Monday, June 20, 2016

48 Hours A Day + Hot Start To Summer + the "rrrr" (and "er") sound + C'mon Ritchie, do a tour

Happy Late Sunday Night, my Darling,

I am guessing you are in post-production mode once again from the Versus Me shoot yesterday, which means you may be working on two videos at once. If so, I will further guess that you are now staying up 48 hours a day instead of the usual 24, until you complete the editing process.  :)

From the VM posts, and one of your own, it looks like you guys had a good time and a successful shoot, so congratulations!

Tomorrow is the first day of Summer, and here in L.A. and especially in the Valley, it looks like the Sun got the memo, as it timed perfectly a heat wave that is gonna start the season off with a bang, or a meltdown. It was over 100 today, and they are calling for 110 tomorrow. It comes all of a sudden. You can have overcast days, even misty days as we had a little over a week ago when I went to O'Melveney. It can be low 80s, and then Whammo! : overnight you can get up over 100. It doesn't usually happen in June, but it can, and when it does it usually signals a Long Hot Summer.

For me, that calls for Three Cheers, of course. Grimsley said the perfect day for me tomorrow will be to climb to the top of Mission Point during the hottest part of the day, and he's more than half right, haha. I can't guarantee I'll be climbing The Point, but I'll certainly be on a hike somewhere (and well hydrated and sun protected of course, so no worries). I don't know what it is about the heat, but for some reason it works for me.......

Here's to a Happy Summer!

Not much else to mention, 'cept for good singing in church this morn. "Shall We Gather At The River", a famous one we have sung before, and which our director insists we pronounce as "Riv-ah" in the lyric, otherwise he says it comes out as a harsh "rrrrr" sound if we sing it as "Riv-ER".

I just do what I'm told, though I've always wondered why JFK, from Massachussetts, pronounced Cuba as "Cube-er". You have a background in linguistics; maybe you can tell me.  :)

Speaking of singing - and playing - the second Rainbow show was much better than the first, and all is forgiven for the rhythm section, much maligned after the first gig. This time, they played with high energy, and maybe they read some of the comments, or maybe because it was the first-ever show with this lineup, and the first Rainbow show in 20 years, to account for first night jitters. But on the second night it was a different story, and now we are getting somewhere. I really hope RB will keep doing Rainbow, at least for one tour and maybe an album with this new singer Ronnie Romero, who is really fantastic.

Man, I used to see Ritchie play almost every year from 1974 to 1987, a few times with Deep Purple but mostly with Rainbow. Then he just stopped touring nationally, for the most part. The last version of Rainbow played here in 1997, but I missed it for various reasons (tough time in my life). Then it took 8 years for him to come back here with Blackmore's Night in 2005, and I was in the front row for both of those shows. But basically, he has only been to Los Angeles twice since 1987, and I have only seen him on the 2005 tour, so after seeing him every year for a thirteen year period in the 70s and 80s, now I have seen him just on one tour in 29 years.

My goodness. And now he's 71 all of a sudden. But he's still doing it, so.......maybe he'll tour, one more time.

"1974"......."1987"......13 years........2005.......2016.......29 years.........71 years old.....

Man, this Time Thing is Really Weird, SB. It goes Really Slow for a long time, and then when you get to be about 40 it starts to speed up, but then it stretches out like an elastic band.....and then it snaps back, and then it stretches again, until all the back-and forth years seem to become simultaneous in a way.

That's all I know for tonight. Yeah, I know LeBron won the championship, but I didn't mention it because I am determined not to let it ruin my Summer, which is off to such a Hot Start.

And anyway, "yeah, sports...I know". It's just sports.

See you in the morn.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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