Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
That is amazing and awesome that you are on another tour! Big time congratulations - it makes me happy as always. I see that you and the band are in Indianapolis tonight with Detroit tomorrow. I am guessing they would go back to the hotel/motel afterward instead of driving long distance right after a show. Probably better to drive in the morning after sleeping, so that would mean you are still in Indy. I hope you guys had a great first night show, and it goes without saying that you got great pictures. :) Make sure to chronicle the day-to-day aspects of the tour also. It's a cool thing to do from a journalistic standpoint, and also the band will appreciate it for great memories to reminisce over later on.
A low key day for me, mostly shopping and running errands. It was super smoggy today, and I had that "irritated breathing" thing that I got during the methane leak last Winter, which as I mentioned was a common occurrence in the 1960s when we had "smog alerts" and your lips would turn purple. It's weird because we haven't had really bad smog for years now, decades even, ever since all the emissions standards were put into place and leaded gas was done away with. But the recent smog was even mentioned in the paper, and they are saying it's a result of stagnant air over the Valley, a heat inversion that's trapping all the exhaust. Hopefully it'll clear up a bit soon. I had never gotten this "shallow breath" thing since I was a kid, but this year I've had it a few times.........it's nothing awful, just irritating, but smog is not good in any case.
Tonight's movie was "Daisy Kenyon" starring Joan Crawford, Dana Andrews and Henry Fonda. It was billed as a Noir, and even released under the Fox Noir label, but it's really a melodrama, and a heavy, heavy melodrama at that (which figures, if Joan Crawford is in it). She plays an artist who is having a long standing affair with a high powered Washington lawyer (Andrews), who won't divorce his wife to marry her. But then she meets a soldier returning from WW2 (Fonda), and all kinds of plot situations develop from there. The movie was directed by the great Otto Preminger, so it's got a lot of style and a very "adult" script for 1947, meaning that it is frank in it's discussion of the presented themes. Many films then just "suggested" things rather than spell them out. This film is fairly blunt for the time. Great b&w photography with many shadows, which is probably why they classify it as a Noir. Joan Crawford is great as always, and so are Dana Andrews and Henry Fonda. I was expecting a murder mystery or crime drama and instead it was a psychological "message" picture about the perils of getting involved with a married man, but it was still really good, and also weird because it was made by Otto Preminger.
My 1989 Tidbit Of The Day has to do with how I emerged from the whole thing. I have referred to the 12 day periods of events as "The Giamatti-Sea Of Love Timeline", and the reason for that naming of it is because two specific events allowed me to pinpoint the span - and the starting and end points - within which the events occured. I won't go into drawn-out explanations (which were in my book, as written on Myspace), but for now I will just say that a memory of the day that Bart Giamatti died gave me a certain starting point for the day the whole thing began. Giamatti was the Commissioner Of Baseball, and he had just recently banned Pete Rose from the game for life, which had an emotional impact on me because I have always been a huge Pete Rose fan. So, the memory of that act by Giamatti was emotionally based, and emotion-based memories have staying power. Giamatti died suddenly on September 1, 1989, and so his passing was also an emotionally-based memory (as an aside, and I know I've mentioned it before, but this is why one does not remember every detail of any given trip to the store, or any other benign activity, because no strong emotion is involved). Long story short, in an extremely focused and highly detailed bit of detective work that took a couple weeks many years ago, I was able, because of the memory of the day of Bart Giamatti's death, to pinpoint with certainty that it was also the day that the events began.
Now, the day the events ended has always been less certain. Because of my intense focus and my detective work, however, I was able to determine that the next conscious thing I remembered, after coming out of the events (which in my very considered estimate took 12 days) was attending a showing of the film "Sea Of Love". Seeing that movie at a theater was the first memory of "normal life" that I was able to come up with, during the day-by-day timeline that began on September 1 with Bart Giamatti's death. I knew for sure I'd gone to see "Sea Of Love" on either September 15 or September 16, 1989. More likely the 16th.
And so, if the totality of the events took twelve days, and lasted approximately until September 12, that means I would have "been back home" at least a couple days before I went to "Sea Of Love".
Today I listened to my Eldon Taylor self-hypnosis CD, which was extremely helpful last year in allowing me to recover important details about what happened at my neighbor (the kidnapper) Jared Rappaport's house. This time, today, I wanted to try to get back to the day of "Sea Of Love", and to see where I was just before that day, or maybe two days before. Regression is awesome, but also difficult. But it can be done, because the mind holds everything, everything you've ever done. Digging it up is the hard part, and I had an almost total amnesia of what happened to me in 1989. It is only through my own unceasing effort that I have been able to reconstruct as much as I have, because no one has helped me at all.
The people mainly responsible, the government people, just left me stranded, to fend for myself.
And so I have kept at it, for 22 years now, and this is my latest quest : to discover how I came out of it.
How did I end up at home, on or prior to Saturday September 16, 1989, getting ready to go see "Sea Of Love", and not knowing anything whatsoever of the monumental experience I'd just been through?
That last part is obvious, and it's because the techniques of induced amnesia are well known by now, especially by a government that allowed the CIA's MK Ultra program. They know how to erase your memory, and in my opinion it's one of the most evil things you can do to a person. But they know how to do it. It takes a combination of drugs and hypnosis. They also have a hand-held device that utilises a series of tones. Anyhow, they can do it, but it doesn't last forever. My amnesia lasted about four years, til October 1993. Then my memory began to come back, bit by bit, and by June 1997, I knew much of what had happened to me.
Now I'm still working on the rest. :)
That's all I know for tonight, SB. Post some concert pix as soon as you are able.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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