Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I love the picture of the goose leading the officer to her trapped Baby! That is the exact kind of goose I saw at the Wildlife Reserve a couple weeks ago. I think I described it's coloring in my blog for that day. In my case, I discovered the goose babies on my own (the ones in my photo), and I was surprised that Mother Goose didn't chase me away. So maybe they are cool with humans being around their kids, haha, and in the case of trapped Baby in your FB post, I am glad it was rescued.
It is always good when a Baby is rescued. :):)
I saw another post earlier about a friend of yours who was hiking up in Maine. He was playing air guitar and got caught in the act. I would give the guy some moral support because I am always humming to myself, or whistling, or singing at whatever level I think I can get away with according to my surroundings. In my car, I can actually practice and sing loud, haha. But on hikes, I do it too, though under my breath. We have a gospel song coming up in a couple weeks that is so catchy that I can't stop humming/singing/whistling it. It's called "In That Great, Great Morning", and I was singing it to myself up at Placerita Canyon this afternoon. The trail was mostly empty, but there were a few slower people ahead of me, and whenever I would start to catch up to them, I would adjust my volume accordingly.
It's probably easier with singing because there is no gesturing, as with air guitar.
Now, don't ever try this, but sometimes when you are in the car, you've gotta steer with your knees for a couple seconds, to play air drums, like when "Tom Sawyer" is ending and Neil is doing those famous fills.....
You're probably never gonna ride with me now, so forget I said that. I always have two hands on the wheel at all times. :)
I had a nice hike at Placerita, and I actually started to go to the Golden Valley Ranch trail which is a couple miles farther down the road. I went there and started to hike, but when I got about a quarter mile in, the trail became overgrown with yellow wildflowers, and it was Bee City, so I went back to Placerita. I am actually pretty good with bees now, so long as they aren't right on top of me. In Placerita, you could hear the slightly unnerving hum of the thousands of bees at work in the canyon, and in places where the canyon narrows, with granite rock on either side, the hum is amplified, and with it, the unnerving feeling. But I am good with bees now, for the most part (no hornets, though, please), and I went for 2.75 miles total. Took no photos, because I have covered the place already, so it is on standby status unless a nice lighting condition is in place.
Finished watching "Montage Of Heck", the Cobain documentary. I wrote about it last week, when I only watched the first half. It's not that great a doc, because you don't get a fix on exactly who the guy was, but the second half of the film is better, and I must say that - even though I was never a big Nirvana fan - that Kurt Cobain was a very talented musician. I would call him a Natural Musician, not technical or trained, but just Born To Play and Sing and write music. It's a shame (of course) that he died so young, but the film shows how good a musician he was, very tight in his playing and singing, and a force of energy. And his music was catchy, which is not easy to do.
Tonight's word for study is "Filioque". Does the Holy Spirit (which used to be called the Holy Ghost) proceed from the Father alone, or does it proceed from both the Father and the Son?
This is a technical argument, too long to go into here, that caused the split in the church back in the 9th century.
I call it hair-splitting, and my own response is that nobody knows.
I believe in God, but I don't know what God is. Same with the Holy Spirit. One can feel things, and have only an innate understanding of them.......but all of that personal interior feeling and understanding is lost when one tries to explain it. But that is dialectics, and it is still fascinating to read about, and I am doing so, because the guys in the 4th century lived very close in time to the life of Christ, which really should be studied more and more from a historical view, if that is possible.
That's all for tonight! Sleep well, and I will see you in the morn.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxo :):)
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