Thursday, June 2, 2016

Weddings + "Two Days, One Night" + One Big World (3 Vlad cds from Russia)

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

I hope your day was good. Hard to believe we are in June already, the year seems to be flying by. Today was my sister Vickie's birthday, as you may have seen by my FB post. A usual day for me (most days are, I know), but I did go up to Aliso Canyon for a full length 3 mile walk. I am doing that at least once a week now, because it's so close. I figure I might as well go.

I saw a few of your posts, my favorite being the one about wedding season. I am very much in favor of weddings!  :):)

And wedding photography too, of course, but that's besides the point.  :)

I liked your friend's photo of the foggy Wisconsin wilderness, too. He is right about your state; it is a beautiful place and there is beauty in every state, no matter the terrain. There is also something good in every state, because we are all on one big continent with imaginary boundaries, and we are all Americans. That's what I hope people realize, in this crazy election year, is what an awesome, incredibly beautiful country we have, and that we are all in this together.

Tonight's movie was "Two Days, One Night" by The Dardenne Brothers, who I may have mentioned before. They are Belgians and have made several noteworthy arthouse films, including "The Kid With A Bike", which I think I did mention a year ago. The Dardennes make films in a pseudo-cinema verite style, filming what looks like real life, but with conventional editing and storytelling, and in this case a famous actress (Marion Cotillard) playing a woman suffering from depression who is fighting to keep her factory job but who has been pitted against her fellow workers. It's a bit nerve wracking to watch, but in a good way because like all Dardenne Brothers films it's very well made. Cotillard has to repeatedly approach her workmates individually to ask for their support in a company vote that will determine whether or not she can retain her job, and her performance shows the tension and humiliation in a person who is already down and out, and at the end of their rope psychologically. It's a great performance, and you feel her strain. I recommend "Two Days", and all movies by the Dardennes, including another one I've seen called "Rosetta".

I got a package from Russia today. It's always cool to get something from such a faraway place, and especially when it's three Sofronitsky cds that I ordered a couple weeks ago. The plastic mailer they came in was lettered in perfect English, though with the kind of flourishes in the letters where you can tell it is a second language. Still, how cool, and once again it shows that we are all living on One Big Planet, and we all like Sofronitsky......  :)

He was actually married to Scriabin's daughter.


Well hey, it's June. It's that time of year.  :):)

That's all for tonight, SB! I Love You and will see you in the morning.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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