Thursday, August 4, 2016

Ordinary Day But With Controversial Opinions About Weird Stuff

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

Sorry I didn't write last night; it was the usual case of having nothing to report, other than last night I watched two more parts of the 3 1/2 hour version of "Quatermass And The Pit", which is turning out to be an outstanding version, even though it is a TV production and thus different from the theatrical version. Last night I also watched another episode of "One Step Beyond", that featured Julie Adams, of "Creature From The Black Lagoon" fame, as a woman who appears to warn her husband of an impending disaster that she herself has already perished in. Shades of "Mothman Prophecies"......

But I just can't say enough about this show. Every episode I've seen so far has been excellent. Weird, sometimes creepy, but classy and always well acted in the Method style of the 1950s and early 60s.

Today was a typical day as well. Just reading my books, which right now are "IT" by Stephen King (I'm about halfway through), "Others Unknown" by Steven Jones, and here I must make a controversial comment. Perhaps very controversial, but I make it anyway, in light of things that have happened in my own life, meaning my experience with extremely unusual situations.

I always believed - and I used to tell my Mom this, way back in the late 1990s - that Timothy McVeigh was not guilty. I based that opinion on his demeanor in print and TV media, but even moreso on pure intuition. At that time, my intuition was at peak level, because of what had happened in my own life with the return of my memories, which included experiences with the apparatus of the Federal government, which is a level of power exponentially higher than anything in most people's experience, say with a local police department.

The Federal Government of The United States Of America is the greatest power on Earth, because they have at their disposal the most powerful tools. I'll leave it at that for now, but in reading this book, which was written by McVeigh's lawyer - who is no run-of-the-mill conspiracy theorist but a highly accomplished and respected man in his field - I am blown away and convinced that I had it right all along, 20 years ago.

Tim McVeigh certainly had views and activities in his life that I would not have agreed with, and would not have participated in. In that regard, he is just like Lee Harvey Oswald, who also had militant political views.

But we know now that Oswald was a patsy, and Jones' book proves that McVeigh was a patsy as well.

That's how they do it. They have a Fall Guy for these things, and then they execute him, and the story ends there. The book also fascinates me because it describes in detail how the Feds go about conducting a massive investigation, and they do it full throttle, which helps me to understand a little better the events of 1989, though I am still very far from knowing and understanding what happened to me that year.

I will keep exploring it in bits and pieces as I explained last month, but anyway.....

That's all the Weird Subject Stuff for now. Me, I do it because of what happened in my life, and because I just want The Truth about things. I am a 400 Year American with ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War, and on both sides of the Civil War. My Dad served in WW2 in an effort to wipe Nazism from the face of the Earth.

And now, since that war ended, we have these Secret People doing Secret Things in the name of America, covering things up and keeping the truth from everyone.

It's not what my ancestors or my Dad fought for. And now we have Donald Trump.

So screw these guys. It's time for the truth. ///

I know you are busy the last few days, Sweet Baby, and with upcoming stuff too. I only saw one post today, Sarah's Q&A video. Did you make that one? She is funny, lol, because - and I am sure she must be aware of this - she talks very fast, a mile a minute as they say. That's why it's funny that the vocal sound is slowed down in some places....

Well, that's all I know for tonight.

See you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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