I'm home My Love! This morning was the last part of my three day break, and I was back at Pearl's for the afternoon shift. I saw your post a little while before I left, and it made my day, I've been floating ever since.
I can't wait to place a ring on your finger. What a special day that will be. :):)
I guess school is starting tomorrow, it's gotta be, am I right? But no matter, we will just go along day by day as we have been, and this has been such a great Summer, and we still have three weeks left of the season. Then we will enjoy a gorgeous Fall, such a wonderful season in it's own right. We have each other, and we are seeing the world through each other's eyes as we see it through our own, and what a beautiful world we are seeing. Life is beautiful, Elizabeth, and so are you.
I Love You With All My Heart! :):)
I will go on my walk now, then be back later at my usual time. I know it's a school night, so I hope it's not too late, but I think that when I was still posting from the Oviatt last semester, I was writing until about the same time, and it seemed to work okay. If not, I'll adjust!
(back in a bit)
11pm : I had a coincidence while out on my walk. I had to go in a slightly different direction to return a movie at the Redbox (the West Memphis 3 movie). So to get back to CSUN, I went down a street just below the one I live on. I usually enter the campus by my own street. Right when I got to the corner where campus begins, I saw a sign that caught my eye. It was low to the ground, and I recognised it as a political sign, because we are having a special election to fill a few vacancies in state politics. But that's not why it caught my eye. I mean, there are signs everywhere, right? This sign caught my eye because I saw the name Elizabeth. It would be interesting for someone to do a study on name recognition, and how it catches our eye in print, even as a surprise. Maybe it is similar to face recognition, the shapes of the letters and such.
Anyway, the sign caught my eye because of the letters of your name, and then a millisecond later I was looking at the full name: Elizabeth Badger.
I have no idea who Elizabeth Badger is, but I thought, "okay, very good then. My Elizabeth starts school tomorrow, and of course she goes to UW, so..........well, you get it. :)
And I also thought, "well, I just saw that Elizabeth is attending a Badger Photo Club meeting, which I just wrote about last night".
"Okay.......I get it", I told the sign. :) Then I continued on my walk. You and I love words, and we love magic and coincidences (whatever those are, right?), and you know I love your name.
So I proceeded on my usual route after that. Wink, wink, nudge nudge, as Monty Python would say. Then I got about another block down, and I saw these little figures in the street gutter, right next to the storm drain. CSUN has a population of feral cats, which I've mentioned, but right away I knew these weren't those. I could see their slightly hunched backs and most importantly, their green, reflective eyes.
There were three raccoons staring at me. The CSUN storm drain raccoons. I have no idea how many there are, because you hardly ever see them. They live in the storm drains below campus, and I had only ever seen them emerge perhaps twice before, from a storm drain a quarter mile away, by the orange grove. And that was at least four years ago. Every time I have seen them, on just a few occasions, there have been three of them, and it always seems like a mother raccoon and two children, because first one emerges from the drain, and scouts out the situation, to see if it is safe. Then you see two others emerge.
When I have seen them, I always stop and try to be still, so that they won't scramble back down into the storm drain where they make their home.
The campus was empty for Labor Day, and I was the only one present, so I tried to make myself unnoticeable. I quietly stepped into a night shadow on the grass, away from the sidewalk and street.
They had come out of the storm drain wanting to cross that street, to look for food in the campus trash cans on the other side. So, I stood there in the shadow, because I wanted to watch them. Raccoons are such humble creatures. They only ever come out at night, and only to look for food, and they run right back to their underground hideout at the slightest disturbance. I wanted to tell them, "go ahead and cross the street. I won't stop you". Raccoons bring that out in you. But I knew if I made the slightest move, they'd abort their mission.
So I stood still.......and I waited......for about three minutes.
And the raccoons gathered their courage and crossed the street, and headed for the trash cans.
Me, I continued on my walk. It was muggy out, but a little cooler than it has been, and the air felt like warm velvet.
I thought about life and how things happen for you and me, and I thought, "Of course". It's Us.
I Love You My Amazing Elizabeth.
Best energy for school tomorrow, and Sweet Dreams tonight. xoxoxoxoxo :):)
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