Happy Late Saturday Night, my Darling,
I hope your day was good, and that your Summer is kicking into gear. It was warm again here today, not as hot as yesterday, but still nice. My sister Vickie came over and we saw an awesome free concert at the Northridge Library. Two opera singers sang for an hour, various arias and show tunes, and they were fantastic. We have actually seen them before, also at the Libe, and that first show was back in 2013, I think, and I probably mentioned it in a blog back then. Their names are Jennifer Ann Seidman (soprano) and Andy Watson (baritone), great singers both. It just reminds me how much I love opera, and the romance of opera, and the brilliance of the way in which composers (especially the Italian composers) used certain melodies and lyrics in their native language to convey the deep feelings of love and romance. It's all very powerful, and so I say......(clearing throat........taking deep breath.........and now singing the next part in hopefully operatic voice.....)
"Youuuuuu should lis-ten to some op-er-aaaaaaaaaa"!
I myself always listen to The Opera Show on KUSC every Saturday morning. To hear the singing in person and from just a few feet away was awesome and very inspiring.
I liked your post, via Ultrea, about tying the knot. Tying knots also goes with opera, it's one of the main themes. :):)
Tomorrow morning, we will sing an anthem called "It Is A Good Thing", which will be a little tough because in the middle section the rhythm is all broken up into different parts, and as always the tenors have the "off-time" part. Sopranos have it easy; they always get to sing the melody line, never have to worry about weird harmonies or broken rhythms. I shouldn't complain, though. Altos may have the hardest job of all because they have to sing very unusual countermelodies in between what the sopranos and the tenors are doing. I don't think you can be an alto without reading music
Well, SB, that is all I know for tonight. I will see you in the early morn and then after choir practice at 1pm.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
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