Happy Super Late Night, Sweet Baby! ,
Have you arrived in Massachusetts yet? I Google Mapped it, and it looks to be about 600 miles from Cleveland, so getting there in one day of driving is doable. Well if you're there, have a blast and explore on your days off before the show. :)
That was a terrific shot of the guys in the band kicking back either before a show at the venue, or maybe more likely at a rest stop somewhere, as I notice what looks like an RV dimly lit in the background. Also they are sitting at a picnic table. So probably taken "on the road". And it captures exactly what I was talking about - the parts of the Rock 'n Roll Life that happen during all the hours the band isn't on stage. In the 60s and 70s, maybe because rock was newer then, there was still a lot of documentary photography of the day-to-day workings of the life of the musician, and you'd see such photographs in magazines like Creem or Circus. You'd see a pic of a guy doing his laundry in a laundromat in the middle of nowhere, stuff like that.
So keep shooting! (that's what I always say, right?). Keep shooting obviously at the concerts, but also on the road. Today's photo was perfect, right down to the haze of cigarette smoke above and between the two band members. :)
And as you can see on Facebook, I'm not the only one who thinks so. And as I said, the band is gonna love it. :)
Well, today I finally got in a Hundred Degree Hike. 106, to be exact. I know I must be nuts, but something about being out in the heat just feels really good to me. I went out to Newhall, to Whitney Canyon (one of my favorites), and went about a mile and a quarter in, so 2 1/2 total. Got a cool spider web shot to add to the collection. Everything else is good, just been watching the Olympics a lot at Pearl's and doing a lot of reading as always. I try to pack a lot of activity into each day, both mental and physical.
Tonight's 1989 Tidbit is actually gonna have to stretch out to tomorrow night because I think it's too complicated to go through all at once. Or maybe not, I don't know, but at least I can start and describe as much as possible before I get too tired, haha. The issue I want to discuss has to do with location, particularly that of the Wilbur Wash house, located on Wilbur Avenue where it meets Valerio Street, right next to a concrete wash, which is a concrete "tributary" of the larger concrete Los Angeles River. The washes around here are really storm channels to protect the Valley from flooding in the years when we still had rain.
I will also discuss the location of the Howard Johnson Motel on Reseda Boulevard and Valerio Street, about a half mile away from the Wilbur Wash house, but it will probably be tomorrow or even the next day before I can get to it. These two locations figure prominently in what was the biggest "event" in all the events of What Happened In Northridge. They are the cornerstones of The Wilbur Wash Event, which wound up, after it was over, at the Howard Johnson Motel.
Here is my dilemma. I remembered the Wilbur Wash event while I was at the house in question, in May 1997. Before that, I was not aware of the event, which was both military and supernatural in question. By supernatural I mean supernatural technology. It all sounds weird, I know. But my point tonight is the location.
I have to be honest, because without that I am cheating myself, and anyone who reads, and finally I am cheating my quest for the truth if I am not fully honest.
I did not remember the Wilbur Wash Event until I came to be at the Wilbur Wash house, and I came to be at that house in May 1997 only because my friend Bob moved in, to live there with his girlfriend.
An unusual factor was that the house was abandoned at the time, when they moved in. I helped Bob clear waist-high weeds off the property and generally clean the place up a bit. Bob claimed he made a deal with the owner, whom he said he had contacted. Just before this, he and his girlfriend had been living in a nearby apartment about a block away.
In the last couple years, my friend Ryan (who will not mind if I mention him) has told me that Bob had never contacted any owner, but that he was squatting at that house. Ryan knew Bob better than I did. He introduced me (and the late, great Dave S.) to Bob.
Bob was our speed dealer from July 1996 to June 1997. We were in regular contact with him for the twelve months we knew him. I will get back to Bob, and some interesting things about him, later on.
For tonight I will close with his move to the Wilbur Wash house. This took place, as described, in May 1997. My memories had been coming back full force, in a flood, since 1995, and they were developing more and more all the time from the fragments that began the process in 1993. I helped Bob move into the Wash House, and was there a lot after he did move in.
It probably took me two weeks to begin to notice things about the place, mainly the semi-circle of dirt in a the cul-se-sac in front of the house. That semi-circle was unpaved in '97. I also noticed a concrete bridge that crossed over the Wash to the east of the house, perhaps 100 feet from it's front door.
I began to notice details in the interior of the house, and one day I said to Bob : "I've been in this house before". And not long after, I blew my mind completely, while looking at at open field that lies next to the house, just past the concrete wash, a field owned by the Los Angeles Department Of Water And Power, which has huge steel electrical towers standing across it, holding high tension wires.
That was when I remembered what had happened in that field, and in the dirt cul-de-sac, which is far too long a story to go in to at the moment.
What I wanted to go into tonight, regarding the issue of Location, is the very fact that Bob moved into that house , after he got evicted from his apartment nearby.
I did not remember the monumental Wilbur Wash Event until Bob moved into that house. I was only there because he moved in.
So my question for tonight is this : was it a coincidence that he moved into that house? It was a ramshackle farmhouse probably built in the 1930s, and it was abandoned and partially boarded up when he moved in. My friend says Bob never contacted the owner, that he was squatting the whole time he was there.
Bob had unusual things happening in his life at the time, like a meeting with agents of the FBI, or so he claimed. He was a speed dealer who never got into trouble, and seemed to have connections.
In short, and I will examine it more tomorrow, there are only three possible conclusions to Bob's move to the Wilbur Wash house.
Either I have the location totally wrong, and the event took place somewhere else besides the Wilbur Wash.
Or, I have the location correct, but Bob's move there was a total coincidence. Yeah, what are the odds on that?
Or finally, that Bob moved there deliberately, because he was a man with special connections. And he moved there so that I would be led there myself, to an abandoned old house that nobody would normally move to.
And that's gotta be the answer, that he moved there deliberately, because I am 100% certain of the location as it pertains to 1989.
There is absolutely no doubt. ////
That's all I know for tonight, SB. I will see you in the morn.
Keep up the good work!
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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