Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I got a kick this morning out of James' Cheese Addict post, and I suppose I should expect as much out of you Cheeseheads up there, lol. Kids in Wisconsin are probably born with a genetic predisposition towards cheese abuse. The same should be true of California, and......okay, I just Googled it, and here is what came back:
"The top cheese producing U.S. states are Wisconsin and California. Wisconsin's nickname as “America's Dairyland” punctuates the state's leading position within the U.S. dairy industry. More than two and a half billion pounds of cheese are produced in Wisconsin. California is the second largest producer".
I wanted to see which state produced the most cheese, haha, and we are second only to you guys. Why are we not known as Cheeseheads also? Maybe we can be honorary Cheeseheads..... :)
I had a nice hike today at Towsley Canyon. I don't go there as much, even though it's just a half mile down from Rice Canyon, but it's a good long hike - 3 mile round trip like Aliso - and it's mostly flat like Aliso, but what it really has is great views of the backside of the mountains. It also has, at the midpoint in the trail, a closed in passageway called The Narrows, which is exactly what it sounds like, a very narrow canyon between two mountains. The rock on this side is part volcanic, so it's an interesting view. I've been all the way through The Narrows before, but this time I had to turn around shortly before the end : there was a stagnant puddle of water with a few dozen bees buzzing around it.
Which equals no thanks, on my part. But it was still a good hike, and I got a few good pics.
Your pic of Amanda (your model) was excellent, with the sun rays pushing through and complimenting the color of her hair.
I saw a few of your posts today, one was via Sarah about knuckleheads (or more properly, Idiots) who post derogatory comments. I would only say, or urge in the strongest terms, not to read that stuff. I know it's hard not to : you post a video of music you have created and worked hard on, and you want to know what people think.
But this is the Era Of The Internet. Bands before the Internet had only professional critics to deal with, and that was bad enough, but at least those writers were pros, and the criticism, even if scathing, was (hopefully) thought out, and certainly not emotionally driven or personal.
But in the Age Of The Internet, any Idiot, Cretin or Moron (remind me to expound on the 5 levels of subnormal intelligence sometime) is free to post his "opinion", which is very often emotionally based and not well thought out, among other things.
When I first met you, way back, I told you about my Dad's maxim on people's "opinions", i.e. that - contrary to the popular saying - everyone is not! entitled to their own opinion.
The reason being, is that if you are an Idiot, your so-called opinion is worthless.
The trouble is that the musician reading said "opinion" can absorb the childish emotion that inspired it, and can thus be made to feel bad, or to be otherwise distracted from their course of creating music.
And the Internet is full of Idiots, and worse. So, what I would say is Just Don't Read At All, comments on Youtube and the like. Play to live audiences and judge their reaction instead.
Or, if you are gonna read those online comments, develop a thick skin. But best to not read 'em at all. The Internet has given The Infantile, The Moronic and The Angry an even footing to express themselves because it allows them to be anonymous, to say things they would never say in person. The Internet allows people who are filled with poison to spew it, plain and simple.
Which is why we have Trump.
At that, I will end my tirade on that subject, except to say "just play your music" to all musicians. Don't absorb poison via the Internet.
As for your other post, the band that got married (Ultrea), I am all for that, as previously noted... :):)
(when's the ceremony?) :):)
That's all I know for tonight, SB. See you in the morning!
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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