Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I hope you had a nice day and that your weekend is off to a good start. I went for a Hot Hike (HHs are classified as less than 100 degrees) out at Walker Ranch, which as I've probably mentioned a bunch of times is located at the far end of Placerita Canyon. It's a two mile trail, and you can either park at Placerita and walk to Walker, or vice-versa. I went to Walker, but because it was a One Hour Hike, I didn't go all the way to Placerita but instead went shorter distances on all three of the Walker trails, one of which goes very high up. I didn't take any pix; the famous Walker Shadows (depicted in 2014 photos) seem to emerge better in late Summer and early Fall. But I had a nice time anyway.
I saw your post of Sarah's picture, and I see that she likes hiking also (although a 6am hike is beyond my capabilities, lol). The picture she posted almost looks like Ireland, because everything is green and there is a hill in the background that looks like it could be an ancient burial mound. I know they also have them here in America, most famously I think in Ohio, so maybe you have them in Wisconsin as well. Or maybe it's merely a hill. I know your landscape has rolling hills..... :)
I also liked the post from the guy in Starset, except he lost me when he began to talk about human existence as possibly a reality only existing within someone else's (perhaps alien) technology, or that in the physical reality of sub-atomic particles, everything is subjective and anything is possible.
The reason he lost me, is because of feeling and intuition. It's everything that Oswald Spengler talked about in "Decline Of The West", most importantly the "glimpses" into The True Nature Of Things, the way things really are, that we used to talk about back in 2012, 2013 or so.
Technology is really pretty feeble when you think about it (though still beneficial to an extent), but what I mean is that they will never - repeat never - create an AI that has human capacity.
Humans have a stream-of-consciousness running through their minds at all times, no matter what they are doing, even the most mundane tasks, their brains are running full speed and creating a train-of-thought in their heads. It never stops running, even when they sleep, hence our dreams.
That stream, the voice of the mind, is a connection to Spirit, or to Soul, or to the entire pool of human consciousness - I of course don't know, nor do I presume to.
And at the same time, the Human Heart is running a stream of emotion, which is not as convoluted (hopefully) as the Mental Stream, but it still runs regardless of what we are doing.
In short, no matter how technologically developed we become - in 50 years or 5 Million - we cannot hope to comprehend what Creation is, and how it comes about, or what Thinking is, as it relates to Being.
We can't comprehend something that created Man, and yet was, as is, uncreated itself.
That's where religion comes in, or if you prefer, theology, which is merely the pondering of God.
Once you take away all the human judgement and fallibility from various religious organisations, and place the pondering of God back into the individual mind, and heart, you cannot help but come to the conclusion that we did not create ourselves, nor did we come about through evolution. That is a ridiculous idea, that the Human Mind and Heart, and the Glimpses Into The Spirit, came about from a random selection process.
When you get away from a focus on technology, which in human hands is, and always will be, limited (no matter the spectacular things we do), and when you get away from the off-putting aspects of some versions of organised religion, then you can get back to - and get really deep into - your own magical thought processes and emotional workings that form a trail toward The Unknown.
God, or whatever you want to call it if you are secular, is Unknowable in the human state we are in. WE can only get Glimpses. Our reality is related to our five (or six!) senses, and has nothing to do with the world of subatomic particles and quantum physics.
Quantum Reality, and the Matrix and all the AI stuff relates only to the physical world, and even the most advanced Artificial Intelligence Robot will ever only have a Physical Existence.
Human Beings exist primarily in the Soul, then coming forth, becoming mobile in the Spirit World, and finally becoming projected into Human Form, being born as babies into this world, on Earth as the currently chosen planet.
It's all so far beyond the comprehension of the human mind as to why this has happened (hence the ultimate question of "why"), and so - secular or religious - all we can do is wonder, in the best sense of that word, and have faith.
I myself believe that Humans, in Spirit Form, pre-exist the creation of The Universe.
That's how complex, and original we are.
(hopefully this won't read as a lot of gibberish, lol....)
See you in the morn, SB.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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