Okay, Beautiful Lady, I am home. I don't feel too bad considering I only got 4 hours sleep, and it's a nice quiet morning here at the apartment, so I am just gonna putter around, do the dishes I didn't do last night, read a little bit, etc. But I have no errands, and it's still hot anyway, so I am just gonna stick around until 4:15 when I go back to Pearl's.
This is going to be a great week, the magic of yesterday ensured that. There is such a great feeling in the air right now, and in the lines of our Connection. Those are such beautiful songs you have written. Let's enjoy this week, and all the coming days, with that Spirit in the air, and we will live them with joy and expectation.
I Love You, my Darling! Happy Monday; Great week. :):)
(back later, I will check back in before I go to Pearl's)
2:05pm : Holy Smokes! I just saw the Alcest post. Man, that is scary. I mean, sorry about the deer, but it's very fortunate that no band members or others in the van were not hurt. Can't be that big a van, and deers are big, heavy animals.
Now I am listening to the new Alcest song you just posted. Nice melody and vocals, has the distinctive sound of the early stuff. Good buildup at the end. Can't wait to hear it in concert! You are gonna have a blast on Saturday, so get ready...... :)
Well, I am glad everyone is okay and that they got another van and the tour continues.
Back in a little bit.
4pm : Okay, my Baby, I am gonna head to Pearl's in a couple minutes, and then I will be out of commission until I return at 6:45. I was tinkering with her computer this morn, but this looks like a tricky problem which might take a little while to fix. Still, we can adjust for the time being, and as I said, if it proves to be unfixable, I will just get another Chromebook. But, I will be back at 6:45.
I am loving this day, loving these times so much. God Bless You, my Beautiful Angel, my Love. :):)
10:40pm : Here's a question for you : Is "Across The Sea" a brand new song, or is it part of your original EP material from last year? I ask because I remember, maybe around late January/early February of this year, I wrote a Myspace blog entitled "The No Fun Diet". And maybe the next day or very soon after, you posted on FB that "the best diet of all is missing dinner because you are writing a new song". This was during the time I was getting the impression you were back in my life, and that post almost clinched it. I thought, she's gotta be responding to that blog I wrote........
But you also referred to a new song, and I am just wondering if it was "Across The Sea".
Elizabeth, I want to encourage you to keep writing, every chance you get. I don't know how the muse works for you : whether it's an everyday thing or whether it comes in waves, or fits and starts......I mean, I know (or surmise) that you play everyday, but the creativity part doesn't always work that way, and for each person it can be different. But, if you are playing every day (and I don't know because it's been a while since we talked music), I hope you will keep trying out ideas, melodies, rhythms, chord structures.
You can make something out of a snippet. Just a few notes, a brief melodic sequence, can lead you anywhere. I say all of this because we haven't talked music in a while, and I loved talking about music with you, and before yesterday, I did not even know whether or not your piano was working properly. I mean, I still suspected you were playing every day - I knew you certainly hadn't given it up - but I didn't know for sure.
Now I know. And I say what I said in the beginning - keep going. You are turning out melodies in your songs that are beautiful, but that also convey something. Your melodies convey, but don't telegraph, if you understand my meaning. They don't telegraph the emotion, or hand it to the listener. Instead, they convey the emotion, so that the listener has to understand it for himself.
With your melodies, you are developing a trademark, and the more you write, the more solid that trademark will become. I say all of this not to be Drill Sergeant Me (remember him?), but simply because you have a talent for melody. You can take all kinds of musicians, trained ones, highly technical ones, three chord punkers, genre players - whomever, and you will not find a strong melodic sense in most of them.
God Bless All Musicians, but only a small percentage have the melodic sense.
The point is, you have written some fine songs and are developing a melodic trademark at a young age. So you have plenty of time. That's why I emphasize that Drill Sergeant Me is last year's model. Now that I know you so much better (heart to heart and soul to soul), I will call myself Cheerleader Me, or simply Encouragement Me. Everything related to creativity I still stress, the utmost importance of creating simply for the sake of creation (the Emily Dickinson effect), and that anything after that is gravy.
So, with music, I say, just keep playing, and composing, and listen to your Muse, and you will be glad you did. Just think, by the time you are 25, say, the repertoire you can build up.
So, that's the end of the sermon from Drill Sergeant/Cheerleader/Encouragement Me.
If there is one thing I know, it's my music, and you have got it.
Was that a statue of Chopin in your friend's FB picture yesterday? Let that spirit guide you, and keep bringing your music out of your soul, little by little.
And in the meantime, you can keep doing everything else you enjoy. In life, I have found, there is ample time for everything, so long as you keep your desires in mind.
That's all I know for tonight. I Love You and will see you in the morn. I'll be home at 9:45, and will check in then.
:):) - that's me and my Baby. xoxoxoxo
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