Happy Super Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I see you are in the middle of Pennsylvania now, Williamsport tonight and Stroudsburg tomorrow, the latter about 100 miles from NYC. So you guys are kind of doubling back a bit, which happens all the time on West Coast tours. Instead of going from San Diego to L.A. to the Bay Area and then up to Portland and/or Seattle, bands will sometimes mix it up, go up and down and then back up again, and I suppose that has to do with venue availability on particular nights. Anyhow, I trust you had another successful show tonight, and that you are having a blast on the road.
No news from me, but I did go up to Aliso Canyon for the first time in a few weeks, where I squoze in a quick hike. That's what I've gotta do these days - squoze 'em in. I've gotta have my time management down to a science to get stuff done, and I do.
Grimsley called this morning to tell me that Todd Rundgren is gonna play a free concert tomorrow night at Pershing Square in Downtown L.A. I don't usually follow the Pershing Square Summer concert schedule, so I was not aware Todd was playing, but as you may know he's one of my all-time favorite artists, which makes it all the more ridiculous that I haven't seen him live since 1991, although truth be told, most of his classic material is from the 1970s. Still, at his greatest he was All-Time Top Ten Great, as with his albums "A Wizard A True Star" and "Todd", and you may have seen my live photo of him on FB, a b&w close up shot of him playing guitar at the Roxy Theater in 1978.
So, Grim and I are gonna go tomorrow night. We can take the subway there, which always rules, and because it is a city park concert, it should be over fairly early, I would guess by 10:30 or so. So I should be back here by 11:30 and posting at the usual time.
No movie tonight, but I have been watching "Under The Dome" for the last three nights, and it's turning out to be pretty good. Very addicting as all these modern shows are ("Walking Dead", "Breaking Bad"). I don't know how far they can go with it because it's based on a book (by King) and a book has an ending, but we'll see. For now I like it!
Tonight, for my 1989 Tidbit I will continue with my theme of Location, and how it played into my recovery of major event memories, and ultimately, how strange I find it that the memories were recalled in such a way.
To backtrack and briefly recap, I remembered the Wilbur Wash Event because of being at the location. Prior to being there, I had no memory whatsoever of this Monumental Event. And as we discussed the past few nights, the only reason I was there at the Wilbur Wash, 7 years and 8 months later (after September 1989), was because Bob moved there after being evicted from his apartment. We also discussed all the potential ramifications of his move, and how it could have come about.
Okay. So then, the Event began to happen, at night but on the same day as my encounter with Gary Patterson as described yesterday. An entire book could be written about the Event, and because of that we have to skip over it (for now) to get to the next location, because location is our theme.
In my book, as related on Myspace, I described how, at the conclusion of the Wash Event, certain people who were herded into a room at a nearby motel : the Howard Johnson Inn on Reseda Boulevard where it t-bones with Valerio Street. Recall that the Wilbur Wash Event took place at Valerio and Wilbur, which is a half mile from Reseda Bl. I think the Feds found a convenient place to corral everyone, although it was a strange mix of people in the room I was in, and most people in the room had not been at the Wash, so far as I had seen.
But my point for tonight - and I know all of this is out of context and weird - is that - just like with the Wilbur Wash location - I did not recover my memory of being at the Howard Johnson motel, or of what happened there after the Wilbur Wash Event, until I went there , in March 1997.
So it was just as with Bob's move to the Wash house in May 1997, and my memories of the events at the two locations were coming back to be almost simultaneously.
The reason I wound up at the Howard Johnson motel on Reseda Bl. was because we got evicted too, even before Bob did. I was living at the time, in early 1997, at the famous Burton Street house, with the late and legendary Dave S. and my Dad. Yep, Daddio lived there too, because he too had been evicted from his apartment in Northridge! Yep, it's a wild story....
But the point is that we were all living at the Burton Street house in Reseda, and in March 1997 we got evicted by Dave's dad, who was the owner of the house. The eviction is a complicated story and not relevant to 1989 (at least I don't think so), but at any rate, when we got evicted, we didn't know what to do. An eviction makes it very hard to find anyone who will rent to you, and we needed something immediately. That day. Because we had nowhere to go.
So I suggested that we share a room at the Howard Johnson motel for the time being. I said to Dad and Dave, "It's close, so we're near everything, and we can use it as a base for now".
So we left most of our belongings at Burton Street (some of which were recovered later) and drove down to Howard Johnson's, just a short distance away. And we rented a room in which we all lived, three of us, for a couple months. It's a long story.
But the thing is that Bob lived in his apartment just a mile away. And we used to go visit him there.
Until in May 1997, when he was evicted and moved to the Wilbur Wash house.
While hanging out there, my memories came back of that event, and I blew my mind.
Then in June, something strange began to happen at the Howard Johnson's. Both Dad and Dave had moved out by then, and I was there by myself for about a week or so.
And the management asked me to move from the room I'd been in, to another room. And on my first night in that new room, strong and exact memories came back - like a movie - of a horrible event that had happened in that room, in which a group of perhaps a dozen people were being "corralled", me being one of those people.
The two events were tied together. After the Wilbur Wash event was over, the Feds used the motel as a place to hold people until they could get the damage under control, meaning the spread of knowledge of what had happened over that weekend. The subject of how they cover things up is another subject on which a whole book could be written, but the point is that I only remembered the Howard Johnson Event after I moved in there, and even then - it was only at the end of my two month tenancy, after the management moved me to a different room. That room triggered the memory of a most horrible event.
So I guess my question for tonight is : why did I choose the Howard Johnson Inn as a place to move to, after we got evicted from Burton Street? On the surface, it seems simple. No one else would have us on short notice. We needed a place to stay; the motel was close.
But we have seen with Bob's move to the Wash house, that the question comes down to manipulation versus coincidence.
Was it a coincidence that I chose the Howard Johnson's? It is interesting to note that, at the time I chose it, my memories of Wilbur Wash were still dormant, but imminent to return. Both went hand in hand. We moved to the motel in March. Bob got evicted from his apartment two months later, in May, and moved to the Wash house. My memories of the Wash Event came back first, in late May/early June.
And then right after that, I was moved to a different room, and my memories of the Howard Johnson Event returned full force, and thus the two events were connected - boom!
I don't think I chose Howard Johnson's by coincidence. I don't think it was a case of psychic manipulation, either, although that stuff is done (sub-audio signals, et al).
What I think it was, was just a case of my subconscious coming up to the surface and talking to me. I had already remembered so much of What Happened In Northridge before that, including the first night and the aftermath at Northridge Hospital.
My point is that my memories of the events at the Wilbur Wash and the subsequent, tied-in event at the Howard Johnson Inn a half mile away, were recovered not because of coincidence, but by design.
In the case of the Wilbur Wash, I believe the design was that of the Federal agencies, whomever they may have been, who have the means, and people, and coordination, to manipulate a targeted individual (me) into moving about in a certain way. See old episodes of "Mission Impossible" for examples, only it's way weirder than that.
I was manipulated into re-visiting the Wilbur Wash, which means that somebody wanted me to remember it.
And I remembered the Howard Johnson Event during the same time period, under similar circumstances, and in the same manner - through being at the location.
That one may have been due to my own subconscious, or once again through manipulation by very sophisticated forces.
But there is no way either set of memories came back through coincidence. Because location is everything. ////
That's all I know for tonight, SB. See you in the morning!
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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