything, and we can use it as a base for now".

So we left most of our belongings at Burton Street (some of which were recovered later) and drove down to Howard Johnson's, just a short distance away. And we rented a room in which we all lived, three of us, for a couple months. It's a long story.

But the thing is that Bob lived in his apartment just a mile away. And we used to go visit him there.

Until in May 1997, when he was evicted and moved to the Wilbur Wash house.

While hanging out there, my memories came back of that event, and I blew my mind.

Then in June, something strange began to happen at the Howard Johnson's. Both Dad and Dave had moved out by then, and I was there by myself for about a week or so.

And the management asked me to move from the room I'd been in, to another room. And on my first night in that new room, strong and exact memories came back - like a movie - of a horrible event that had happened in that room, in which a group of perhaps a dozen people were being "corralled", me being one of those people.

The two events were tied together. After the Wilbur Wash event was over, the Feds used the motel as a place to hold people until they could get the damage under control, meaning the spread of knowledge of what had happened over that weekend. The subject of how they cover things up is another subject on which a whole book could be written, but the point is that I only remembered the Howard Johnson Event after I moved in there, and even then - it was only at the end of my two month tenancy, after the management moved me to a different room. That room triggered the memory of a most horrible event.

So I guess my question for tonight is : why did I choose the Howard Johnson Inn as a place to move to, after we got evicted from Burton Street? On the surface, it seems simple. No one else would have us on short notice. We needed a place to stay; the motel was close.

But we have seen with Bob's move to the Wash house, that the question comes down to manipulation versus coincidence.

Was it a coincidence that I chose the Howard Johnson's? It is interesting to note that, at the time I chose it, my memories of Wilbur Wash were still dormant, but imminent to return. Both went hand in hand. We moved to the motel in March. Bob got evicted from his apartment two months later, in May, and moved to the Wash house. My memories of the Wash Event came back first, in late May/early June.

And then right after that, I was moved to a different room, and my memories of the Howard Johnson Event returned full force, and thus the two events were connected - boom!

I don't think I chose Howard Johnson's by coincidence. I don't think it was a case of psychic manipulation, either, although that stuff is done (sub-audio signals, et al).

What I think it was, was just a case of my subconscious coming up to the surface and talking to me. I had already remembered so much of What Happened In Northridge before that, including the first night and the aftermath at Northridge Hospital.

My point is that my memories of the events at the Wilbur Wash and the subsequent, tied-in event at the Howard Johnson Inn a half mile away, were recovered not because of coincidence, but by design.

In the case of the Wilbur Wash, I believe the design was that of the Federal agencies, whomever they may have been, who have the means, and people, and coordination, to manipulate a targeted individual (me) into moving about in a certain way. See old episodes of "Mission Impossible" for examples, only it's way weirder than that.

I was manipulated into re-visiting the Wilbur Wash, which means that somebody wanted me to remember it.

And I remembered the Howard Johnson Event during the same time period, under similar circumstances, and in the same manner - through being at the location.

That one may have been due to my own subconscious, or once again through manipulation by very sophisticated forces.

But there is no way either set of memories came back through coincidence. Because location is everything. ////

That's all I know for tonight, SB. See you in the morning!

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Friday, August 19, 2016

Hitting The Beach in Atlantic City + Lemmy & Grohl + 1989 Wilbur Wash Connections & Implications, Big Time

Happy Super Late Night, Sweet Baby,

I hope you guys had a great show in Clifton, and I am glad you got to go to the beach in Atlantic City! Now, you know I have to say this too :

I hope you got to go to Trump Tower, or Trump Casino, or whatever the Trump it's called.  :)

Is there still a Trump Casino in Atlantic City, or did it go out of business? I know there used to be one. Well anyway, I just had to ask if you went there, haha. Hopefully Trump himself will go out of business very soon.

It certainly looked like a nice beach in AC, though, and I know they have their famous Boardwalk too. What a great trip you are having, and I am having a blast myself, vicariously.

I did post a pic of me in front of the Lemmy mural at Studio 606. Maybe you saw it, but again what's so funny - and cool - about it, is that the studio and the mural are in the most nondescript place imaginable, right between an old residential neighborhood and a meat packing plant. The old house right next to the studio has special memory for me, because my band "Disturbing The Peace" (named because we got the cops called on us a lot by a neighbor) played a party there, way back in 1982, when Dave Grohl would have been 13 years old, haha. Back then, the cinderblock studio building wouldn't even have been there.

So life is full of weird and interesting connections, and Northridge is a non-discript yet weird place, and now with it's own Lemmy mural.  :)

Well, to finish the story of the interesting connections to the location of the Wilbur Wash house, and how I came to remember it as the same location of the monumental event of September 1989, I will briefly recount, as I began to do last night, that my acquaintance drove us there that afternoon, likely Sunday September 10. I already recounted how I protested against going, but I did go, and this trip would have taken place in the afternoon, perhaps around 5pm. It would have been about three miles or so from 9032 (my house) to the Wash house, which is in Reseda.

I do not actually recall arriving at the house, but I certainly recall what happened when we got there. There was a guy there, a drug dealer named Gary Patterson (and I use his name because he was a violent criminal).

I won't go into the whole story of what happened with Gary Patterson; suffice it to say he shot me with a stun gun (yep, that again). It seemed that he was upset that the mutual acquaintance had brought me there, and that he thought I'd seen something, namely a transaction, that I wasn't supposed to see. So he shot me with a stun gun - and he sat me down and told me he had to do it - because he believed it would knock me out and cause me to forget what I had seen. The acquaintance who'd driven me there stood by and passively let it happen, not only never intervening on my behalf - and I was in a debilitated condition to begin with - but actually telling me to "just calm down and get it over with" or words to that effect. So that's what began the Wilbur Wash Event - a trip to this house, where I'd never been before, so that my acquaintance could buy marijuana from Gary Patterson, who wound up stun-gunning me for coming along, unaware. I will finish with Gary Patterson by saying that, at the time, he was a cocaine dealer (in addition to pot) and he was dealing in the mid-range level of fairly high amounts of drugs, and he even had a connection to a man named Eddie Nash, who had once been a big wheel in Hollywood nightclubs such as the Seven Seas, and especially the rock club The Starwood.

But Eddie Nash was also an arch criminal who was implicated and tried in the Wonderland Murders in Laurel Canyon in the early 1980s. Google his name and see who he is, a very, very bad person. And Gary Patterson had some connection to him, even if removed a degree or two. Gary Patterson was a sociopath, pure and simple. And my acquaintance was a long time friend of his.

My question tonight is this : Why was Gary Patterson at the Wilbur Wash house? Why was the pot deal between my acquaintance and him, transacted there? I am pretty sure he didn't live there.

Was the house a so-called "drug drop" controlled by the cops? It was a funny little house, very old and small, and it was abandoned when Bob moved in, in 1997.

So why was Gary Patterson, a very bad guy, at the same house eight years earlier, in the middle of What Happened In Northridge?

And why did my so-called friend (the acquaintance) pretty much insist I go there with him that afternoon, even after I told him I shouldn't, because I'd had a "heart attack"?

Because all of this happened in the middle of the 12 Days of What Happened In Northridge, I think it was all deliberate. I think my "friend" took me there on purpose, instructed by people he was beholden to for his cocaine habit, including Gary Patterson. I think he knew what was gonna happen to me when I got there.

And after my encounter at that house, with Gary Patterson, then things got very strange.

A helicopter showed up, just as it was getting dark outside.

And so began The Wilbur Wash Event.

But my point in all of this, is that the location was designated both in 1989, for use by Gary Patterson (a drug dealer), and then again in 1997, by Bob (a drug dealer who worked for the government).

And I remembered the Event by revisiting, in May 1997, the Wash House and adjoining property and cul-de-sac, where it all happened.

I am certain that Bob's move there must have been directed by someone. My amnesia had broken beginning in October 1993, and it had been a steady, almost daily progression of recovery for me since that time. By 1996 and early 1997 I was blowing my mind, because I was by then putting together all the pieces of a gigantic story.

And I think that Bob was directed to move to the Wash House, so that I would follow, so that I would see the house, and the property and cul-de-sac, so that I would continue to recover my memory....

And in doing so, at that location, that I would remember the biggest Event of all, and therefore know the extent of what I had been through, and what I had seen.  ///

That's all for tonight, SB. That takes care of the implications of the Location Factor of the Wilbur Wash. Next I will explore the Location Factor of the Howard Johnson Motel, which is just down the road.

See you in the morn. Keep posting pics if you can!

I love you.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Thursday, August 18, 2016

East Coast Shows + "Under The Dome" + Lemmy At Grohl's + 1989 Origin Of Wilbur Wash Memory (location is everything)

Happy Super Late Night, my Darling,

I hope you had a great show in Southbridge, and I see that you will be in Clifton, New Jersey tomorrow night, about 170 miles down the road, so a fairly easy drive this time. Have you been to the East Coast before? I will guess "yes" because you are pretty well traveled. If you pass close to NYC, make sure and take some pics!  :)

The only post I saw today was the photo of the eagle, an incredible shot. I would love to see one myself eventually.....

No movie tonight, but I did start watching "Under The Dome", the series made from Stephen King's book. A lot of the TV stuff made from SK's work is subpar, so I was a little skeptical but I got it from the Libe anyway, and so far it's pretty good. I'll just take it one episode at a time and if it holds up I'll keep watching.

While I was at the Northridge Libe, I took a walk down Darby Ave past Rayen St. At the end of Darby is Studio 606, Dave Grohl's studio. It's just two blocks down from the Libe, so sometimes when I'm there I do a Dave Grohl Walk, just to get part of my daily miles in. I've walked past the place maybe 30 times in the last few years, and I've never seen Grohl or anybody else of note on my walks, but today I saw Lemmy.

Grohl has had a big mural of him painted on the back wall of the studio. He must have had it done recently, cause it wasn't there the last time I walked by. So I'll take a pic of it and post in a day or two, just for fun.

Well, tonight I will continue with my 1989 Tidbit about the Wilbur Wash location. The thing is, in regards to the Three Possibilities I mentioned last night about Bob's move to that house, is that - to quote the popular phrase - location is everything. I will very briefly re-state the Three Possibilities of Bob's move, to illustrate my point. I said that either:

1) Bob's move had to be totally random and a coincidence (to my recognition of the property), or...

2) Bob was directed to move there, deliberately, by someone in authority, so that I would follow along and "notice" the place, or....

3) The Wilbur Wash Event did not happen at that location, but happened elsewhere, and thus I was mistaken in my recollection.

But the thing is that, when I began to hang around there, at Bob's new house, it was the location itself that brought about the memories. To paraphrase my thinking at the time : "OMG.....right here in the cul-de-sac is where such and such happened". Where Jerry Brown pulled up with a truck full of soldiers, for instance.

That is how my memory came back, because of the location.

So what this means is that the Wilbur Wash Event either happened at the location as described, or it didn't happen at all. There is no possibility of any other location for that event.

Ergo, that means I don't think Possibility #3 is viable.

Which leaves just the first two Possibilities. Either Bob moved there at random, to an abandoned property when he had hundreds of other local options....

Or he was directed to move there deliberately. Perhaps by the FBI.

Whom he had been in contact with just a month or two prior, at the apartment he had previously lived in and from which he was "evicted". And of which meeting he had warned Dave and I to stay away from.

"Yeah, you guys shouldn't come over tomorrow. The FBI is coming here to talk to me".

Straight up truth. Bob told us, perhaps in March 1997, two months before his move, that the FBI wanted to talk to him. He was a major-league speed dealer. They didn't come to arrest him, or charge him, but to "talk to him". And then a month or two later, he moved into an abandoned house, when multiple other options were available to him. ////

Now I will get back to how I first came to visit the Wilbur Wash house, in September 1989, during the twelve day ordeal of What Happened In Northridge. Last night I recounted that a person I know to this day, came over to my house at 9032 Rathburn Avenue, on approximately Sunday September 10. I am not certain of the order of events, but it always made sense to me that Wilbur Wash came last, since it was the most overwhelming (to put it mildly). Other factors also persuade me to place it last, including the timing of participation of the Person In Question who drove me there that day.

The Person In Question came to my house, at 9032, on a weekend afternoon, Saturday or Sunday. It feels like Sunday to me.

This person wanted me to ride along so he could score "a dime bag" in the parlance of the time.

Here is what is Mega Important in my memory, and in the scheme of things vis-a-vis The Wilbur Wash Event. The first thing that is important is that I was apparently back at home, after everything I'd already been through since September 1st.

The second thing that is important is that I was apparently aware of at least some of what had already happened to me. When the Person asked me to go on the Pot Run with him, I said no. 

And I told him, "I don't think I should go, because I've had a heart attack or something. I should stay home and rest".

That quote is not verbatim, but it is close. I have remembered my conversation with the Person, and I am 100% Certain that I told him I "shouldn't go" with him, because I'd had a "heart attack". My words were to that effect, which suggests that I was aware myself of at least some of what had happened to me.

But when I told the guy this - that I should not go with him to score his pot, because I wasn't well - he continued to ask me to go. He cajoled me : "It'll only take a few minutes. I'll have you back in a half hour".

He really wanted me to go with him, and in the end, I agreed to go.

It is obvious to me, in hindsight, that I had a vague idea of what I'd already experienced, but that I was still operating under either a state of shock or a degree of amnesia. Or I never would have gotten into this person's car.

He drove us a few miles to a location I'd never before been to.

It was the Wilbur Wash house.

This was in September 1989, about six years and eight months before Bob was to move in to the same house, after it was abandoned, and at which time I recovered my memories.

So, the question must be asked : Why did the Person drive me to that house? Why was his pot transaction taking place at that house?

Why did he insist I accompany him, when I had said I didn't want to?

When I had told him I "shouldn't go", because I'd recently had a "heart attack"?

We shall see why he insisted, when I continue the story, perhaps tomorrow night.

See you in the morn, Sweet Baby. I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)  You Rule!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Helping The Kitty Is Beautiful + "Battleground" + 1989 (Wilbur Wash continued)

Happy Super Late Night, my Darling,

As the little kids would say : "Are we there yet"?  :) I am guessing the answer is yes, that you are in Massachusetts by now. The gig is tomorrow night, so you must be there. I see I was correct in my guess that your "Tour Life" photo was taken at a campground, specifically KOA, which I hadn't heard of until I Googled it, but that is cool that they have such places for folks to park and stay overnight when they are traveling.

I saw your post of the Sweet Kitty that you guys encountered, and hopefully someone will adopt him soon, and he will get his eye infection taken care of too, so that is great. He ran into the right group of people.  :)

A regular work day for me, but I did watch a movie tonight : "Battleground", a World War Two picture starring Van Johnson and a host of character actors from the late 40s. I hadn't heard of it before, but it was nominated for six Academy Awards, so it must have made quite a splash when it was released in 1948. Despite the title, the emphasis is on story rather than action, though there is a bit of that as well, including some incredible stock footage of actual battle. Shot in B&W (for which it won an Oscar), it looks like the real thing, the countryside of France in the frozen winter of 1944. It also won a well deserved Oscar for the script.

A bit more on the Wilbur Wash location as recounted last night (and remember that, because I know it's weird, I am writing it mostly "to myself" because writing it out helps me to organise my thoughts. You can either read it or ignore it yourself, and if you do read it, just take it at face value because it's out of context. It's a "small weird part" of a much more humongously weird whole......but anyway....)

Just to recap from last night, there are only three possibilities about Bob moving into the Wilbur Wash house. Keep in mind the most important thing : that I did not recall my experience at the Wash, and inside the house, until he moved there.

The first possibility is that after being evicted from his apartment, Bob found the abandoned house just a short distance away and decided to move there, even though it was clearly abandoned. In other words, the first possibility is that his move was entirely a coincidence.

The second possibility is that I have the location of the incident entirely wrong. Now, I must reiterate that the incident itself most definitely happened, and it was Mega Weird and Enormous, and Supernatural, and I could write a book just about that one incident. And over the years, I have asked myself : "do I have the right location"? Or did I "surmise" the location just because Bob moved into that house?

I have spent twenty years considering that question, and the truth is that there never has been any question.

The Wilbur Wash, and the house located there, is exactly where the event happened. 100% Certain.

So that leaves the third possibility, that Bob moved into the Wilbur Wash house deliberately - on purpose - probably at the direction of someone - because it was part of my program of memory recovery, for me to see that house, and the Wash, and the cul-de-sac, etc.

If you knew Bob at the time, and if you had seen his connections with various people, and how law enforcement reacted to him, you might agree with me that Possibility #3 is the most likely possibility.

To me, it is the only possibility. The government, in Classified matters, moves in mysterious ways.

But that is not the only Weird Happenstance involving the Wilbur Wash house. It is only logical to ask the question, "Hey Ad, how did you come to be at the house in the first place? You say that a memory of the house, and the Wash, returned when Bob moved in, in May 1997. But what was the memory ? And when did it take place?

Well, that's the mindblower. I had indeed been at the Wilbur Wash house before, in September 1989. I will tell the story another night, perhaps tomorrow, but for tonight I will say that I was taken to that house in September 1989 in a certain person's car, a person that I know and associate with to this day. This person came to my house, perhaps on a Sunday afternoon, maybe on September 10 (though I do not know for sure), and wanted me to ride along on a short trip ("ten minutes" in the person's estimation) to a house where the person was to buy some marijuana.........

I protested, which I will describe tomorrow, but the person insisted. And so I went with the person.  ///

That's all for tonight, Sweet Baby. Have a great show tomorrow night! See you in the morn.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Great Shot Once Again + Hundred Degree Hike + 1989 (Wilbur Wash location dilemma)

Happy Super Late Night, Sweet Baby! ,

Have you arrived in Massachusetts yet? I Google Mapped it, and it looks to be about 600 miles from Cleveland, so getting there in one day of driving is doable. Well if you're there, have a blast and explore on your days off before the show. :)

That was a terrific shot of the guys in the band kicking back either before a show at the venue, or maybe more likely at a rest stop somewhere, as I notice what looks like an RV dimly lit in the background. Also they are sitting at a picnic table. So probably taken "on the road". And it captures exactly what I was talking about - the parts of the Rock 'n Roll Life that happen during all the hours the band isn't on stage. In the 60s and 70s, maybe because rock was newer then, there was still a lot of documentary photography of the day-to-day workings of the life of the musician, and you'd see such photographs in magazines like Creem or Circus. You'd see a pic of a guy doing his laundry in a laundromat in the middle of nowhere, stuff like that.

So keep shooting! (that's what I always say, right?). Keep shooting obviously at the concerts, but also on the road. Today's photo was perfect, right down to the haze of cigarette smoke above and between the two band members.  :)

And as you can see on Facebook, I'm not the only one who thinks so. And as I said, the band is gonna love it.  :)

Well, today I finally got in a Hundred Degree Hike. 106, to be exact. I know I must be nuts, but something about being out in the heat just feels really good to me. I went out to Newhall, to Whitney Canyon (one of my favorites), and went about a mile and a quarter in, so 2 1/2 total. Got a cool spider web shot to add to the collection. Everything else is good, just been watching the Olympics a lot at Pearl's and doing a lot of reading as always. I try to pack a lot of activity into each day, both mental and physical.

Tonight's 1989 Tidbit is actually gonna have to stretch out to tomorrow night because I think it's too complicated to go through all at once. Or maybe not, I don't know, but at least I can start and describe as much as possible before I get too tired, haha. The issue I want to discuss has to do with location, particularly that of the Wilbur Wash house, located on Wilbur Avenue where it meets Valerio Street, right next to a concrete wash, which is a concrete "tributary" of the larger concrete Los Angeles River. The washes around here are really storm channels to protect the Valley from flooding in the years when we still had rain.

I will also discuss the location of the Howard Johnson Motel on Reseda Boulevard and Valerio Street, about a half mile away from the Wilbur Wash house, but it will probably be tomorrow or even the next day before I can get to it. These two locations figure prominently in what was the biggest "event" in all the events of What Happened In Northridge. They are the cornerstones of The Wilbur Wash Event, which wound up, after it was over, at the Howard Johnson Motel.

Here is my dilemma. I remembered the Wilbur Wash event while I was at the house in question, in May 1997. Before that, I was not aware of the event, which was both military and supernatural in question. By supernatural I mean supernatural technology. It all sounds weird, I know. But my point tonight is the location.

I have to be honest, because without that I am cheating myself, and anyone who reads, and finally I am cheating my quest for the truth if I am not fully honest.

I did not remember the Wilbur Wash Event until I came to be at the Wilbur Wash house, and I came to be at that house in May 1997 only because my friend Bob moved in, to live there with his girlfriend.

An unusual factor was that the house was abandoned at the time, when they moved in. I helped Bob clear waist-high weeds off the property and generally clean the place up a bit. Bob claimed he made a deal with the owner, whom he said he had contacted. Just before this, he and his girlfriend had been living in a nearby apartment about a block away.

In the last couple years, my friend Ryan (who will not mind if I mention him) has told me that Bob had never contacted any owner, but that he was squatting at that house. Ryan knew Bob better than I did. He introduced me (and the late, great Dave S.) to Bob.

Bob was our speed dealer from July 1996 to June 1997. We were in regular contact with him for the twelve months we knew him. I will get back to Bob, and some interesting things about him, later on.

For tonight I will close with his move to the Wilbur Wash house. This took place, as described, in May 1997. My memories had been coming back full force, in a flood, since 1995, and they were developing more and more all the time from the fragments that began the process in 1993. I helped Bob move into the Wash House, and was there a lot after he did move in.

It probably took me two weeks to begin to notice things about the place, mainly the semi-circle of dirt in a the cul-se-sac in front of the house. That semi-circle was unpaved in '97. I also noticed a concrete bridge that crossed over the Wash to the east of the house, perhaps 100 feet from it's front door.

I began to notice details in the interior of the house, and one day I said to Bob : "I've been in this house before". And not long after, I blew my mind completely, while looking at at open field that lies next to the house, just past the concrete wash, a field owned by the Los Angeles Department Of Water And Power, which has huge steel electrical towers standing across it, holding high tension wires.

That was when I remembered what had happened in that field, and in the dirt cul-de-sac, which is far too long a story to go in to at the moment.

What I wanted to go into tonight, regarding the issue of Location, is the very fact that Bob moved into that house , after he got evicted from his apartment nearby.

I did not remember the monumental Wilbur Wash Event until Bob moved into that house. I was only there because he moved in.

So my question for tonight is this : was it a coincidence that he moved into that house? It was a ramshackle farmhouse probably built in the 1930s, and it was abandoned and partially boarded up when he moved in. My friend says Bob never contacted the owner, that he was squatting the whole time he was there.

Bob had unusual things happening in his life at the time, like a meeting with agents of the FBI, or so he claimed. He was a speed dealer who never got into trouble, and seemed to have connections.

In short, and I will examine it more tomorrow, there are only three possible conclusions to Bob's move to the Wilbur Wash house.

Either I have the location totally wrong, and the event took place somewhere else besides the Wilbur Wash.

Or, I have the location correct, but Bob's move there was a total coincidence. Yeah, what are the odds on that?

Or finally, that Bob moved there deliberately, because he was a man with special connections. And he moved there so that I would be led there myself, to an abandoned old house that nobody would normally move to.

And that's gotta be the answer, that he moved there deliberately, because I am 100% certain of the location as it pertains to 1989.

There is absolutely no doubt.  ////

That's all I know for tonight, SB. I will see you in the morn.

Keep up the good work! 

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Monday, August 15, 2016

Cleveland Rocks! + 7SD video + Singin' In Church + "One Step" + 1989

Happy Super Late Night, my Darling,

I hope you had a great show in Cleveland, and I see that you are getting ready to head out to Massachusetts for your next concert on Wednesday. Enjoy the road in the meantime! I know I'd be having a blast, given my recent driving experience....  :)

I saw your latest video, too! Actually as you know, it was the one you made for 7 Seasons Deep last year, and I was wondering what had happened to it (if it got shelved, etc), but it was another good one with your personal stamp on it - your look - and the use of the Hot Rod was a nice touch. You included a nice edit when you showed the car coming to a stop, with then a quick cut to the engine fan slowing to a stop also. I notice all the little stuff.....

That was a nice catchy song by those guys, with a 90s vibe in the vein of the hard melodic rock of that era. I'm glad it is gonna finally come out, and I will wait till you post it yourself to hit the "like" button.

A good Sunday in church, as always. We sang a song called "All Good Things" based on Ecclesiastes, just like The Byrds famous song "Turn Turn Turn". Our choir is very small, often only about 8 or 9 members (maximum 13), so we are trying - with the help of our director - to fine tune it and make the most out of the voices we have. As I've said, I kind of like it that way because you don't get lost in the shuffle of many many voices. You get to Lead Sing!

If we ever make a video, you are getting the call.  :)

No movie tonight, but I did watch an excellent and very dramatic episode of "One Step Beyond" about a small group of French soldiers in WW1, who - while on a night patrol - witness enormous rays of light in the sky. At first, they dismiss the light as German flares. But then, one by one each man becomes disoriented and imagines himself in a peaceful place, removed from the war. It is a God Metaphor, and the whole thing was very "Playhouse 90" and very well written and acted, one of the best episodes thus far of a terrific series.

I will return to my 1989 Tidbits very soon, perhaps tomorrow. It takes a lot of mental energy to focus on that case, because the details are myriad, and those are the ones I already know. The details I don't know require even more exertion in trying to remember, as I continue to try and connect the dots. As I've said to Grimsley, this case is so huge that I could spend five hours just talking about one aspect, and the aspects run into the low dozens.

What I am trying to reconstruct currently is what I will call the "downtime" between events. In my estimate, the whole thing took twelve days,  but there were times in between individual events when I was back at home, as improbable as that seems. I have had a whale of a time trying to reconstruct the day-by-day series of events, but I think, after all these years, that I have a basis for the first three days or so, as described earlier. What I am trying to uncover is how I got home after I was taken to the military base.

More importantly, I also want to know why I was simply "taken home", rather than given any type of assistance which would be normal for a victim in any ordinary criminal situation.

I had, only a day or two before, been the victim of a horrific kidnapping. For real; no joke. You know the man's name, he is a professor at CSUN. His address was 9033 Etiwanda Ave in Northridge. In a normal world, he would have been arrested, tried and convicted, and sentenced most deservedly to life in prison. And I would have been given some kind of therapy, or counciling or medical attention. I was given the latter.

But to avoid the former, to avoid dealing with the situation, which must have been pretty formidable for them, they just erased my memory. And ultimately, they took me back home and literally just left me there, like a lab rat.

And the situation continued for several more days.

That's what makes me think it was an experiment, ala MK Ultra, rather than just something I triggered by going down to Concord Square on the night of September 1st.

But in reality, I know it's a lot bigger than that. It's just hard to explain.

So I will focus on the "blow-by-blow", the moment by moment and hour by hour, and will try to reconstruct how I got home from the Air Force Base.  /////

That's all for tonight, SB. Enjoy the road!

See you in the morning. I love you.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Great Video + Ohio Rocks + "Code Two"

Happy Super Late Night, Sweet Baby,

I hope you had a great show in Akron, and tomorrow you will be on to Cleveland. You can play "Cleveland Rocks" when you get there!  :) You can even visit the Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame, which - even though I don't approve of all it's members or agree with all it's policies - would still be a pretty cool place to go to, even just for all the memorabilia they have. It would probably be pretty difficult to fit in, timewise, but if you have the chance, by all means go. Just for The Coolness Of It All.  :)

Well, you are on fire now, girl. That was another excellent video you directed for Fall II Rise, with a great visual storyline to go with the song. You got a really effective camera angle with the young lady talking just above the top of her husband's newspaper as he ignores her. The viewer can see her face and his face simultaneously, with the paper as the barrier. A really good shot, that one, as was the shot of the bowl careening toward the camera.

I was hoping for a happy ending, but I understood after it was over that that wasn't the message of the song.

Great work by you and the band and your actors. :)

Tonight's film was called "Code Two", a crime drama from 1953 that follows the progress of three young LAPD cops as they graduate from the Police Academy and then go on to join the motorcycle division because it offers more money. I think this film was made as kind of a promotional film for both LAPD and it's motorcycle cops, who were becoming a legit part of the force at the time. It was made by MGM, but has almost a "company film" feel to it. "Code Two" stars Ralph Meeker, a distinctive actor who was a hambone but a good one. He always put a lot of personality into his roles, and in this film he has to take down a gang of criminal truckers all by himself. The photography is black and white and there are some great "old" (pre-development) shots of the Chatsworth and Simi Valley areas, when nothing much was out here. The entire film runs just 69 minutes, but a ton of stuff happens, which just goes to show once again what you can do with a good script.

I love searching for, and finding!, old films that I've never seen, and this was a good one.

I watched part of the first Rams game - their first in L.A. since 1994 - and that was exciting, even though it falls under the "yeah....I know.......sports" banner. Been watching the Olympics, too.

Tomorrow morning, church and singing.

See you in Cleveland.  I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Detroit Rock City (great pic!) + Akron + Short Hike + 1989 Timeline Confusion

Happy Super Late Night, my Darling,

Another great photo you posted this morning from the Detroit show! You are getting some great action shots lately, and a great angle of the stage as usual. Your photos capture the live feel of the concerts, and from what I can see, the various bands you've photographed are loving your work. I think you were in Battle Creek tonight, is that correct? If so, I hope you not only had a great show, but that you also ate some Corn Flakes for breakfast in honor of Kellogg's Cereal. They put Battle Creek on the map, and every kid from my era knows the city because of the cereal. :)

I see that tomorrow you will be in Akron. Now you are getting close to Home Territory; my Mom grew up partially in Massillon and also in Canton, which are both about 35 miles down the road. As I've mentioned before, I'm an Honorary Midwesterner, since my parents were from Ohio and Indiana. I assume once again that you will be driving in the morning, so have a great trip.

I finally went on a short hike (most hikes being short nowdays) at O'Melveny, and it felt good to get back out there after not hiking for about three weeks. One thing for sure, you can get out of "hiking shape" fast. Not that you can't do it, or that you get wiped out, but you sure notice a difference on steep climbs, and O'Melveny has some very steep ones. But, just as you can get "out" of hiking shape very fast, so can you get "back into" hiking shape very fast, if you've been doing it regularly for a few years as I have. So I will try for another hike Monday.

No movie tonight, but I did watch an episode of "One Step Beyond" about a man and his daughter who move into a haunted house. The ghosts in this one, however, are friendly, and they help repair the relationship between the two, which had been shaken by tragedy. Man, what a great show this is. I say that every time, I know, but it's so good, and yet it's so unknown. So I have to hype it!

My 1989 Tidbit deals with confusion, the confusion I've had for years over what must have happened in the "downtime". I have been able to reconstruct what is probably a fairly accurate time frame of what I believe to be 12 days, from September 1 through 12, 1989. Some things I can account for 100%, like the first 24 hours or so. I know I was driven home from Concord Square in the late morning or early afternoon of September 2, and I can account for most of that first 24 hour time period. Then, I have always assumed - assumed but not known for certain - that I was still at home on the night of September 2. I would have been home since that afternoon, and I believe I was home alone. And that would have been when Jared Rappaport came to my front door, at 9032 Rathburn Avenue. I remember my encounter with him at the door pretty clearly. As an aside, I have always wondered if his appearance was pre-planned or was some kind of set-up. First of all, there was the factor - mentioned previously - of the improbable circumstance of a career college professor with a family seemingly willing to risk everything - his life, basically - for what he was about to do, which was to commit a kidnapping, a crime not far removed from murder. Why would a sane man risk such a thing for so trivial a reason, I have always wondered. But more than that, how could he just appear at my door? My parents could have been there, or my brother, or maybe a bunch of my friends. My house was a hangout, and this would have been a Saturday night.

So how did Jared Rappaport know I was home alone? Did he know it?

I think he did. I think it was a set-up of some kind, possibly even an experiment (but only possibly). Because what happened inside his house was no experiment, no "trial run". It was The Real Deal, the most terrifying night of my life. But still, he was willing to risk everything to kidnap me, unless he knew he wouldn't be prosecuted, and in truth it's even more complicated than that.

But the point is that I can account for more of the Time Frame, because I know for certain most of the events that took place inside Jared Rappaport's house, which was located right behind mine, at 9033 Etiwanda Avenue. I was inside his house for approximately 24 hours, and if indeed he kidnapped me on the night of September 2 1989 (which I am not 100% certain of but which makes logical sense in the overall Timeline), then I was rescued and out of his house sometime during the late evening of Sunday September 3, 1989. At which point I was taken away in a helicopter, no joke, witnesses in the street were present.

I was taken to a military base.

And I can "sort of" account for some of my time there, which I estimate at no more than another 24 hours.

That would, if all events and time frames are accurate, and I know for certain that some of them are, take me to the date of Monday September 4, likely sometime in the afternoon.

I was at a military base, most likely Edwards North Base, and you just have to trust me on that one.

So, in getting back to my original theme of "confusion" for this Tidbit, while I am able to a fair degree to reconstruct the timeframe of September 1 through September 4, my confusion stems from the fact that I do not know how I got home from that military base. I have no memory of being transported, though I certainly had to have been taken back home, because another 8 days of events were to ensue.

So that is one of the memories I have worked on over the years, is how I got back home after being at Edwards.

And why they would just take me back home and leave me there, after all I had experienced thus far.

But as I have said, in my opinion this was The Weirdest Thing That Ever Happened, and I think that has been borne out by the fact that, 27 years later, no one has even acknowledged it but me, even though everyone knows it happened./////

That's all for tonight, SB. See you in the morn.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Friday, August 12, 2016

Touring + Smog Made The News + "Ride The Pink Horse" (classic Noir)

Happy Super Later Night, Sweet Baby,

I figure it's "super late" if you are in Detroit, which is an Eastern time zone. So how is the tour going so far? Off to a good start, I'll bet. How do you like the "road aspect" of it? I know you've already got a couple tours under your belt, so you are somewhat accustomed to it. But do you like all the driving? I think I would enjoy it myself, having just done a couple of long driving trips which were a blast and made me ready for more.  :)

Well anyway, continue having an awesome time, and post some pix when you get a chance.  :)

Today a typical Hair Salon Thursday, the smog was still buggin' me a little bit. Hey. you know what? It was weird : yesterday my lungs were irritated by the smog and I mentioned it right here on the blog. I said that it's something that hadn't happened for years, since the 60s really.

And so this morning I went out to get the paper (Daily News), and the headline, in big bold type, was "The Brown Air Up There". With a big color photo of a smoggy sky. This accompanied an article about how bad our air has been recently. So I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing it. I found a good website to monitor the air quality on a daily basis, so I'm gonna do that from now on when planning hikes. Man, I thought we were all done with really bad smog. I mean, we've always had a bit, but the days of being full-on poisoned were so long ago I thought they had it all figured out. L.A. is still a great city, so bring on the electric cars.

Tonight's film was a classic, a Film Noir I had never heard of before : "Ride The Pink Horse", starring Robert Montgomery (who also directed). Montgomery was a great actor who is not as famous as he should have been, and in this film he created an atmosphere that put you right in the middle of the action. It was like an Orson Welles film, full of quirky characters. Montgomery plays an ex-soldier turned hoodlum who takes a Greyhound bus down to a small New Mexico town to blackmail a crime boss who had his friend killed. The locals are all Mexican immigrants, and they befriend him, in particular a strange young woman (played by Wanda Hendrix) who becomes his sidekick. It's filmed in shadowy black and white, creating a gritty atmosphere, and the plot is straightforward and relentless. Montgomery wants his revenge; the crime boss isn't gonna let him have it.

I was surprised I'd never heard of this film before, and I'd bet that would be the case for many film buffs. But it's on Criterion, and it's one of the best Noirs I've ever seen. Five stars all the way.

That's all for tonight. Keep up the good work on tour!

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Thursday, August 11, 2016

On Tour Is Awesome! + Smog + "Daisy Kenyon" + 1989 and "Sea Of Love"

Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,

That is amazing and awesome that you are on another tour! Big time congratulations - it makes me happy as always. I see that you and the band are in Indianapolis tonight with Detroit tomorrow. I am guessing they would go back to the hotel/motel afterward instead of driving long distance right after a show. Probably better to drive in the morning after sleeping, so that would mean you are still in Indy. I hope you guys had a great first night show, and it goes without saying that you got great pictures. :) Make sure to chronicle the day-to-day aspects of the tour also. It's a cool thing to do from a journalistic standpoint, and also the band will appreciate it for great memories to reminisce over later on.

A low key day for me, mostly shopping and running errands. It was super smoggy today, and I had that "irritated breathing" thing that I got during the methane leak last Winter, which as I mentioned was a common occurrence in the 1960s when we had "smog alerts" and your lips would turn purple. It's weird because we haven't had really bad smog for years now, decades even, ever since all the emissions standards were put into place and leaded gas was done away with. But the recent smog was even mentioned in the paper, and they are saying it's a result of stagnant air over the Valley, a heat inversion that's trapping all the exhaust. Hopefully it'll clear up a bit soon. I had never gotten this "shallow breath" thing since I was a kid, but this year I've had it a few's nothing awful, just irritating, but smog is not good in any case.

Tonight's movie was "Daisy Kenyon" starring Joan Crawford, Dana Andrews and Henry Fonda. It was billed as a Noir, and even released under the Fox Noir label, but it's really a melodrama, and a heavy, heavy melodrama at that (which figures, if Joan Crawford is in it). She plays an artist who is having a long standing affair with a high powered Washington lawyer (Andrews), who won't divorce his wife to marry her. But then she meets a soldier returning from WW2 (Fonda), and all kinds of plot situations develop from there. The movie was directed by the great Otto Preminger, so it's got a lot of style and a very "adult" script for 1947, meaning that it is frank in it's discussion of the presented themes. Many films then just "suggested" things rather than spell them out. This film is fairly blunt for the time. Great b&w photography with many shadows, which is probably why they classify it as a Noir. Joan Crawford is great as always, and so are Dana Andrews and Henry Fonda. I was expecting a murder mystery or crime drama and instead it was a psychological "message" picture about the perils of getting involved with a married man, but it was still really good, and also weird because it was made by Otto Preminger.

My 1989 Tidbit Of The Day has to do with how I emerged from the whole thing. I have referred to the 12 day periods of events as "The Giamatti-Sea Of Love Timeline", and the reason for that naming of it is because two specific events allowed me to pinpoint the span - and the starting and end points - within which the events occured. I won't go into drawn-out explanations (which were in my book, as written on Myspace), but for now I will just say that a memory of the day that Bart Giamatti died gave me a certain starting point for the day the whole thing began. Giamatti was the Commissioner Of Baseball, and he had just recently banned Pete Rose from the game for life, which had an emotional impact on me because I have always been a huge Pete Rose fan. So, the memory of that act by Giamatti was emotionally based, and emotion-based memories have staying power. Giamatti died suddenly on September 1, 1989, and so his passing was also an emotionally-based memory (as an aside, and I know I've mentioned it before, but this is why one does not remember every detail of any given trip to the store, or any other benign activity, because no strong emotion is involved). Long story short, in an extremely focused and highly detailed bit of detective work that took a couple weeks many years ago, I was able, because of the memory of the day of Bart Giamatti's death, to pinpoint with certainty that it was also the day that the events began.

Now, the day the events ended has always been less certain. Because of my intense focus and my detective work, however, I was able to determine that the next conscious thing I remembered, after coming out of the events (which in my very considered estimate took 12 days) was attending a showing of the film "Sea Of Love". Seeing that movie at a theater was the first memory of "normal life" that I was able to come up with, during the day-by-day timeline that began on September 1 with Bart Giamatti's death. I knew for sure I'd gone to see "Sea Of Love" on either September 15 or September 16, 1989. More likely the 16th.

And so, if the totality of the events took twelve days, and lasted approximately until September 12, that means I would have "been back home" at least a couple days before I went to "Sea Of Love".

Today I listened to my Eldon Taylor self-hypnosis CD, which was extremely helpful last year in allowing me to recover important details about what happened at my neighbor (the kidnapper) Jared Rappaport's house. This time, today, I wanted to try to get back to the day of "Sea Of Love", and to see where I was just before that day, or maybe two days before. Regression is awesome, but also difficult. But it can be done, because the mind holds everything, everything you've ever done. Digging it up is the hard part, and I had an almost total amnesia of what happened to me in 1989. It is only through my own unceasing effort that I have been able to reconstruct as much as I have, because no one has helped me at all.

The people mainly responsible, the government people, just left me stranded, to fend for myself.

And so I have kept at it, for 22 years now, and this is my latest quest : to discover how I came out of it.

How did I end up at home, on or prior to Saturday September 16, 1989, getting ready to go see "Sea Of Love", and not knowing anything whatsoever of the monumental experience I'd just been through?

That last part is obvious, and it's because the techniques of induced amnesia are well known by now, especially by a government that allowed the CIA's MK Ultra program. They know how to erase your memory, and in my opinion it's one of the most evil things you can do to a person. But they know how to do it. It takes a combination of drugs and hypnosis. They also have a hand-held device that utilises a series of tones. Anyhow, they can do it, but it doesn't last forever. My amnesia lasted about four years, til October 1993. Then my memory began to come back, bit by bit, and by June 1997, I knew much of what had happened to me.

Now I'm still working on the rest.  :)

That's all I know for tonight, SB. Post some concert pix as soon as you are able.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Journey Concert + "10 Cloverfield" + 1989 And The Nondisclosure Form

Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,

I hope you had a blast at the Journey concert! I know you've mentioned that song ("Separate Ways") a few times before, and it is an all-time "raise your lighters in the air" concert anthem, but I did not know that the video was also your favorite until today. They do it kind of tongue-in-cheek, especially Steve Perry. Boy could he ever belt it out. I was not a big fan at the time because I was in my late teens and early twenties when they had all those mega hits, and I was strictly into macho heavy metal, Judas Priest et al, and I had to protect my image, lol. But over the years, I've had to admit to liking many of the Journey hits, and also a lot of 80's radio music that I heard a lot back then but would not have liked at the time. Music in the 80s had Big Booming Production, with lots of keyboards and big drum sound. And vocals. You had to be able to Belt It Out. My main bands in the 80s were Rush (of course), Van Halen, Judas Priest, Rainbow, Scorpions, Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Celtic Frost and a bunch of others to a lesser extent. I didn't listen to much progressive rock at that time, it was All Metal or Hard Rock, but the music was great then, and in retrospect even some of the radio hits that I did not like at the time sound good today, with that slick production.

I am glad you like music from that time, and if you like Journey, keep listening. It was a great era. :)

Today was a typical Tuesday, taking Pearl to Golden Agers. Tonight I did watch a movie, however, and it was a fairly good one : "10 Cloverfield Lane". You could call it a sci-fi film but it's more of a thriller, I think. I suppose it's based on the original "Cloverfield" movie from several years ago. That movie was big time scary. This one is more........weird. It's a creepy little weird movie, a little different in that it's focus in not on the sci-fi aspects as much as the human aspects. Without giving anything away, I do think it dragged a bit in the first hour. They spent too much time on the John Goodman aspect, and overdeveloped it to the point where you are going, "C'mon, I get it already". But then in the last 45 minutes or so, things get moving. The actors save the movie and make it into a fairly good one (7/10), and the weirdness at the end gives it some originality. Certainly worth a view on dvd, but only if horror or sci-fi is your thing.

I finished "Others Unknown" by Stephen Jones (the OKC book), which besides being an eye-opener into that case, also provides the reader with first hand accounting of how the Justice Department, which includes the FBI, operates. They are aggressive, secretive and arrogant. That was my experience. Say what you will about LAPD, with whom I also have experience - and they are forceful too, they project what is called "command presence" - but at least they are polite and explain things to you. The men from the FBI (or whatever agency they were from, because I don't remember them identifying themselves) just acted like they owned the world. And I am referring to the morning of September 2, 1989, at the Concord Square apartment building.

So here is my 1989 Tidbit for the night. When I write these "tidbits", I am directing them mostly at myself, to help me to continue to remember, so that I might develop any new information that has been dormant in my memory. I write to myself, but you are reading too, and because you are reading out of context (perhaps not knowing the full story, which is ultra lengthy), I don't want you to get confused by it. So, just take these individual details, i.e. tidbits, for what they are, just bits of information.

Anyhow, after waking up in the empty apartment (which I had been placed in for safe keeping) on the morning of September 2, I was told, by the apartment manager, that I could not go home - leave the premises - until I had spoken to these men who wanted to talk to me. I was wiped out from the night before, but I figured I'd better do what they wanted, so we sat at a metal table by the pool, and they placed that nondisclosure form in front of me that I described and posted last night.

My question then, is this : why the nondisclosure form? Those forms are very serious business. What could I have possibly seen or been privvy to the night before that the government did not want me to talk about?

A domestic dispute? A confrontation at the hospital over an apparent drug deal? 

Neither of those situations makes any sense whatsoever. Those are local police department situations.

We did see a helicopter land in the intersection of Roscoe and Reseda during the ride between my house and the hospital. But other drivers could have seen that, too. That is not cause for the extreme measure of a nondisclosure form.

The men at the table by the pool at Concord Square never told me exactly why they wanted me to sign that form. It was a nondisclosure form. What did they want me not to disclose?

I know that later in the twelve day experience, there was a lot of things I saw that the government would not have wanted me to disclose (which I did anyway on Myspace), but on that first night, only they know for sure what it was I could have seen that would have prompted them to not only respond so quickly and with such fierceness, but to shove that form in front of me while I was sitting at that table in a debilitated condition.

What did we see that first night, the night of September 1st, that was so extraordinary?

So extraordinary that it could not be disclosed?

I'm not 100% sure, but in my book I always thought it was something we saw in the parking lot at the hospital..........

Well, that's all for tonight, SB. Yeah, it's weird I know.

I Love You. See you in the morning.   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)