Happy Late Night, my Darling,
I hope you had a nice day, both today and yesterday. Yesterday was Yer Basic Sunday for me, but we sang really well - our director said it was our best yet since he's been with us, so that was nice to hear. I really liked your post earlier today, of the family of Cranes in Middleton. Maybe you posted it in response to my post about the Geese at CSUN. It was a beautiful photo of the birds in your post, and I liked the name of the FB page too : "Visit Middleton". When should I arrive? :)
Yeah, our Geese at CSUN are crazy, and apparently they've nested in the ivy next to the science building, and they've laid their eggs there. And now they are maniacally chasing people away from that end of the building, so much so that the campus groundskeepers have had to put up temporary fencing around that area as well as warning signs about Wild Geese. I think the "Wild" part refers more to their present behavior than their non-domestic status, haha.....
I saw another post advertising a Metal Festival that is coming up for you. Avenged Sevenfold and a bunch of other bands. Trivium, I think. Anyway, I don't know if any of your bands are on the bill, but I hope you get to go, and if you do, I hope you get to shoot it. The Summer concert season is on it's way, hooray! Go to as many shows as you can and just keep shooting.
Tonight, when I clicked on "posts You like", it returned a whole ton of stuff. Usually, it returns the same set of a few dozen posts, and if there has been a new one (or more) from that day, then those are included too. But the older ones are almost always the same. This time, though, it returned a lot of old posts, some fairly recent, many to do with Alcest (maybe because I "liked" an Alcest post myself this morn), but anyhow, my point is that maybe you are posting more often on FB then I am aware of. I don't mean profile updates, because I would always see those. I just mean "likes", as I used to see all the time when I had a news ticker. When I had a ticker, I saw your posts in the scroll all the time. So maybe I miss a lot of them now that I can only use the "posts You like" feature. So if you are posting stuff, in an effort to communicate, and I miss those posts, then I am sorry, but it's once again down to my dumb FB page, and the fact that Zuckerberg won't give me my News Ticker back.
But the pic of the Middleton Cranes made my day. :)
When I Visit Middleton, I'll bring some CSUN Geese with me.........but I'll make 'em behave. :)
Watched a classic British Noir last night, from Criterion : "Green For Danger" (1946), starring Alastair Sim, of "Scrooge" fame. It was a murder mystery set in a hospital during WW2, and it was the kind of drama with a sharp edge of black humour that the English pull off so well, especially from that period.
In my reading, I am still trying to understand exactly the meaning of Hypostasis. How can Christ be both Divine and Human in one body? They argued the heck out of this question in the early Church, and various factions came to different conclusions as to how this was possible. Nowdays, we merely accept the explanation the He was (and is) both God and man, combined in one Person. But the specifics of the arguments from the 5th century, during the time of the Council Of Chalcedon, are so precise that it seems like hairsplitting. But it was not, not to the Fathers Of The Early Church. They wanted to make sure they had the exact definition, and went to great pains - over decades and even centuries - to make sure they had it right.
It's amazing to study the Early Church. I am Googling all kinds of stuff I never knew, in order to understand it better, because Dr. Joe's book is academic, written for a college course (unlike his other books), which means it is written in the academic style which assumes the reader is already familiar with both the subject and the terminology. But it's awesome nonetheless.
Today, two good mini-hikes. I drove up to O'Melveney around 2:30pm and first went up the street to the Mario De Campos Trail, which is the one that takes you to the top of Mission Point, the second highest peak in the Valley. I climbed it in 2014 but hadn't been back since, so I wanted to reacquaint myself with it, and also test my legs since it is steep for a long ways. Turned out the legs are in good shape and I wasn't even breathing hard, though I only went about a half mile up. The full climb to the top is 2.25 miles, which I will do again later this Summer.
My other mini-hike was at O'Melveney Park itself, just a short distance from the De Campos trail.
All in all, a very nice day.
See you in the morning, Sweet Baby! I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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