Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Glad All Is Well + Can't Find The Photos (darn it) + Aliso + "A Terrible MIstake"

Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,

I saw your Eric Whitacre post this morning and the message was a good one, so I am glad to hear that all is well (as EW said), and I hope you are listening to Ella on the radio, too!  :) And you know I always like Eric Whitacre posts......  :):)

This morning I did tear my closet apart (well partially, anyway) in an attempt to find more of my old rock photos from high school, but doggonnit I was unsuccessful. I wound up with the same set of boxes from which I pulled the photos I posted back in 2012 or 2013, all those oldies that ended up in my FB "From The Vault" photo album. I am looking for stuff like the picture of me with Captain Beefheart, shots from The Tubes stint at The Roxy in 1975, and a whole bunch of stuff I mounted on 11x14 matte board in the photo lab at Cleveland High. But I guess it must be in a box that is deeply buried, and the way my closet is - it looks like a fully packed storage space - it would take me half a day to pull everything out of there and search all the boxes. And putting it all back would be a hassle.

What I need is a bigger place to live, so that I won't have to keep all my stuff in a closet. But I know that will come, and all the things I am waiting for will come. One good thing I noticed in my search was that everything is in good condition. No deterioration, no smashing of photos, etc. I am hoping my Meadows tapes will be similarly preserved when I finally pull them out of there to have them restored and digitised. I am hoping somebody will be able to fully sharpen them to their original picture condition. It is irreplaceable footage.  :):)

I had a really nice hike at Aliso this afternoon, and at a slightly later time - 5:30 - when I would normally be at work. The light was especially beautiful at that time of day, and I took my time to explore, even though I know the place by heart. I saw another post by you, via a friend who was hiking up high in Bali, so I figured maybe that meant you were gonna go on a hike or road trip somewhere outdoors. Well anyhow, it sure is a beautiful Springtime and a great time to be outside.

But of course being a bookworm means I have to be inside, too.....although I suppose I could take my books with me to the parks......but then I wouldn't best to keep 'em separate I suppose. At any rate, I finished the Marilyn book (made me so mad!) and began a new one : "A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olsen And The CIA's Cold War Experiments" by H.P. Albarelli. It was mentioned in "Mary's Mosaic", and I am trying to learn all I can about these horrible people in the CIA and elsewhere.

Also reading about Pharaonic mathematics in "The Temple Of Man" by Schwaller de Lubicz. A mind boggler for sure, and something I will have to read several times to fully understand. You would probably get it on the first go-round...  :)

That's basically the news for today. I also watched a "Rawhide" episode (man what a great show) and went for a full CSUN walk too. My album for the day was Bill Nelson's "New Northern Dream", which is oh so beautiful and dreamy, with spectacular guitar colors.

See you in the morning!  I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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