Happy Friday to my Baby! And, Happy Last Day Of Summer, too. Is today the last day, or is it tomorrow? I will double check it to make sure. Gotta squeeze every last drop out of the season, y'know. Don't worry about getting everything done that you need to get done, you can always do that, lol. Today you can have a blast, in anticipation of tomorrow, and then tomorrow you can have even more of a blast.
I will be home most, if not all of the rest of the morning and early afternoon, until it's time to go back to Pearl's. I wanna Google and figure out how to fix this "no wired network cards" deal on her computer. So I will be around. I may walk over to the Redbox to see if they have anything watchable (very often they do not, haha), but mostly I will be here.
I saw your post from a couple days ago about the girl's haircut, and all I can say is this: you are a Beautiful Woman with Beautiful Hair, so, it follows that no matter if you cut it or leave it long, you and your hair will still be Beautiful!
I'll be back in a while. I Love You!
7pm : I'm home, my Angel. Got my Sriracha fix at Pearl's, so I'm good for the time being. My other addiction is La Victoria Salsa Ranchera. Good Lordy, I love me some hot sauce and salsa! I know you like jalapenos - have you tried chipotle peppers? Some like 'em, some don't. They are smoky tasting, and kind of rich. Hot but not super hot. Even if you don't like 'em "as is" (by themselves), you might like hot sauces and/or salsas made from them. Habaneros, too. Yep, if it's hot and spicy, I generally love it, and I think I told you that I am gonna ask my brother-in-law, who's from Mexico City, to show me his Mexican Credentials, because I can always "out-hot" him every time he brings a homemade salsa over that he thinks I won't be able to handle. I always wind up eating more than he does, haha.
Now I am hungry again! If there is one thing I am good at, it's eating (no-fun diet or not). :)
I see the Forevertron, too. Is that an art compound of some sort? It looks pretty far-out, my kind of place. I will Google it for more info.
Well, on Pearl's computer, I did get as far as trying to re-install the so-called "device drivers", whatever the heck they are (Ethernet, etc). There are a few of them, and on the hardware/devices menu, when it popped up, those drivers all had a yellow question mark/exclamation point next to them, which meant they weren't working. So, I followed all the prompts to re-install the drivers, and I got the same Catch-22 back: you can't install the drivers because the computer can't connect to the Internet, and you can't connect to the Internet because the drivers are not installed. So, I found a Dell CD with driver installation software, and I put it in the computer, but I couldn't figure out how to boot it. It wouldn't boot no matter what I tried.
But, I am the king of trial and error, and Googling for answers.
So, I'd say I've got it about 3/4 fixed. I may have a thick skull, but it's a determined thick skull, so I will complete the job. Can't imagine it will take too much longer.
I am gonna unwind for a few minutes, then go for my walk, and I'll be back at the usual time. Oh, and tomorrow is the last day of Summer, so what a perfect way to spend it! I Love You and will be back in just a bit. :):)
11pm : I am reading my book, "Axis Of The World" by Igor Witkowski, which I had put aside to read Damien Echols' book, and it is fascinating to me the way in which language is used to determine the origin and migration of civilizations. You are a linguist, even if it is not your main area of interest anymore, and so you have undoubtedly heard of Rongorongo, the written language of Easter Island. And you probably also know that, back in 1932, a nearly identical written language was discovered in the Indus Valley in Pakistan, which is almost exactly halfway around the globe. I, of course, know nothing of languages per se, and my interest previously extended to etymology of the English language. But in reading Joe Farrell, I became interested in the origins of civilization, and my reading has led me to this discovery, of a commonality of language, spanning a great distance, from 7000 years ago.
I am also learning about the Finno-Ugric peoples, and their migrations and languages, and how it developed that the Hungarian and Japanese and Tamil (India) languages are closely related. Language and migration are fascinating because of the possible reasons a group of people would have to migrate, and how far they would have to travel, on foot or by boat. This stuff blows my mind, because it ties in with the big picture of everything I like to study, like how the humongous rocks in Chatsworth got to be where they are.
What I find most interesting, and I have only recently realised this, is the way in which many theories of anthropology have come to be accepted as fact, even though the study is but a mere two hundred years old, give or take, and the hard evidence of archaeology is mostly less than that - about 150 years old. And in that time, what was discovered was turned into theories that became widely accepted as fact - even though the science was brand new.
But now, new discoveries are being made that are astounding.
Sorry, lol, I know this is scholastic stuff, and it's Friday and enough study already! :)
But for me, it's fun. I love mysterious stuff more than just about anything. And I love new discovery. And I know you do too, in more or less the same vein as me.
Tomorrow will be a great day, and I will talk to you in the morning.
Sweet Dreams until then. I Love You. xoxoxoxo. !
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