Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I hope you had a nice day, today and yesterday. I've been hanging around here at Pearl's for the past two afternoons, waiting for the plumber to finish fixing the pipes in the front yard, so I have nothing to report other than that. I have been able to squeeze in an hour or so at home each day, just enough time for some R&R (rest & reading), but not enough for hikes or photography. I will get back to it soon, hopefully Friday. Tomorrow I am going to the hair salon with Pearl, cause I am overdue for a haircut. :)
I've seen just a couple posts since Monday, both having to do with recording music. One was via James and Versus Me, and the other was from Drewsif Stalin. I had thought he was just a regular FB person but now I see he is a musician who is touring England. Not too shabby. :) At any rate, since you posted twice about recording music, from two different musicians, I figure you mean it for yourself - that you are recording new stuff. If so, that is fantastic, because it keeps the musical energy flowing, from the release of your album into new composition. But even if it was just regular FB "likes" for those musicians, that is great too. Versus Me, besides being your friends are a great client for you. Is Drewsif Stalin a client, too?
Well, that's basically all for today. One other thing - you know I don't like to get political in this divisive day and age, but this story with Trump today, about him wanting to decommission or declassify certain National Monuments, including several in California, makes me so mad I could spit. What kind of person could propose to tear up the incredibly beautiful and Godlike places that have been protected as National Monuments, just so the dirty rotten evil land developers can have their way?
This guy Trump is a Monster, plain and simple. He's not just a politician that sucks. He's Grade A Evil, and he has got to be stopped. God will stop him before he can tear that land up.
Well, that's all I will say. We will be rid of this jerk soon. I hate politics and I detest evil.
Keep recording music. I Love You and will see you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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