Monday, April 3, 2017

Allergies Suck + "Mary's Mosaic" Should Be Required Reading In All Schools

Happy Late Sunday Night, Sweet Baby,

I hope your day was good, and your weekend overall. We had a good morning in church and good singing, but since this afternoon Pearl has had an allergy attack that is a little disconcerting because it hasn't let up. I am hoping she will be able to sleep through the night and then maybe it will subside by morning. There is so much pollen in the air that it's really hard on people right now. I am fortunate because, though I had that one bad allergy a couple weeks ago, my immunity seems to have kicked back in and I have not had a problem since. Well anyway, allergies really suck.

I saw another post via Sarah, and now I see what she is doing in Tennessee : not a tour but a wedding, something I am a major proponent of.  :):)

The only activity besides church today was reading. I finished "Mary's Mosaic" by Peter Janney, and it turned out to be one of the most mind-blowing and important books I have ever read. Absolutely un-putdownable. I could go on a endless tirade about it, and these Ivy League elites that perpetuate the secret government activities in this country, but I will not tonight because I am too tired. All I can say for now is that author Janney should also be awarded the Presidential Medal Of Freedom, and the CIA and FBI should be disbanded and all of the criminal elements in those agencies, and in the NSA and "Justice" Department, should all be routed out and tried for treason. With a book like this, we see what really goes on, and something should be done about it. We now have A Complete Joke for a President, except it isn't funny, and you know he couldn't have gotten where he is - idiot that he is, and having no connections - without the help of treasonous people in various agencies, both civilian and military. All of these people must be put in prison.

No movies or TV shows tonight. The book was such a stunner that I had to finish it.

I need a big time researcher, like Janney or Dr. Wendy Painting or Dr. Farrell or Phil Nelson to help me find out what happened in 1989, and one day I will have one, and then there will be another true story to blow people's minds and maybe lead to change in America, and the dissolution of secret agencies. As Peter Janney says, the truth cannot be stopped.

That's all for tonight. I'm hoping Pearl will feel better in the morning. See you then.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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