Happy Late Night, my Darling,
Sorry I didn't write for the last couple days. I didn't see you on FB, you might've been busy with your video, but my days on Tuesday and Wednesday were just regular, standard-issue work days, and so I had nothing to report. It's always easier to write if I have something to respond to.
Anyhow, I did see two of your posts today. One was via your cousin (I think he's your cousin), who is very articulate and really summed up a lot of feelings about the gun issue and the current state of America. He sounds like a smart guy. Is he in politics or entertainment? I ask because he mentioned both meeting Madonna and also having dinner at the White House. His post was right on the money, though. My own views on guns are well known by you - I hate 'em - and I have also tried analyse my own hypocracy on the issue (hypocracy being a technical term here rather than a pejorative one), and I have always come to the conclusion that, while I personally detest all guns, I cannot condemn all gun owners. Even eating a can of tuna makes one a killer of a living creature, and then one can get into the realm of the possibly ridiculous when mentioning vegans as killers of plants and such.
"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone", of course. And that is not me.
I do not condemn all gun owners, and yet, I wish we lived in a country that forbid citizens to own guns, or at least to own them without a battery of restrictions, and even then I would have all kinds of restrictions on the manufacture and shipping of guns.
What is more worrisome, to me, is why do people want to own guns?
Fear, I suppose. And again, it would be wrong of me to condemn anyone for that.
But I've had all kinds of stuff happen to me, and I still do not have the fear in me that would prompt me to buy a gun.
I was gonna ask my buddies over at the KX board - many of whom are in favor of guns - "what do you think Einstein or Steven Hawking would say about guns"? Would they be in favor of, or against?
I think they would have too much other stuff to think about.
And that, to me, is the real problem. Why do people dwell on guns? Why this particular issue?
Even though I don't want one, I can understand a person wanting one for protection in the home. But the anti-government gun nuts - and these are the ones who want assault rifles - think that having one of those would protect them from "The Government", who have F-22s and tanks. So it's all a joke.
Ignorant people, or to be more accurate, people of lower IQ, used to be more humble. And it goes without saying that all people, blessed with intelligence or not, should be humble and grateful for all things in life, but it is also true that in recent decades, the Lowbrow Crowd has become increasingly arrogant, and vehement about issues like gun control. And instead of trying to bring the lowbrows up a notch, as popular culture once did with intelligent programming and polite, non agressive advertising, instead now we promote and celebrate lowbrow culture, as if to say "It's good to be stupid. It's good to be macho. It's okay to be angry, to see women as subservient sex symbols. Hooray for you! Screw intelligence".
In the case of this latest massacre, there is probably little doubt that the gunman was closeted gay himself, and angry about it. And his religion forbid him expression of it.
But what really put him over the top was a Lowbrow, Macho Fantasy of Power, made accessible by easy access to guns. Macho Fantasy is rampant now, and you see it in the constant tailgating on the roads. Where I live, the norm is to have some guy in a hopped up car driving literally less than 10 feet from your bumper, at 45 miles an hour. And this is everywhere you go.
When I was a teenager, or in my twenties, the friends I knew, and myself, didn't have time to think about squealing our tires, or being angry at gay people, or any of that stuff.
We were too busy thinking about music, and movies, and in my case books, and just all kinds of stuff. I didn't know anyone who was "Macho" or "Angry". Astronauts were popular heroes to kids back then. Intelligence was promoted, or fun.
You never heard about guns when I was a kid, not as an "issue". Of course there was crime, and criminals did indeed have guns (as the NRA likes to say), but there was virtually no such thing as whack jobs shooting up rooms full of people.
Anyhow, I am rambling on. America used to be about, among other things, solving problems.
We beat Hitler and the freaking Nazis, for crying out loud. That basically equates to defeating The Devil.
And you mean to tell me we can't solve this mass shooting problem right here in our own country?
What a bunch of BS. The truth is that nobody, so far, has the spine to solve it.
I could solve it, if I were President. And I would solve it. So would've the generations of leaders that came before. FDR would've solved it for sure.
Do you think this would have been permitted to continue in earlier decades? Certainly not.
But then, we weren't dealing with an influx of idiots, and the aggressive promotion, eager acceptance of, and even celebration of Idiot Culture.
The thing is, to get real about all of this, is that is being allowed to happen on purpose, just like 9/11. Or worse. This guy in Orlando was on a terrorist watch list. So go figure.
But anyway, enough of that. I get carried away, because inside I know I have both the intelligence and force of personality to solve problems, and I hate to see these horrors continue.
My Dad said, "Everyone is NOT entitled to their own opinion", and he was right. Some people just plain need to be shut down.
Well, SB, that is the "military school" side of me, also inspired by my Dad. Discipline is good. Intelligence is good. Leadership is good. Solutions are good.
That's all for tonight. Next blog will be about regular stuff.
I love you. xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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