Happy Super Late Night, my Darling,
I hope you had a great show in Southbridge, and I see that you will be in Clifton, New Jersey tomorrow night, about 170 miles down the road, so a fairly easy drive this time. Have you been to the East Coast before? I will guess "yes" because you are pretty well traveled. If you pass close to NYC, make sure and take some pics! :)
The only post I saw today was the photo of the eagle, an incredible shot. I would love to see one myself eventually.....
No movie tonight, but I did start watching "Under The Dome", the series made from Stephen King's book. A lot of the TV stuff made from SK's work is subpar, so I was a little skeptical but I got it from the Libe anyway, and so far it's pretty good. I'll just take it one episode at a time and if it holds up I'll keep watching.
While I was at the Northridge Libe, I took a walk down Darby Ave past Rayen St. At the end of Darby is Studio 606, Dave Grohl's studio. It's just two blocks down from the Libe, so sometimes when I'm there I do a Dave Grohl Walk, just to get part of my daily miles in. I've walked past the place maybe 30 times in the last few years, and I've never seen Grohl or anybody else of note on my walks, but today I saw Lemmy.
Grohl has had a big mural of him painted on the back wall of the studio. He must have had it done recently, cause it wasn't there the last time I walked by. So I'll take a pic of it and post in a day or two, just for fun.
Well, tonight I will continue with my 1989 Tidbit about the Wilbur Wash location. The thing is, in regards to the Three Possibilities I mentioned last night about Bob's move to that house, is that - to quote the popular phrase - location is everything. I will very briefly re-state the Three Possibilities of Bob's move, to illustrate my point. I said that either:
1) Bob's move had to be totally random and a coincidence (to my recognition of the property), or...
2) Bob was directed to move there, deliberately, by someone in authority, so that I would follow along and "notice" the place, or....
3) The Wilbur Wash Event did not happen at that location, but happened elsewhere, and thus I was mistaken in my recollection.
But the thing is that, when I began to hang around there, at Bob's new house, it was the location itself that brought about the memories. To paraphrase my thinking at the time : "OMG.....right here in the cul-de-sac is where such and such happened". Where Jerry Brown pulled up with a truck full of soldiers, for instance.
That is how my memory came back, because of the location.
So what this means is that the Wilbur Wash Event either happened at the location as described, or it didn't happen at all. There is no possibility of any other location for that event.
Ergo, that means I don't think Possibility #3 is viable.
Which leaves just the first two Possibilities. Either Bob moved there at random, to an abandoned property when he had hundreds of other local options....
Or he was directed to move there deliberately. Perhaps by the FBI.
Whom he had been in contact with just a month or two prior, at the apartment he had previously lived in and from which he was "evicted". And of which meeting he had warned Dave and I to stay away from.
"Yeah, you guys shouldn't come over tomorrow. The FBI is coming here to talk to me".
Straight up truth. Bob told us, perhaps in March 1997, two months before his move, that the FBI wanted to talk to him. He was a major-league speed dealer. They didn't come to arrest him, or charge him, but to "talk to him". And then a month or two later, he moved into an abandoned house, when multiple other options were available to him. ////
Now I will get back to how I first came to visit the Wilbur Wash house, in September 1989, during the twelve day ordeal of What Happened In Northridge. Last night I recounted that a person I know to this day, came over to my house at 9032 Rathburn Avenue, on approximately Sunday September 10. I am not certain of the order of events, but it always made sense to me that Wilbur Wash came last, since it was the most overwhelming (to put it mildly). Other factors also persuade me to place it last, including the timing of participation of the Person In Question who drove me there that day.
The Person In Question came to my house, at 9032, on a weekend afternoon, Saturday or Sunday. It feels like Sunday to me.
This person wanted me to ride along so he could score "a dime bag" in the parlance of the time.
Here is what is Mega Important in my memory, and in the scheme of things vis-a-vis The Wilbur Wash Event. The first thing that is important is that I was apparently back at home, after everything I'd already been through since September 1st.
The second thing that is important is that I was apparently aware of at least some of what had already happened to me. When the Person asked me to go on the Pot Run with him, I said no.
And I told him, "I don't think I should go, because I've had a heart attack or something. I should stay home and rest".
That quote is not verbatim, but it is close. I have remembered my conversation with the Person, and I am 100% Certain that I told him I "shouldn't go" with him, because I'd had a "heart attack". My words were to that effect, which suggests that I was aware myself of at least some of what had happened to me.
But when I told the guy this - that I should not go with him to score his pot, because I wasn't well - he continued to ask me to go. He cajoled me : "It'll only take a few minutes. I'll have you back in a half hour".
He really wanted me to go with him, and in the end, I agreed to go.
It is obvious to me, in hindsight, that I had a vague idea of what I'd already experienced, but that I was still operating under either a state of shock or a degree of amnesia. Or I never would have gotten into this person's car.
He drove us a few miles to a location I'd never before been to.
It was the Wilbur Wash house.
This was in September 1989, about six years and eight months before Bob was to move in to the same house, after it was abandoned, and at which time I recovered my memories.
So, the question must be asked : Why did the Person drive me to that house? Why was his pot transaction taking place at that house?
Why did he insist I accompany him, when I had said I didn't want to?
When I had told him I "shouldn't go", because I'd recently had a "heart attack"?
We shall see why he insisted, when I continue the story, perhaps tomorrow night.
See you in the morn, Sweet Baby. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):) You Rule!
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