Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I am back at Pearl's. I had a nice day, fairly quiet, though I did go to the Greek Festival to take my annual tour of the church, which I was anticipating even more, as described earlier, because of my recent reading about Orthodox Christianity. However, unlike previous years, there was no priest on hand to give a talk. There were a few docents, but mostly it was a self-guided tour. I was hoping for a presentation and oral history as they used to do in years past. It still is an awesome place, though, and I simply sat in the pew for about a half hour and soaked everything in, listening to the chant music that was playing over the sound system.
Which reminds me.....
You were asking for music recommendations? I know I didn't post any, but now I will recommend Orthodox Chant Music from the 11th Century! :) Similar to Gregorian Chants, but even weirder sounding, like you are in a secret chamber somewhere. I love that kind of stuff! (though I jest in calling it a recommendation, lol).
I know you were looking for more modern recommendations. Me, I'd be recommending Sofronitsky, Hana Blazikova, Orthodox Chants, James Newton Howard soundtracks......(I mention him because I needed something to listen to while reading a few days ago, and I pulled the soundtrack for "Signs" off the shelf. You know, the Shyamalan movie. I had forgotten how good that music was.....
But for now I shall leave the recommendations to your friends, who are more current than I... :)
You say you can't work while listening to dreamy music; for me, I can't read to anything that has vocals. I don't know what it is, but if there are vocals, then I get distracted and can't concentrate. So, when I read, it's almost always classical or soundtrack music playing.
I also did my drive past the local VA hospital, which is near the Greek Church. I drive past on Memorial Day to see the row of flags that are planted all the way up the long curving driveway. It's quite a sight. My family never lost anyone to war, thank goodness, but my Dad was a patient of a great doctor at that hospital, and I took him to appointments there for many years, and in doing so I became very impressed with the VA. So I always drive past on Memorial Day, In Memorium....
Books being read : "Road To Reality" (the crazy-hard math book, which I don't understand a word of basically, but am hoping to absorb it. Only 4 or 5 pages a day, so I won't be done until Christmas). "IT" by SK, his greatest work I think. I found a hardback copy in the "free" bin at the Libe, so I took it home. I am also only reading a few pages a day (because I am reading too many books right now), but King I understand, haha. And I'd been meaning to re-read this one anyhow, having first read it in 1986 when it came out. At 1000+ pages, I will finish by Halloween, or maybe Thanksgiving.
Those are my morning books, just a few pages each, but every day so I don't lose the "thread".
I am also reading the Lennon bio by Philip Norman. That one is an afternoon book, and about 10-15 pages a day. Biographies are like somebody telling you a story, no challenging mental concepts or fictional prose to concentrate on. So you can pound a biography, even an 800 page one like "John Lennon : The Life". I should be finished with it by 4th of July.
My evening books are my main focus. And those are both by Dr. Farrell. Right now I am beginning Book Two of his God, Dialectic and History series. This volume is only 100 pages, so I will dispatch it in two weeks max. And finally, my late night book is Dr. Joe's new 9/11 book, which I am 50 pages into. Just began it last week, and because I am strongly focused on the subject matter, I should finish - again - no later than 4th of July.
So there you have it. I am reading five books at the moment, something I don't attempt very often. I am reading each in varying increments, and I would guess the total pages to be about 40 to 50 a day. It's really not that much. I am a slow reader (I think), and I average about two minutes a page. So my daily reading takes about an hour and a half, spread out over the course of the day. In "normal" reading periods of two books at a time, I read maybe 45 minutes or an hour a day.
But it's not only worth it, it's something I can't live without, and I figure if I can do 40 pages a day, then I have completed a 400 page book every ten days, or three per month. It's not about quantity, of course, but pleasure (and knowledge). I only write about it because I don't usually try to do five books at a time, but right now I am.........I have always been a Bookworm.
Well, that's all I know for tonight, my Darling. I will see you in the morn.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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