Hey my Darling,
I wanted to let you know that I am having a computer problem over at Pearl's. It began this morn, when I turned it on, I got a screen that read "a disc read error occured - press control alt delete to re-start". Well, I tried that and of course it didn't work, so when I got home I Googled it, and it looks, from what people report, like it's a tricky problem to fix. Part of the problem, for me, is that the online help, from computer forums, is all in technical language that I don't understand. "Fragmenting" a hard drive, etc. So, I am looking for "abc" type instructions, like "just tell me what buttons to press, and what order to press 'em in". About a year ago, I got a similar screen - a blue screen with some message on it - that wouldn't go away, and I was eventually able to figure out and fix that one, but it was trial and error and took me a couple weeks. I don't wanna be without Pearl's computer for that long, because I am at her place for many hours a day, and I receive many posts from you during those hours. So, I will do my best to fix the problem, as fast as I can. I wish you were here, you computer genius, you! :) But, I did surprise myself last time, with my non-technical ability to figure it out, just by sheer lunkheadedness, haha.
If it persists, I suppose I could just buy a second Chromebook and use it over there. I don't wanna be unplugging, transporting, and re-plugging the one I have here at home, cause that's how these things break or wear out faster. But if need be I will buy a second one, they're only 200 bucks.
Well, I will keep you updated on the situation, and of course it only affects my computering during my Pearl hours, and only until I can solve the problem. In the meantime, I will talk to you, and see your posts, from home, and will make every effort to respond asap to anything and everything. I am gonna pick Pearl up from church in a few minutes, and I will write more from home, this afternoon, before I head back to Pearl's at 4:30.
I hope you are having an awesome day. I Love You!! :):)
2pm : My Girl, that is an exceptionally beautiful piano piece. Oh my goodness! I didn't even know you were working on anything, and here you surprise me with such an articulate, evocative composition. "Proud" and "Impressed" are two words that come immediately to mind. I will be back in a bit, before I leave for 4:30 Pearl's, but right now I am gonna go listen to your other new one and the re-recording of "The Hours".
Right now you could knock me over with a feather..........
2:20pm : Wow........."Dance With Me" is lovely, Elizabeth. Such a delicate melody, and it takes me back to last Summer, when you sent me a clip of an early recording to ask about tempo and melodic repetition. I remember how you wanted it to be just right. You wanted every note articulated "just so", to bring out the proper mood.
Your playing sounds wonderful. Melodies and counterpoints can now be heard in "The Hours" that weren't as apparent before. Your tempoes (tempi?) are more certain. I remember commenting, last year, that once you got inside your compositions, and "played them until you owned them", that you would be able to fully express what you heard in your head.
My goodness, Elizabeth. I remember saying, maybe last Fall, that I would love to hear you compose a series of Nocturnes. This was probably around the time I was posting a Nocturne every night........
My first comment to you ever, I think, was on Youtube. I think I said something like "That's major composing talent, Elizabeth", in reference to "The Hours". Well, I'll say it again. I always said that it's all about the song, the composition, and where a song takes hold is in the soul.
You have the ability to bring it out, Elizabeth. Those songs are simply beautiful. Here is a question : can I share "Across The Sea" on Facebook? I would just normally automatically do it, but because of the nature of our communication, etc., (and I remember so-called Star Wars "dark side" references last Fall, and also possible heat because of "The Electric Kiss"), I wouldn't want to cause any problems. I don't see how there could be, not from me sharing your song, and anyway, people see me hitting the "like" button all the time on your photos and such.........but, if you read this in the next hour or so, and you don't want me to share (if you think it isn't a good idea), try to let me know.
Otherwise, I wanna share it! :)
I will check in again before I go to Pearl's. I am so, so, proud of you, Elizabeth. I said early on that you are an Artist. That is more than simply being a musician, and you have shown that today.
4:05pm : Okay, Artistic Lady, I have to head to Pearl's in a minute, and once there, I will not have computer access until I get home from Agalloch tonight, which will be very late, and probably like 4am your time. So, I am gonna go ahead and share your song. I tell ya, there is something about the days of these Agalloch concerts - they always seem to bring wonderful surprises. So, I will talk to you when I get home, even though you'll be sound asleep. What a great day this is!
I Love You, my Angel. Thanks for the beautiful music! :):)
2am : I'm back! It was quite a show, as expected. Agalloch played 90 minutes, a full 45 minutes less than last time, but it was a very intense set. I was in the exact same spot as last time, against the stage in front of John. Worm Ouroborous were really good. I'd call them Hypno-Rock cause their music puts you in a trance. There was also another opener named Helen Money who did some really far out things with a cello and sound effects.
I am glad I got back as early as I did; I had visions of a 3am return time, because I had to drop Grimsley off too (he came with me), but now I can get at least 4 hours sleep. So, my Darling, this was an auspicious day! It was wonderful to hear your music - I can hear your soul inside your songs. I will see you in the morn, but it will be at 9:30 my time until I can fix the computer problem at Pearl's. But I will check in the moment I get home at about 9:45. Then, because Mondays have no special appointments, I can just rest and hang out here at the apartment for the morning and early afternoon. So I will see you then!
Thank you Lord for this day. What a great day it has been.
I Love You, Elizabeth. I know you are dreaming sweet dreams right now. :):) xoxoxoxo
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