Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick Or Treat! (Ghosts & Romance) (Knowing)

Happy Halloween, Sweet Baby! I will be back-and-forth until mid-afternoon. Gotta pick Pearl up from a church meeting at 11:15, then take her straight over to the hair salon, then pick her up from there at about 1pm. But I will be around after that, from about 1:30 til 4:15. Gonna carve our pumpkin when I go over at 4:30, and then get ready for the Trick Or Treaters. I will be at Pearl's tonight until about 8pm, handing out candy with the Kobedog.

I will check in during the day. I hope you are having a great afternoon!

I Love You. :):)

3:45 : I am gonna head over to Pearl's in a few minutes. Just now I was watching a movie from Criterion, called "The Uninvited". It is a ghost story, set in an old house in England. Scary, but more than that......

Super Romantic. :):)

Well, it'll be dark soon in Middleton. Are you guys gonna hand out candy? Anything else doing? I will be at Pearl's til 8pm, unless she gets tired before that. When I get home I will go for my walk down to a locally popular Halloween House in our old neighborhood. Every year, the owner decorates it to the nines and it's always fun to see. After my walk, I will be back as always.

That movie made me wish I was with you right now .

I mean, I always wish for that, but it was such a perfect movie for this day, and so romantic.

And I love Romantic. And I Love You, Elizabeth. I will see you in a little while.

Enjoy the evening!

10:05pm : We had a fun evening, though we didn't get many trick or treaters. I think the problem was that most of Pearl's neighbors seemed to not be home, all the houses around us were dark, and so our little part of the street didn't attract many kids. At one point I even put our pumpkin out on the corner, so maybe they'd see it lit up and come to the door. We got a few kids as a result, but not the droves we got last year. Pearl got tired around 7:45, so I brought the Kobedog inside and called it a night as far as handing out candy. We did have fun carving the pumpkin at least.

After I got home, I walked down to the Halloween House. There were tons of people there. It's one of those deals where everybody is driving in from other neighborhoods.

All in all, it was an awesome month, beginning with the Alcest concert, and then with the visits to various parks, especially Corriganville. When you are a psychically sensitive person, and more importantly when you are aware of your sensitivity, you begin to develop an appreciation for very small things, things that might go unnoticed by most people. Your photo and caption of the bird in the tree was a big part of what made this month so special for me. I have said this before, Elizabeth, know.

Now, I could say those words to a dozen other people, or a hundred or a thousand. The number wouldn't matter much, because 99.999 % of people would respond by saying, "I know what"? Or they would just look at me funny.

To know is extremely rare. It's not a "something" that you know, it's just knowing.

Many people could take a similar picture, of a bird in a tree, and caption it.

But it would not be the same as yours. Your picture, and your words, captured the knowing.

By the way, I encourage you - this is important - to go back over your photos, and pick your favorite ones, and make a point of looking at them regularly, over and over again. Sometimes study them, sometimes just let them wash over you. But do it : look at them like you would paintings in a gallery. In this way, your photos will speak to you in that silent way, and they will increase your knowing. Never try to analyse it too much, just absorb it. It will re-emerge from you as creativity, or even just knowledge.

Remember, knowledge doesn't always constitute something tangible (although tangible is not the right word to describe what I am after).

But knowing is a rare thing. You have that ability, my Darling, and it's not a learned ability; it can't be learned. It's just in you. It makes you notice things about life. It makes you notice what's inside you.

I am so grateful for these times, and especially for this month, and I want to say thanks for sharing it with me.

I Love You and will see you in the morn, in the new month of November, your month.

Sweet Dreams, my Angel.   xoxoxoxoxo  :):)

P.S. I just went back to FB - that is a great photo by your brother.

P.P.S : Wait a minute. I think that may be one of your photographs from last summer. My mistake.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Afternoon Love (All Is Well?) (Sox)

Good Afternoon, my Love,

I hope you are feeling well today, back to normal with no aftereffects. I am just hanging out at home, will head to Pearl's at the usual time. I will write more later, but for now I just wanted to say hi, and I Love You.
Back in a while.......      xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

7:30pm : I'm at home, listening to KUSC, thinking about you and wishing you a nice relaxing evening. I will go on my walk at 8:30 as usual and will write more later. I hope all is well and that you are feeling good. All of my love to you, my Darling. :):)

(back in a bit.....)

10:45pm : Hey, Sweet Baby! You are right, the Sox did win the series. Now they can shave those beards! I'll supply the razors and shaving cream, haha. :) I am thinking you are being my Funny Girl. Either that, or you did watch the game tonight and are simply observing the outcome. Maybe both! I mean, what do I know; some girls do like baseball. I had no real stake in the outcome, but I did have the TV on with the sound off during the game tonight, so I could listen to music and see the game at the same time. I am glad for the city of Boston, considering what they've been through this year. So, good for the Sox, and their city, and good for baseball, which represents everything old-fashioned about this country. I have nostalgia for an era in which I never lived (a phenomenon you mentioned the other day), and that era would be around the turn of the last century, the 1890s or late 1880s to perhaps the early 1920s. Town squares with bandstands, straw hats, ice cream parlors, Mom & Pop stores. Fantastical new inventions like radios, automobiles, airplanes, movies. Nothing was ho-hum, nobody was jaded (well, maybe some Hipsters of the day); everything was simple, technology and humanity were in balance. That's my nostalgia. That, and for the 1950s, just before I was born. But I am getting off track.........

About those beards..........

Yeah, I think my Funny Girl knows my pet peeves, haha. :)

And that must mean you are feeling okay, and things are good, and I am so happy about that.

Only good things for my Angel.

Well, it is now officially Halloween for you, and it will be in 45 minutes for me. Gotta celebrate the whole 24 hours, you know. Yeah, I'm an eternal Kid, but Kids know what's cool, and most importantly, what is Magic.

Everything I do, Elizabeth, I do with you, and everywhere I go, you are with me. This is our life, and we are already living it. God gave us quite a Miracle.

I am so glad you are okay, and feeling better, and I Love You With All My Heart.

I will see you in the morn. Sweet (and scary!) Dreams.    xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)  Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thinking Of You (to Golden Agers) (I'm home) (to Pearl's) (relieved) (I Love You)


I am home now, just for a little while until 10:30, but I wanted to see how you are doing. I hope you are okay. Today is a Golden Agers day, so I will be back and forth, but I will check back to see how things are going. I Love You, you are my Angel and I am thinking of you.
 xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  Healing Hugs and Kisses  :):)

10:25am : Okay, my Darling, I am gonna go take Pearl to Golden Agers. I may drive over to Stoney, or Garden Of The Gods, just to release a little nervous tension. I don't know if you are in the hospital, or at school, but I figure it's gotta be one of the two. I am hoping it's school. Anyway, I will check in on my cell just to see if there is any news, and then I will be back here by 2:30 after Golden Agers.

I Love You. :):)

2:40pm : I am home and will be here til 4:15. Trusting that you are okay. I Love You and am right here.

4:00pm : Well, my Beloved Baby, I will take heart in the words from your post of last evening, that you went to the ER because of a "stupid" reason. If it's stupid, I am hoping that means it can't be too serious. Mostly, mostly, mostly, I will pray that whatever happened, it has been remedied by now. I can't have anything happen to you, you are my Angel. So now I will be your Angel, and watch over you and protect you.

I am gonna leave for Pearl's in a minute, but I will be right back here at 6:45, and I will be thinking of you the whole time. I Love You, Elizabeth. Be well. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

6:50pm : Okay, my Girl. I just got home and saw your photo. I am greatly relieved to know that you are okay. But..........are you trying to say that you chloroformed yourself? If so, well, that would have to be about the most original cause ever for a trip to the ER. Of course, you know I am only trying to put some humor into the situation. But if that's what happened...........well, let's just say you are creative in everything you do. Even your medical emergencies.

Now, I don't know that's what happened. But just to see your photo when I got home was such a relief.

I was worried about you. So thank God you are okay. I will be here til 8:30, then my walk, then back for the remainder of the eve. Remember, chloroform is for bad guys in the movies!

I Love You, Elizabeth. So grateful am I that you are okay.

:) - that's me, smiling. 

:):) - and that's us, as always.

10:10pm : I hope you don't have any lingering effects from the chloroform. If that is the reason you went to the ER (and I imagine it is), then did they give you oxygen? Something to get it out of your system. I did some Googling about it, and from what I read, the symptoms can be pretty severe. I hope you did not suffer any of the worst symptoms. I know you work in a lab, but I did not know you worked with harsh chemicals. That was one of the things that led me to quit working at Metrocolor, the film laboratory. Film processing chemicals are very harsh & toxic, and there were all sorts of safety regulations that were supposed to be adhered to, but lab management never did that. There were no covers on the developing machines, so you were breathing the fumes all day long. I know it certainly had effects on guy's lungs. I would sometimes have shallow breathing from working there. There were all kinds of toxic chemicals in that lab; one of the first things guys told me when I started there was, "never drink out of the drinking fountains". I didn't ask why, but I never did use the fountains.

Anyhow, that was all a long time ago. I know you are at a major university, so the lab is well funded and again subject to all kinds of regulations, but Elizabeth, if you are working with toxic chemicals please be careful. You don't want that stuff in contact with your skin, or to breath it, or anything of the kind. Chemicals have many uses, but they are mostly bad news for humans, hence the wide move towards organic foods as one example.

Well, I will get off my soapbox. I know it's your job at the moment, and I also know you know all this stuff, and I also know that, if I am right in assuming you ingested some chloroform, that it was an accident.

But I still want you to be careful, and to take the very best care of yourself in all aspects of your life. Again, I know you are already aware of this, but with chemicals, always wear gloves, wash hands with cold water (to keep pores closed), and wear a mask when working with anything like chloroform.

I wish you didn't have to work with anything like that. That's me on my soapbox again, now I'll get off.

If you are okay, or recovering and on your way to feeling better, than I am grateful. Drink lots of water to flush your system. I guess if you were back at work today, you must be on the road to recovery.
When we are together, we will take the absolute best care of each other. Not in a pushy way, but in a happy one. We are gonna live long, happy and healthy lives, my Dear Girl.

We've got a lot of interesting stuff to do.

So, I will post this now because you probably need to rest.

Only good things for you, my Darling. Only good things.

Sleep well, and know that you are loved beyond measure.  xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

I will see you in the morning.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Perfect (Us) (Are You Okay?) (just checking) (with you always)

Good Morning, my Angel,

I wanted to wish you a great start to the week, and to say again that your wonderful photo and accompanying comment made me feel so happy and sent me to bed locked in Spirit with you. It must've not come through on the FB news feed, which was why I didn't see it until late, but when I did..........

aaaaaahhhhh........My Elizabeth, how I love her so.

That photo says it all, everything we share, you and I.

So I just wanted to tell you again. I will be around most of the day, til 4:15. May go over to the Botanical Garden after a while, but mostly I'll be here. I Love You and am always with you.  xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

4pm : I did go over to CSUN for a little while, but it was mostly just to get part of my walk done, because it might rain tonight. Rain? Noooooooooooooo! This is L.A. ! We don't like rain!
I am kidding. I don't mind a little rain now and then, but it's been so long since it has rained that I've forgotten what it's like. They said on the news that this is the sixth driest year in Los Angeles since they began measuring, 135 years ago. One of these years. though, we will get another El Nino, where the rain is of biblical proportions. That's when we really do rain, during an El Nino.

Well, I am off to Pearl's, my Darling. It has been a wonderful day, thinking of you, thinking of us. I loved the picture of the human and kitty bracelets. Everything represents us, we are always together, and I am so much in love with you. I will be back at 6:45.  :):)

9:35pm : Elizabeth, I just got home from my walk, and I saw something in my newsfeed about you being in the E.R. ? But I see that you deleted the post. So, whatever it was, I hope you are okay. Please let me know if possible, but if you can't I obviously understand. I will assume for now that it was not a catastrophe because you wouldn't have put it on FB, even if you did end up deleting it. Still, the ER is the ER. So, I hope you are okay, and I am sending immediate healing energy your way for whatever did happen. I love you and will be here the rest of the evening. :):)

11pm : I know the ER can take forever, even if you have health insurance. Whether you are still there or not, know that I am thinking of you. I just hope you are okay, and I will trust that you are. Even though I am not in close proximity physically, I am still right there with you, Elizabeth. I know that you know that. So, I will stand by and wait to hear from you, and will send Love and White Light to you in the meantime. I am always here, and will do anything for you at any time. Right now, I will watch over you. :):)

11:40pm : I will say goodnight for now, but I am still thinking of you, my Angel. I hope that whatever happened, that it wasn't a big deal. I hope you are not in any pain, that you didn't break anything, that you are mostly okay. I hope you are home by now, so that you can rest. Maybe you can skip school tomorrow. Sleep in, and then whenever you have the chance, just let me know how you are doing.

I Love You and am with you all the time.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)   Love, Adam

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Happy Sunday (Blessing)

Good Afternoon, my Angel, and Happy Sunday. I just got back from shopping and picking Pearl up from choir practice at church. So I am back at work, but off until 4:30. So, I am just gonna hang out until then. I see that you did go to a Halloween party? Awesome! What did you go as? Post a picture if you have any. :)

Before I went to get Pearl, I stopped by the house, and I saw that they got Kobi a little pumpkin outfit. He was wearing it and looked super cute. He loves Halloween because of all the attention he gets from the Trick Or Treaters, and now he will get even more. Well, it will be a fun week! I will be here till 4:15, and then back this evening as usual. I Love You!

10:15pm : Sweet and Awesome Baby! I wish I was with you right now. I've been thinking about you all day, and it just made me wish more than ever that we were together. Well, there was a song many years ago called "Our Day Will Come", and that is true for us. I've just been hanging around tonight, watching the World Series. Yeah, I know - sports. That's me falling back on my Guyism. Ordinarily, I don't watch a lot of sports, just because I'd rather do something else, but right now I am "in between" books. I don't wanna start my new Joe Farrell ("Covert Wars and the Clash Of Civilizations : UFOs, Oligarchs and Space Secrecy" - how's that for a title?) because I see that the new Stephen King ("Doctor Sleep") has just arrived for me at the Library. Once I check it out, I will only have three weeks to read it, cause I know I won't be able to renew it. Too many people want it. So, I am postponing Joe and will start the SK tomorrow. So, today it was the Series, and it was cool because even though I don't care who wins, there is something classic about October and baseball, something old fashioned that I like. I can do without all those beards, though. It seems every player has a humongous lumberjack beard, so I am gonna buy stock in Gillette shaving cream and hope they get a Major League Baseball sponsorship. I confess I did have a beard once, in the Summer of 1986, but I didn't like it, so I got rid of it

But for God's sake, gentlemen! If you must all grow beards, can you at least keep them neatly trimmed?
Buncha cavemen, lol.

During the week, I will try to go for another short road trip, and maybe use up the rest of the b & w film in my Pentax. Maybe back to Corriganville again, because there is still much to explore there, or maybe back to Stoney Point. I will let it decide itself. I like the rhythm of things right now : working and saving money, and discovering all these magical places on my little trips, reading interesting books during downtime hours, playing my guitar, going for my walks and just staying with my intuition all the time.

I am loving these days so much, and I am loving watching you create, too. Your pictures and music are wonderful, and if you are in a happy & optimistic place in your life, then I am doubly happy and grateful. I just love the rhythm of the cycle, and, for me - I love feeling blessed and grateful, because I want to continue to live inside that power source. To feel love, to be in love, to want to radiate it back to you, to be excited about things, to feel creative, to feel optimistic, to know that life is Amazing.........

All of this is a great blessing, from a great source of power, and you can feel that power inside you. It is with you from the moment you start each day. Even if there are brief lulls, those come from physical limitations of the body. We get sleepy, blood sugar goes up and down, and the reverse happens too - the day starts and we get warmed up and excited about the possibilities of each day.

But we know that each day, no matter how ordinary seeming, is full of possibility, because we are connected to an incredible source of power and wonder and amazement. For me, the gratitude comes because I am aware of how special this is. And the gratitude is not something I am expending - that is what is even more amazing. Instead, the gratitude is something that, the more I feel it, the more it increases in me, the more I am powered by it.

So, my dear Elizabeth, I am loving this season we are in, and this intuitive cycle. It is pure magic.

Elizabeth : you know Life Is Magic when you are just shopping at the grocery store or driving down the street or reading the newspaper and you feel these things.

You feel as big as life. And so it is a good thing, and we will keep it that way.

I Love You, and I send you a hug and a kiss as you read this, and I will be with you all night.

And then I will see you in the morning. Sweet Dreams, my Darling.   xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:55pm : Elizabeth : I just now saw your photo of the small bird, framed by twigs.........the time on the post says 5 hours ago.......I guess FB is running slow. That is an absolutely beautiful photograph .

That photograph, combined with your comment about it...........I couldn't agree more.

That's me, except to add that it would be just perfect if the only things in the park were the birds, and you.........and me.

Goodnight, Darling.  xoxo  :):)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Good Work! ("Gravity") (Raccoons Again)

Good Morning, my Baby,

Hey! That is some very nice video you shot. I love the very brief footage of the shadow hand, and the rain coming down by the lampost. The snow falling on the berries. All of it is good! But......the music, too. Is that a new piece, or something you've been working on for a while? It sounds great! Wow, Elizabeth. You are really developing a style all your own. You have got it in you, in both the music and pictures, so just keep doing it and doing it and doing it. What a nice thing to wake up to!

I was able to get almost nine hours sleep, so I feel good. This is a great day already.

I Love You!!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)

(don't know if my sister is coming over or not, but I'll find out in a little while)

3:35pm : My sister did come over, but instead of shopping we went to see "Gravity" in 3D. "Wow" is all I can say. It really is an awesome film, a game changer for space films in the way "2001" was back in 1968. "Gravity" will set the standard for many years to come. You may have already seen it, but if you haven't, and if that kind of thing interests you, I would say go see it immediately, or as soon as you can, and make sure to see it in 3D. Besides being amazing visually, it is also a white-knuckle story, too. So there you have it.

Hey Elizabeth! You know how a song gets stuck in your head, or just a hook from a song? You never try to have it happen, it just happens. It's like the song picks itself to get stuck in your head. I don't always have a song stuck in my head, but very often I do, and today it started just after I woke up, while I was having my coffee. A beautiful, somewhat mysterious melody.

It was the main melody from "Across The Sea".

It's been with me all day. When a song can hook you like that, all by itself, you know that's a good sign.

Carry on having an awesome day, and I will be back in a while. Gonna tidy up around the apt., to protect against crickets.

I Love You. :):)

(back in a bit.........)

11:35pm : I saw the raccoons again on my walk. They were just outside some bushes which were near trash cans in a food court. They are so deliberate in everything they do, every move is calculated. But, I guess if you are a raccoon family living on a campus of 35,000 humans, you have to be careful. It's interesting, though, that the thousands of squirells in Northridge have no such inhibitions. They are everywhere, all day long. Not shy are the squirrels. They even cross streets with cars coming. Squirrels are all about broad daylight. Raccoons are only comfortable at night, when no one is around. And even then, they still deliberate over every single move. When I came upon them tonight, there was no one else in the vicinity. Yet they were still deliberating, emerging from the bushes one by one, then stopping, even though the trash cans were just feet away. The squirrels are all over those trash cans, all day, no matter how many people are around. But there are thousands of them.

As far as I know, there is only one raccoon family on campus, and they live in a certain storm drain. I've seen them as far back as ten years ago, so it is likely they number in several generations. I have no idea how they got there in the first place, but Northridge was once rural, as recently as 50 years ago.

At any rate, it is interesting that nature gave them bandit masks, because that is how they act; like polite, humble bandits - though they only take what has been thrown away, and they only do so when no one is around. The raccoons have a sensitivity to the way things used to be, and the way they are now. I can imagine that 100 years ago - which is not that long in generational terms - they might have moved freely in their search for food, like the squirrels do now. But as humans encroached, they adjusted and became careful - extremely careful. I can't imagine that anyone just dumped a pet raccoon at CSUN, and anyway, for a family to have developed, if pets were abandoned there, it would have had to be at least a male and female. Unlikely. So, these raccoons must have developed out of the wild, and if so, they must be remainders from our rural past. And they have that memory, of the way things used to be.

Other than the movie, it was a quiet day for me. I hope your day was good. Another sleep-in will be nice!

So, you are probably already asleep, but I wish you sweet dreams, and I will see you in the morning.

I Love You, my Darling.  xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Friday, October 25, 2013

Endless (more added)

Happy Friday morning, my Angel, and TGIF to you, and to me too this time since I have the day off tomorrow. I love the quote you posted, because it is fitting to so much of my life and the idea of nostalgic glimpes and mysterious longings that we often talk about. The way life feels like a continuum. Last week, I had two incredible days - they were just wonderful - when I went out consecutively on Thursday the 17th and Friday the 18th, to Corriganville. Now, the place itself was awesome, maybe the best of all the parks I have visited recently. But the feeling derived from more than the natural surroundings. It was a feeling of powerful well-being, like a strong awareness of being inside something magical, and also a certainty that this feeling was what life really is, this knowledge and awareness of the Magic.

But a huge part of it, really part-and-parcel of it, was knowing that you were in on it too. You were there, you knew, you were inside the Magic with me, you felt and shared in the sensation of well-being, of continuum.

Going to Corriganville triggered all of this. It happens all the time in bigger or smaller ways, but there it was overwhelming. It included that feeling of mysterious nostalgia. Seeing that concrete lagoon especially brought it out, and thinking of that monster movie, "Creature From The Black Lagoon" increased it. There were only one or two other people in this huge nature park, and you could hear all the birdsounds and insects, and critters rustling in the shrubs. That movie was really an allegory for a love story. It was mid-day, but there were all kinds of interesting shadows in the park, cast by overgrowth and hillsides made of sixty million year old boulders. The park triggered the feeling, but it is something that is always inside me, and it has blossomed since I met and fell in love with you.

Our life is huge and endless, and I don't say that to be poetic or cosmic, but because it is the basis of the feeling. We have mysteries that we will always be on the verge of solving, but we already understand their meaning. We understand it, but we cannot articulate it. We can only feel it.

My two days at Corriganville would just have been two nice days at the park, if not for you. Because, in feeling what I felt there - something enormous that I innately understood but could never articulate - I knew you could feel it too, even if you didn't know I was there, even if you didn't know I was feeling it. I knew it because I could feel you feeling it with me. That's why I say our life is huge and endless, and magical.

And today is an awesome day.

I will be around most of the afternoon until 4:15. I haven't seen any crickets since Wednesday night, so that's a good sign. And tonight I can stay up a little later and relax, too, because I can sleep in tomorrow. So here's to a great day, Elizabeth, and to a wonderful, wonderful feeling. I Love You More Than I Could Ever Say.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:15pm : Tonight is all about relaxation, so I am just enjoying the quiet in the building, reading and listening to music. This is the weekend of Halloween parties, and fun stuff like haunted houses and corn mazes, hayrides, etc. I wish we'd had a chance to go to Halloweentime at Disneyland, but my sister just can't make it there anymore. So, you will have to come with me. :):)

If you go to any Halloween parties tonight or tomorrow night, have a blast. I am having fun just looking out for spookily decorated houses in my area. I am the kind of guy who would still Trick Or Treat if they'd let me, haha.

It really is a very special holiday, especially for Art Couples.

I Love You, my Darling, and I will see you in the morn.

But I can feel you right now.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Salons (I Love You) :):) (I'm Back) (An Art Couple)

Good Morning, my Angel,

Today is a lot of back-and-forth between the Dog Salon and the Pearl Salon, and the Dog Salon is out in Chatsworth, so I am in the car a lot. I will be back in the afternoon from about 2:30 or so, maybe 3pm. I hope you are enjoying your day, and I see it has warmed up in Middleton at least a few degrees. Here's to a nice Halloween week in both our towns! I will be back in a while, but I wanted to say Hi and that I Love You.  Many hugs and kisses :  xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a while...)

3pm : I am back. Lotsa traffic, glad to be out of the car Now I can relax for a little bit. Tonight is movie night, they are gonna show a Fassbinder called "Effi Briest", which I haven't seen, so that should be interesting. The running time is 2hrs 20mins, and add another 20 minutes for the professor's commentary, which means I'll be getting home close to 10pm or maybe a few minutes after. I will be bringing you with me to the movie, so it will be a date in spirit for us.

I Love You, Elizabeth!

I'll be back to check in just before I go back to Pearl's. Many more hugs and kisses in the meantime.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo........xxxxxxxx..........ooooooooo.........xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)

4:10pm : Okay, my Baby, I am off to Pearl's. Soon I should have my new, 2nd Chromebook to use there so I can keep in touch during work hours again. I will see you later tonight, around 10. Have a great evening!

10:15pm : I am glad to be back. The movie was very good, with tremendous art direction and b&w cinematography, great acting, all the usuals from Fassbinder. But it was very slow paced, and because of it's length, and grim subject matter, that made it seem even slower. "Effie Breist" is the story of a 17 year old girl in Germany, forced into marriage with an older politician, who winds up having an affair. In that respect, it has dramaric elements in common with "Anna Karenina" and "Madame Bovary". It's all about the repression of 19th century Germany, and especially the repression (and suppression) of women. Grim stuff, though excellent in all ways. Just real slooooooooowwwwww.

I will eat real quick and then be back in just a few.  :):)

11pm : I am thinking that we will not be candidates for a motion picture love story. Because we will be kind to each other, we will communicate, we will support each other and make each other happy. There will be no dramatic conflict, in other words, no tragedy, and so no one will write a movie about us.

But - we will be an Art Couple. We will be one of those couples where we are both in the living room, and one of us is painting, or reading a book, and the other one is playing an instrument, and we are drinking our evening tea, and the light is changing in the room because it is early evening. We will be one of those couples who can have long conversations, or say very little because we understand each other psychically, something you and I have already established. That was one of the first features of our Miracle, the way we connected through our minds. We will be one of those Art Couples, who understand each other, who know each other's moves, who are individuals and yet a joined-at-the-hip couple at the same time.

We are fortunate to live in an era of artistic expression that has examined the past, and moved beyond past social mistakes. Because of that, we are neither repressed - like people in past eras - nor are we reckless, like the Hippies of the 60s. We get the best of all worlds, because of what we know to avoid, and because we have the confidence and responsibility to be ourselves. Love is the key, and it is a strong love, an intelligent love. It is an intuitive love that needs no outside input. We understand us, and that's all that matters.

In so many of the dramas of the past and present, in real life and in books and movies, society plays a role in the lives of individuals, and in marriages. That was a big theme in this movie tonight. "What will society think"? Many relationships are influenced from the outside, and that is because love is a powerful attractor. Not everyone will ever know love, and so many will attach themselves to a true love between two people, and will try to exert influence on that love. That is what dramas like "Effie Briest" are all about.

Society is fine for basic human functioning, because it is nearly impossible for individuals to survive alone or in small groups. But societies also develop behavioral patterns in individuals, such as envy, resentment, and desire to influence or interject. Many couples fall prey to such negative influence.

But we are strong, happy, creative and intelligent, and so we will be one of those Art Couples, where people just go - "That's them".

"There they go...".

And we will be sitting in our living room, working on our projects, talking or just thinking, and understanding each other, Two Spirits In Harmony.

I Love You, my Darling, and I will see you in the morn. Tomorrow I will be around most of the day.

xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Review (Snow?!)

Good Afternoon, my Darling,

Wow, that is some review they gave the Russian Circles album. I am gonna pre-order it over at Amazon after reading that. I imagine they will tour behind it, too, so expect some dates very soon. I am just hanging out this afternoon, no appointments. I watched a very creepy little film from a producer named Val Lewton who made very stylish mystery/horror films in the 1940s, most notably "Cat People" which is a classic. The one I just watched was called "The 7th Victim", from 1943. Genuinely weird!

Now I need to go for a little walk just to shake off the jitters, so I am gonna go over to the Botanical Garden for a few, maybe take some pics if anything presents itself. Then back to Pearl's at 4:15 and the usual evening schedule.

I am thinking of you all day. I Love You so much! xoxoxoxoxoxo :):)

(back at 6:45....)

8pm : I saw your friend's post about the snow. OMG! Isn't that early, even for you guys? I just checked to see what the forecast said for Halloween, cause I love it and am always worried about rain. They say it will be sunny that day, but at the same time I saw that Middleton today is 35 degrees. Wow. Well, I wish you a nice Halloween and a return to Autumn weather before Winter sets in for real. Maybe this was just a false start. Unless you love snow, of course, like your friend. But not so early! :)

Well, I will go on my walk in a few minutes, then come back and write more. I will be looking over the San Gabriels at about 8:30, and thinking of you. :):)

(back in a bit.....)

11:15pm : Not much else to report this evening. I had a nice walk, but am still dealing with these stupid bugs in my apartment and had to spray more Raid. I am glad to be coming to the end of a work cycle, cause I am really tired. But, I get two sleep-ins this Saturday and Sunday. That will be great!

I hope you had a great day, and I will see you in the morning. I Love You!  :):)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pictures (Seeing Over The Mountains) (Time & People)

Good Afternoon, my Angel,

I just took Pearl home after Golden Agers, and now I am home until 4:15. Yeah, those are some cool photos of Chelsea Wolfe. I like the black & white, and the double exposures! I would be interested to know how the photographer achieved the colors in the leaves of the photo you posted, while the subject Wolfe appears to be b&w. I am guessing he or she is using film, because.......I don't think you can do double exposure in digital. I mean, can you? Oh, I guess with an expensive SLR you probably can; they may have that option programmed in. But even if you can, I like the option better in a film camera, because then you have a physical, mechanically produced double exposure. The Human Effect, you know.

They used to have these really cool filters made by a company called Cokin. Now, I suppose you could consider that cheating, too, lol, but they were fun to use in certain situations, for color effects, star filter, etc. Me and my friend Dave used them from time to time during the 90s. Anyway, that photog who took the Chelsea Wolfe pics looks like she may be using "old school" (not my favorite term, haha) techniques and effects. I like that!

Neige was wearing a Chelsea Wolfe T-Shirt at the L.A. show, and I was wondering who that was. I guess she is a Joshua Tree musician. That is an artist's community out in the desert; you'd like it. I will have to give her a listen. I have liked some of the Mammifer stuff I've heard. I'd call them an Abstract Listen, just as I described with the Ives comments last night. Music that is best absorbed passively rather than actively. Now, it was different when I saw them live, because it was so loud that it commands your attention. But I will give Chelsea Wolfe a listen. Neige really likes some Gothic stuff. He has a different taste than you might expect, but then they all do, like Mikael of Opeth with his folk and jazz.

Well........I did have one cricket last night. He must be like those few Japanese soldiers who hid out in caves after World War 2, because they didn't get the message that the war was over. So, I am gonna super-duper reinspect all possible cricket entryways, and probably spray a little more Raid before I head back to Pearl's. The war isn't over just yet........

I'll be back this eve at 6:45. Hope your day is going well. I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxo  :):) 

10pm : Ahhh, Elizabeth.........I love that photo you just posted. I love it because that is exactly how I am feeling lately, like I am flying and so, so happy. There is such a good feeling in the air lately. Tonight on my walk - just a little while ago actually - I was really connecting to it - to you .

I like when I am on my walk and up near the athletic fields at CSUN, because then there are no buildings in the way, and I can see the San Gabriel mountains to the northeast. I like to imagine an exact straight line of connection reaching over those mountains and all the way to Wisconsin. I even like to mentally adjust the line, using psi, to the exact location of Middleton, and to you. It's fun to do, and when I look toward the San Gabriels and project my thoughts and feelings over them, and to you, it feels like there is no distance between us at all.

When I can see those mountains, with nothing in the way, and I establish that line arching over them to you, it feels like you are right next to me. I can feel your happiness, too, and it gives me extra strength inside, which comes in the form of my own gratitude. I have found that the gratitude itself is an incredible blessing, just to feel it, to send it out is so wonderful.

The whole thing is a cycle of great love and strength. And I feel like I'm flying. Your happiness is my greatest blessing of all!

I wanted you to know these things right away. After I eat, I will be back in a few minutes.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)

11:15pm : I am enjoying the Halloween season, and one of the things I love most about it is the anticipation, all the days leading up to Halloween. You probably have at least one really cool Halloween house in your neighborhood, where the owners have decorated it to the max. We have one in a neighborhood I lived in as a kid, the neighborhood where our Big White House was located. This Halloween house is already lit up every night, so I have altered my route home from Pearl's, just so I can drive by it each night. I am also having fun with those old Halloween TV clips from The Flintstones, Gilligan's Island and The Addams Family. The passage of time is a big phenomenon with me - really fascinating - because almost fifty years have passed now since the time I first saw some of those shows (that's half a century, supposedly a long time), and yet they have an artfulness and sense of fun that belies their age. I am always saying that we live in an era of One Continuous Generation, ever since..........well, I was gonna say 1960, when I was born, but I guess it may go even further back, to the late 40s. Or even the 1920s, if you think about it. People were pretty hip in the Roaring 20s. I suppose there have always been a quotient of "modern" people in any generation, and you can go back to Isaac Newton or even Aristotle to see that thinkers have always been with us. But in the post-WW2 era, ever since TV became a household item, every generation has been culturally connected to the next one. Especially since the 60s.

It has only been in the last hundred years or so that we Americans have been able to really document the way we live, our customs and habits, and we can see that we people of the current time are not too different culturally from people of the 1920s. We can see it in movies and pictures.

But I have always been curious to think what people might have been like before there were pictures to represent them, and widely available printed books to read what their lives were like. In the earliest photos from the 1830s or so, people appear to be heavily clothed, formal and stiff. People in those photos look like they lived in a different reality, and in some way the pictures of that era make those depicted seem more antiquated than the lively-described people from a century earlier. We always hear about the sophistication of the 18th century and the Rennaisance before it, and yet there are no photographs to depict the reality, so people a century later, when photography was first available, look more dilapidated, by contrast, to the earlier people who were merely written about, but not depicted, except in paintings, and then only for the wealthy. Certainly people were sophisticated in the 18th century, my goodness, the classical music, art and science is testament to that. And there were books then, and autobiographies, histories. People have always been sophisticated, to a certain percentage of the population, throughout history. But I have always wondered about how they were culturally. What would a person from 1850 think of a 2013 Halloween house, for instance. Not the difference in lighting, in decoration or technology, but just in the display.

How does the line connect, from people who came before, to those of us who are here now? It's interesting, because in history books and classes, we study it as "the past", a seperate thing. History is "separated" from "now", and so is thought of as something ancient. But it's really not, when you think of each day as connected to the one before it. And so, for me I like to think of how people from a century, two or three centuries ago, or even further, might connect to our culture, and how their culture led up to ours.

I like the way in which "then" ties to "now", and how that sensation can reverse direction in the mind and connect us in the present to what has come "before" us.

Halloween is really a celebration of that, if you think about it. Little kids know this instinctually, and we adults hold on to that connection, because we realize it's importance.

That's all I know for tonight. I will see you in the morning, my Darling. Sweet Dreams until then.

I Love You, Elizabeth. :):)   (super happy!)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Blessings (more piano)

Good Afternoon, my Baby,

I've been at home, cleaning up after the Cricket War. Last night passed without a single sighting, and my luck is still holding out. I'm not gonna declare victory until maybe a week passes, but what I am doing is vacuuming everything, behind everything really, pulling boxes out of the closet, pulling the couch away from the wall, etc., and vacuuming in all the possible cricket hideouts. Really, though, I think they were hiding in the baseboard in my bathroom, which - because this is an old building - is separated a little bit from the floor, which gave them a hiding place. That's where I sprayed the Raid, and they haven't been heard from since, so maybe I got the right location.

Exciting, eh?

Well, I wanted to check in to wish you a Happy Monday and to tell you I Love You. This will be another great week for us, in a special season. I will be back after Pearl's.

Each day is a Great Blessing, Thank You for sharing them with me.  :):)

11pm : Tonight I am listening to a piano sonata by Charles Ives, Sonata #2. It just popped into my head to listen to him, probably because I heard something on the radio a while back. This sonata would definitely qualify as abstract, and yet it has a rhythm to it, and a theme. Some of the abstract piano stuff, like Iannis Xenakis, if you've heard of him, is so "out there" and extreme that I can't relate to it, but this Ives sonata is very nice so far. It's the kind of thing that's best absorbed in an indirect listen, maybe while reading or typing on the computer, as I am doing. One of my favorite abstract piano albums is called "Das Klavierwerk" or "Piano Music" by Arnold Schoenberg, as played by Mauritzio Pollini. If you put it on, and sit there trying to intently listen to it, you might be disappointed. But if you put it on, and let it absorb while doing something else, you might just like it. I don't know what got me into abstract classical music. As an infant, my first exposures to music were largely classical, but all based in melody. My Dad was not a big fan of abstract music.

I think, maybe for me it's because I go through so much music, and listen to so much different stuff, that #1, I am always looking for new music, and #2, I tend to go by my listening mood nowdays, rather than just put something on.

Melodic music hooks you, and demands more attention - active listening - while abstract music (which may have elements of melody) generally has no hooks. Abstract music is like a wandering stream, and when you walk along a wandering stream, or trail, you take in whatever comes at you.

Now, I must say that I don't know how Ives, or any other abstract composer, actually composed something this off-track. Why would your brain tell you to remember such a piece? Or, more likely, this type of music is composed in pieces, possibly small pieces, and some of the more striking or abrupt are simply constructed at a whim in the middle of the composing process.

Of course, I am guessing at all of this. I am not a composer of classical music.

But I think the Debussys and Chopins of the music world begin the compositional process with particular melodies as a basis, whereas the abstractionists begin with a mental image. With Ives, particularly in this very long sonata, you can hear both abstraction and melody.

Anyway, my Darling, I hope your week got off to a good start. Just remember that each day is an entity unto itself, comprised of the thoughts and feelings you experience, and the way in which you observe and respond to all the myriad "little things". Every day, when you wake up, you get more and more used to noticing the ways in which you interconnect with life. As an Artist, you are keeping track of what you notice twenty-four hours a day, all the time. As you go along, the business of life becomes secondary, and you can do it on automatic pilot, but the observation part ever increases. Each day is an individual package of interesting information, but it is up to you to notice and interpret it. It's like going down a trail in the woods, and the more you notice, the more interesting and mysterious is gets. Conversely, those who don't notice anything interesting turn back. They find the trail uninteresting. But if you just keep going, and maintain interest, and look at each day as a seperate package (of hours, minutes and other spans - for time is elastic), then you will find an unending carpet of mystery unfolding before you, and from that you will create your art.

Your life will be a discovery rather than a program.

You already know that, but I tell you anyway, as a reinforcement to begin the week.

You are You. I Love You, and will see you in the morn.  xoxoxoxoxox  :):)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Inspiring (more added) (Piano)

Happy Sunday, my Beautiful Angel! You are right - Autumn is very inspiring! It's hard to put into words, and it's even more than the leaves turning and the shadows lengthening and the added crispness to the air. It's all those things, too, but there is - I think, anyway - an unexplainable magic in the air. An enchantment? Perhaps, but that is a word I might reserve for Spring. Well, I'll ponder it a while. Autumn is definitely enchanted, but in a different way. I love it, and I have to say again that I am so happy we are spending this Autumn together.  :):)

I like the Sophie Miller pic, too! And there's a word written on the chalkboard in the background.........Love.

That pretty much sums it up, Elizabeth. I Love You, and these days are just The Best !

I know you are happy, too, and that makes me even happier. I would, and will always , do anything for you, my Darling. xoxoxoxoxo  :):)

I'll be back at 6:45.........

10pm : That's me, Elizabeth - you can call me Happy.  :) And see, I told you about your photographs! That amazing pic of Hannah with her hair in motion - now even other people are noticing. Before, I said that you are the go-to photographer for your friends, and all of them know you will make them look good. But now, even people you don't know are noticing! You've got it, my multi-talented Artist.

Well, I just got back from my walk a few minutes ago, so I am gonna eat something real quick then come back in a few minutes to write a little more and say goodnight. I think I at least won tonight's battle in the Cricket War. I had to spray Raid, something I hate to do because it's so toxic. And, I don't like to kill anything. But last night was a nightmare and I had to do something. Raid may be poisonous, but one thing is for sure : it works. Right now it's all quiet on the cricket front. I won't say the war is over yet, but I think I'm winning. Back in a few........

11:30pm : They played the Appassionata on KUSC today while I was driving Kobi to CSUN, hence my post. I have never found Beethoven to be as accessible as other great composers, and I think that is for two reasons : his music is more varied, and it is very intense. There is a lot going on with Beethoven. He had all this music in his head, and yet he was going deaf at the same time. There is often the question of who was the greatest composer ever, and of course that is subjective. For me, I'd have to say overall that it's Bach. His body of work is unrivalled and the harmony and counterpoint in his music seems like an achievement on the level with the greatest achievements in human history. Bach, to me, is superhuman. But if someone were to say that Beethoven was the best, or Mozart (the choice of many), or even Haydn, I wouldn't argue with them. Music is indeed subjective.

For sheer piano music, I guess I'd have to go with Chopin. Schubert might be a close second. Bach is played on the piano, but in his time there was no such instrument. His keyboard music was played on harpsichord or organ.

Here's a question for you : have you ever had the chance to play an organ? I am just curious. I know you played the harp recently. I would think it would be awesome if you got to play an organ.

But again, the purity of the piano is unsurpassed. With it's in-line run of notes, and it's inclusion of all ten fingers in it's playing technique, the piano gives free range to the expression of the spirit, more than any other instrument. When you have time, during the school semester, just sit down at random and play whatever comes out. Your fingers are developed now, enough so that you can let your spirit take over. It took me years to get my fingers that way, but what I will do now, if I only have a few minutes to play, is just to pick up the guitar and let it say what is inside me. Spontaneously. If I have longer to play, then I might practice more formally. But the spontaneous playing is, for me, the most fun. And with piano, the range of emotion is really unlimited. That's why the greatest piano composers like Chopin, Beethoven and Bach (even though he didn't compose for piano) used the keyboard for their greatest compositions. The nuance available to the pianist is greater than for any other instrument. Guitarists speak of making their instrument "talk", and of course I love the guitar and it's expressiveness in the hands of the greats is profound in it's own right.

But piano doesn't "talk" in the way that guitar does. Guitar hits you in the gut. Piano hits you somewhere behind the mind, where the intricate strands of feeling are being woven. And as the piano music is absorbed, so are new strands weaved. New things are created inside you with the intricate tones of the piano. So, when you get the chance, just play the first thing you feel, and then keep going. It doesn't even matter if you remember what you've played. It is the act of expression that is important. From it, you will become increasingly attached to your instrument, physically and spiritually. Rememeber, it's not just notes, but emotions that begin in your soul and vibrate outward. The piano really is the ultimate expressor of that state.

That's all I know for tonight, my Darling. I will see you in the morn and we will have another great week.

Sweet Dreams.  I Love You!   xoxoxoxoxo   :):)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Going To Boeing (My Mermaid!) (Mermaid Movie?) (Field Lab)

Okay, Sweet Baby, I am off to the Field Lab. I don't know how much of the cool stuff will be left since I first took the tour in 2010. They're in a ten year long process of cleaning up the toxic mess and also tearing down a lot of the old Rocketdyne stuff, because they are eventually gonna turn it into a park. But hopefully they'll still have a rocket test stand or two. Unfortunately, I can't take any pictures. It's against the rules, probably because it was a Department Of Defense facility. Well, here I go. I'll be back this eve at 6:45. Hope you are enjoying your Saturday!

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxo  :):)

4:05pm : Hey there, Mermaid Girl,

If you come with me to the beach, I'll turn you into a Mermaid, too!  :)
We got done with the tour a few minutes early, so I wanted to stop at home to say hi and tell you that I Love You. Now I've gotta head over to Pearl's, but I'll be back at 6:45 to tell you a little about the tour. See you in just a little bit.......   :):)

6:50pm : wait a minute.......... :)

I was thinking about Mermaid Girl while I was over at Pearl's, and I was wondering if maybe we should go over to the lagoon at Corriganville Park. You and me, cause you're my Mermaid, and we'll make a movie. It'll be about a guy who discovers a Mermaid living in a lake and falls in love with her. Can Mermaids live in lakes? Well, ours can. And we'll film all the underwater scenes at the Corriganville Lagoon. Hey! - maybe we can even have him rescue her from The Creature From The Black Lagoon!

What's that you're saying? Oh..........okay. You're saying that she should rescue him from The Creature, since she's aquatic anyway. Okay. That's a good storyline. So, you grab a camera and I'll start filling the lagoon with water, and I'll meet you at Corriganville Park.

My Ingenious Mermaid!

(back after my walk)

11pm : The tour was a good one today, we got to see a couple more things that I hadn't seen on my previous two tours. It's really impressive to look at those rocket test stands. But it is also interesting to look at them as they stand now, unused for many years, and standing in silent testimony to what was accomplished. I always like situations or locations where you can get a feel for something, and you certainly can at the Field Lab. As to the nuclear meltdown, I have heard it described by both sides, and I believe the people at the Field Lab. I have lived in the area all my life, and there has never been any indication of a massive health problem in the area, ala Chernobyl. Now Fukushima, that is a serious meltdown.

There was a reported cancer outbreak in the Chatsworth area in the 80s and 90s, and that was no doubt related to all the chemicals that soaked into the groundwater. It is 100% true that in the 1950s and 60s, when they were doing most of the rocket tests, little consideration was given to environmental issues. But when you take the tour, you can see for yourself all the effort Boeing and the Federal government are putting out to clean up the site. The standards are very stringent, and as our tour guide told us, it will take decades to get all the chemicals out of the bedrock (the same sandstone that you see in my pictures, which extends 2000 feet down). Above all, it is an amazing place representing an amazing time. Like all of the surrounding area, it was inhabited by the Indians for centuries, and then in the late 40s came the rocketeers, many of whom were former Nazi scientists like Werner Von Braun, so there are all kinds of vibes up there.

But the test stands themselves give the truest testimony, of experimentation and exploration on a massive scale, all the way to the Moon.

When I came back to my apt. this eve, the place was full of crickets. As they used to say, "You'd think if they can send a man to the Moon, they could......(name your example)". My example would be crickets. "You'd think if they could send a man to the Moon, they could think of a sure-fire way to get rid of crickets".
But it turns out that those bugs - maybe all bugs - are pretty smart. So far, my traps have trapped no crickets, though I have trapped several on my own, under cups and bowls. I am in a full blown Cricket War. I hope it doesn't last as long as the Afghan War. More importantly, I hope I don't have to start pulling all my stuff out of the closet, moving furniture, etc., in search of potential cricket nests. Please God, no. :)

So far, I haven't seen any kind of swarm. Just a steady stream, for the last week or so, of five to ten nightly. Many I have caught. But somewhere there are a whole lot of 'em, probably behind the wall somewhere.

Where there is a will, however, there is a way. I will keep the rocket scientists in mind as I think of ways to get rid of my unwanted houseguests. Maybe I can send them to the Moon. :)

Well, it was a good day, my Darling. I trust yours was good, too. Badgers cleaned up on Illinois and I won 16 points. I am so happy as we get into this Fall season, and toward Halloween and the Holidays. To be with you during this time is very special to me. I wanted to say that in your pictures of your friends (the couple) from yesterday, the hillside location is so picturesque, and it reminded me of an Artist's Garden of sorts. And I thought of the Monet, and the couple in that painting........and I thought of us, of course.

I Love You, Elizabeth. You are a wonderful lady and I am so blessed to have you in my life.

I will see you in the morn. Sweet Dreams until then!  xoxoxoxoxoxo :):)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Hey Baby! :) (Full Moon) (Beautiful Pictures) (A Great Day)

Hi Sweet Baby! I am getting ready to head back to Pearl's, but I wanted to wish you a TGIF and send you a hug and a kiss before I go. I went back to Corriganville Park this morn, sans Dog this time so I could take some photos. I posted a few on FB. It is an awesome park, maybe my favorite so far. Took my film camera, too, so I will be excited to see how those pics come out. I hope you are enjoying the start of the weekend. I will be back at 6:45 and will write more later. You Rule and I Love You!!  :):)

P.S. Don't forget to check the partial eclipse of the Full Moon tonight.

7:05pm : Okay, my Darling - good news! They put that Chromebook deal back up on Groupon, so I just bought one for 150 bucks. I love these things; they're fast, super efficient, and super cheap! So now I have two of 'em, one for here at home and one for Pearl's, and I'll be connected again during work hours just as soon as they ship it out to me. So that's great, cause those are good hours. :)
Did you see the Moon tonight? It's hyoooge! I don't know what time the eclipse will happen, so I will Google it, and then adjust my walk accordingly (as long as it's before about 9:30). And I will be back later with more. I Love My Baby! :):)

9:30pm : I just got back from my walk. The moon was pretty awesome; it was kind of hard to see the penumbral effect, but it was beautiful anyway. And Elizabeth, speaking of beautiful things, I want to tell you that those are lovely photos you took of your friends, the couple. I didn't want to press the "like" button because they are personal photos, but they really are wonderful. What a nice thing to put into the world, you know? You really captured the feeling they obviously have for each other. The setting is perfect, too. Just wonderful pictures they are. So, God Bless You and your friends for creating such a good thing. :)

I Love You So Much, You Make Me So Happy!  :):)

(back in a few minutes)

11pm : I am listening to an album I hadn't even thought of for decades, much less listened to. It is called "Twice Removed From Yesterday" by Robin Trower, who is most well known for his "Bridge Of Sighs" album. "Twice" was his first album, released in 1973, and it would have been one of the very first albums I ever bought, when I started buying albums. The guitar work and vocals were both stellar - it's a classic album, really - but 13 year old me was more interested, at the time, in either the harder stuff like Deep Purple, or the more progressive stuff like ELP, or Glam Rock like Mott The Hoople. Robin Trower was pure Blues Rock. Some of my friends give me a hard time, because I have never been a big fan of The Blues. "But rock is based on the Blues"!, they'll say. That may be true for many types of rock, but even in the bluesy types I like, the bands have taken the format and expanded upon it. To me, pure blues sounds like the same thing, over and over. I realise I am in the minority in disliking blues (I love Soul Music & Motown, however).

Having said that, this Trower album - which I have not heard in close to 40 years - sounds fantastic. And that's because it still has the indelible ingredients it had when I first bought it, but now the music is not competing with 100 other things for my attention. It's still not something I'd listen to all the time, but my goodness.........they just don't make guitarists like Robin Trower anymore, or singers like James Dewar.

Well, today was a great day, my Angel. We both got some great pictures, shared good feelings, experienced the full moon, and now we will go into a good weekend. I put 16 points on the Badgers against Illinois. Again, I'd have put more, but the point spread is pretty high. :) UCLA is playing Stanford, so they've got their hands full, too.
Tomorrow, I am gonna go on a tour of the Santa Susana Field Lab. That is a location up in the Chatsworth mountains that was once the site of Rocketdyne, where they tested rocket engines for the NASA space program. I've been on tour twice before, in 2010 and 2011. It's really cool, if you are a space junkie like me, because you get to see all the rocket test sites, and even a location where there was a nuclear meltdown in the late 1950s. Right now, the site is owned by Boeing, and there is a huge environmental cleanup going on up there because of all the toxic chemicals that spilled into the ground over the years. The tour is safe, so no problem there. But I like to be part of these things, just to experience the history. The space program was a major part of American life once. Hopefully they will bring it back one day. :)

The tour is from 1 to 4pm, and then I have my Pearl shift, so I'll be back in the evening, at 6:45. And soon I will have my second Chromebook at Pearl's.

The feeling today was just wonderful, Elizabeth. You knocked it out of the park with those pictures.

I Love You With All My Heart, and I will see you in the morn. I will check in before I leave for the tour.

Sweet Dreams.       xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Biggest Heart (I Love You) (Raccoons)

Good Morning, my Angel,

I am in the process of cleaning my apt., so as to get rid of all sources of attraction for crickets. Vacuuming everything, wiping down counters, throwing out accumulated junk mail. I'm not a slob in the first place, always very neat, but apparently anything at all will attract them, hence the extra attention to detail. I like your post about the deer heart donation. I suppose hunting season has begun up there. It is of course important not to waste anything, or as little as possible. I generally don't like Ted Nugent's politics, but he has the right idea about hunting, if someone is going to do it they should respect and use the whole animal, or as much as possible. I can't imagine hunting, myself, but unless I were to go completely vegetarian (no fish, even), I couldn't condemn it without being a hypocrite. I'm only saying that about myself, of course. I actually don't know if you are a vegetarian, though you have alluded to liking non-veggie foods. It's one of those paradoxes of life that most of us are raised eating meat, and even though we love animals, it can be hard to completely eliminate them from your diet. In my case, I have gotten it down to mostly fish - tuna and salmon.

Anyway, the one thing I am certainly against and have no problem condemning is hunting purely for sport. I saw an article in a magazine at Pearl's, about bear hunting up in Maine, and some of these guys go to bakeries and buy dozens of pounds of old donuts and pastries, and then they put them in barrels and wait for a bear to show up. To me, that just seems wrong. I don't even know if people eat bear meat anyway. Some might say they do it to control the bear population. I wouldn't be in a position to comment about that, because I do not live in a wooded area. But the guys who hunt using tricks like that, just to get a bear pelt, or trophy, well................not my thing at all.

But, this morning I am trying to trap and kill crickets. I certainly need to reduce the cricket population in my apartment. What I really need is a cat to chase them out!

Anyhow, it's a back-and-forth morn, taking Pearl to the hair salon at 11:30. But I will be around in the afternoon for a bit. Tonight is the Cinematheque. We are gonna see a movie called "Ali - Fear Eats The Soul". It is one of Fassbinder's more famous works. I've never seen it, and used to think, because of the title, that it was about Muhammad Ali, but I see that it's not. Anyway, that's tonight. I will check in before then.

I hope your morn, or early afternoon by now, is going well. You are awesome and I Love You! You have the Biggest Heart of all.   :):)

(back in a bit......)

4pm : I am gonna head back to Pearl's in a minute, so I wanted to say hi before I left. That "Outer Limits" episode I posted used to scare the living daylights out of me when I was a little kid, which was why I made that comment, lol. Back then, whenever it was on TV, I could never watch it all the way through, and that's probably why I love it now. :) I know, I know, I'm a goofy individual.

I was thinking of you all afternoon, my Darling, and really feeling close to you. I can't wait until we can do everything together. That is my total focus. I Love You So Much, Elizabeth.

Tonight's film has a normal running time (unlike last week), so I'll be home about 9:30. I send you many hugs and kisses until then.   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)  My Angel.

11pm : I am happy, cause just now, as I was finishing the rest of my walk (delayed by the movie), I got to see the CSUN Raccoons. I was going past the orange grove, and all of a sudden this critter went scurrying across the access road. At first I thought it was a possum. We have a lot more of those than we do raccoons, and they have a similar waddle. But then I noticed the bushy tail, and the stripes, and when the critter got to the other side of the road, it turned to look at me and I saw the bandit mask. I took a step closer and talked to her like you'd talk to a cat or dog. You know, animal talk like "It's okay, Mrs. Raccoon, it's just me", in a "kitty-kitty" voice. I use the feminine because in the few times I've seen the raccoons, I always have seen an adult with cubs, and I've assumed the adult was the mother. This time, I wondered where her kids were, and then............suddenly one ran across the street to catch up with Mom.

And then............(after another 15 seconds or so).........another one crossed the street and joined the family.
They are so light on their feet when they run. They are also very cautious. Every time I've seen them emerge from the storm drain, Mom comes first, after thoroughly checking the surroundings. The children come only when the coast is 100% clear. This time, they ran right past me, within ten feet, so that made me happy, like they trusted me. :) I am loving all my critter encounters lately : The Black Kitty, and now the CSUN Raccoons. As for the Kitty, boy does that cat ever put away the chow. Every time I put her bowl out, the food is gone within a half hour. She won't come out while I am placing the food, but only after I leave. Then she eats it all. Well, these are nice encounters.

Tonight's film was a melodrama about an unusual couple, an older German woman and a younger man, a Morroccan immigrant to Germany. It was good, though a bit tragic, different in style from the other Fassbinder films I've seen so far.

Really what I've been doing all through the day, whether I was watching the film or meeting the raccoons, was thinking of you, and wishing you were with me, and then........imagining it to be so.

I suppose it could be said that we are an unusual couple, too. We have an age difference, though to me it is in number only. It's like I was born in 1960, and you were born in 1992, but so what..............we are two highly developed souls in the Universe who were destined to meet.

We are psychically and emotionally attuned to one another. We have a method of communication that we developed - purely on intuition and symbol. Those aspects make us unusual, or more precisely : something other than usual. So we are not "unusual", but rather we are "not usual".

We are not usual, my Dear and Darling Elizabeth, in that we love and care for one another all the time, each and every day. Not all couples have that or do that. Not even close.

So, if we are unusual, those are the aspects that make us so. You are in my heart night and day, and when I see raccoons at night, you are with me. When I see a film, you are with me. When I drive to a concert, you are with me.

And I am with you, all the time, to love you, support you, and to just be there for you in every way.

In every way.

I Love You, Elizabeth, and today was a very good day, a wonderful day, with thoughts of us together.

Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dog & Creature (more added)

Good Afternoon, my Angel,

I am just waking up from a little nap. This morning, while Pearl was at her crafts meeting, me and my exploration partner Kobi Dog went on a little Chatsworth/Simi Valley tour. First, we went to Chatsworth Park North to see the oak trees, then we drove down the road a ways so I could show Dog the Stagecoach Trail, which he had never seen. It's kinda steep, and he didn't really take to it, so we turned back shortly after entering. We still had some time left, but I really had no other destination in mind, so we just started driving. We were on Valley Circle road, which, as you can imagine, Circles the Valley at the western end. A couple miles down, VC is interesected by a road called Box Canyon, which winds it's way up over the Santa Susanas and down the other side into Simi Valley. I thought, "what the heck", and we turned up Box Canyon. It's very steep, super windey, and it looks like you're way out in the country somewhere.

This is only the second time in my life I've ever been to Simi Valley. As I said in a post from last Spring, I've just never had reason to go there. But this time I found something awesome. Box Canyon ends at Santa Susana Pass, which I've been driving a lot when I go up to Garden Of The Gods. But that's on the San Fernando Valley side. The Pass starts at Topanga Canyon at the west end of the Valley, goes through the Santa Susanas, and six miles later, it ends in Simi Valley. Box Canyon is another way to get there, and it ends at the last mile of Santa Susana Pass. Anyway, with Mr. Dog in tow, I continued into Simi, and at the end of the Santa Susana Pass I saw a sign for something called Corriganville Park. I followed it and other signs to an access road, lined with eucalyptus trees, and soon I was parked at the head of a trail leading into the park.

I knew about Corriganville because it used to be a movie location, used mostly for Westerns. It was full of sets - a Western town, a Mexican Village, other "false front" sets for TV shows. I didn't know if those sets were still there, so Dog and I went in search of any remnants. The park itself has many signs, marking different trees. We found a Live Oak, which actually had acorns on it, so I took a couple for souveniers. Down the trail a ways, we came across a medium sized, empty concrete lake. Maybe 2 or three acres in size. A sign identified it as a former location for the filming of many water and underwater scenes for movies, most notably "The Creature From The Black Lagoon". That was a classic sci-fi monster flick from the 1950s. In the lake, you can see the square windows cut into the concrete at below surface level. The sign said that there was an underground camera room behind those windows, for the filming of underwater scenes. They have a copy of "Creature From The Black Lagoon" at Northridge Library, so now I will have to watch it again to see those scenes.

I think Dog was a little disappointed at not getting to see The Creature in person, and he was also starting to tire from all the morning's exertions. So, rather than trekking further to search for the old Western sets, we turned and headed back to the car and drove home. I didn't bring my camera with me this time, because I didn't know we were gonna discover Corriganville, and I'd already shot Chatsworth Park North a bunch of times. But next time I will make the trip by myself (as Dog tends to engage in too much stopping and sniffing to allow me to focus on photography), and I will take some shots. It was a fun trip today, and I will go back next week. When I got home today, I Googled the location of the Western movie sets, and it seems they were all lost to fires over the years. We have had a lot of wildfires in the Chatsworth/Simi area. But Wiki says that there are still some remnants left, old building foundations and stuff, so I will find 'em when I go back by myself. I had a nice little nap just now, and will head back to Pearl's in a half hour.

Pearl is doing okay, too, so everything is good. I hope you are having a great day. I Love You!!
(back at 6:45)  xoxoxoxoxo  :):)

10:50pm : Oh man. I have got a full blown cricket infestation in my apartment. Not good, as my apt. is very small and I am vastly outnumbered. Maybe the traps I bought have brought them out of their hiding places. So far, none have visited the traps, but I hope that changes by morning. I have seen about six or seven of 'em since I came home this eve. They are walking around like they own the joint. Well, tomorrow I will get serious and up the ante. One or two crickets = no biggie. An infestation = sorry crickets, but.......

That is really cool that your physics dept. shared in the Nobel Prize for the Higgs. Stephane is studying to be a particle physicist? That is some heavy duty research work. I always wanted to see a collider myself, just to see how it worked. The coolest thing I did get to see was the Palomar Telescope, when I was little. My Dad was way into astronomy, the outward counterpart to particle physics inward study.

You guys are going to a skiing convention? I didn't know you were a skier. I have never skied, myself, though many of my friends have. We have some local mountain ranges that attract a lot of skiers, but very often all the snow has to be manufactured on site, lol.

I will see you in the morning, my Angel. Sweet Dreams, I Love You.   xoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Dreamy (Drama) (more added)

Good Afternoon, my Darling,

I dropped Pearl off at Golden Agers, so I'm home for a couple hours, til 2pm. This time, I'll be busy after I pick her up, cause I'm gonna go to the bank and also to Home Depot to look for cricket traps. It looks like I might have an infestation. Last night, I caught two of 'em by trapping them underneath cups, then sliding a piece of paper underneath to make a lid. A third cricket got away. I've trapped about five this way, but now it's out of hand. I hate to have to kill 'em, but I can't have my apartment overrun with crickets, so, traps it is.

I will be back after my evening shift, about 6:45. Today is a Pisces moon, a dreamy kind of day.

You are My Dream and I Love You!  :):)

7pm: Hey my Baby, I'm just getting home. We had a little bit of a scare. When I got to Pearl's, I was greeted by Kobi as usual, but he was barking with great urgency. The next thing I heard was Pearl calling out to me from the back bathroom. Right away, I knew she had fallen. I was prepared for the worst, but as it turned out, it wasn't too bad. She was on the floor, but in a sitting position as if she had slunk down rather than hit all at once. I wanted to make sure nothing was broken before I tried to pick her up, so I asked her if she felt any pain anywhere. She was able to move all her limbs, and nothing was swollen, no pain in her hips. Pearl has already had one hip replacement and my Mom had two, so I am well acquainted with broken hips. Pearl was also a nurse, an RN with a master's degree, so she knows a bit about the body herself. Once we determined for certain that everything was okay, I was able to get her to her feet. Then, using her walker, she was able to walk into the living room, and then the evening proceeded as normal. Pearl had been on the floor for almost an hour. I asked her why she didn't use her Life Alert button, which she wears around her neck, and she said she didn't think it was an emergency. But her cell was too far away for her to be able to call me. So, I talked to Helen, her daughter, and we are gonna institute a new, daily calling program. We are gonna get her used to using her cell, for both calling out and answering, and we are gonna get a basket to attach to the top of the walker, so it will always be close at hand. Then, from now on, I will call at regular intervals when I am not there. Every couple hours, maybe more. Or we can alternate, me calling her and vice-versa, to get her in the habit of being used to the phone.

Pearl fell once before, in the 3 1/2 years I've been working for her. That time, two years ago, she fell into the tub in the same bathroom. We covered up the tub after that, with a big piece of plywood. Now I am also gonna clear out a lot of clutter in that bathroom too. Way too many clothes and bottles and stuff. Finally, I am gonna ask her daughter to have some railings installed, just so she has something to grab onto. She's fallen twice, two years apart, and both times she's gotten lucky. But better safe than sorry, I say.

So that was our little bit of drama. Everything is good, though, tonight. We are always grateful for every blessing.

I will be here til 8:30, then go on my walk til 9:30, and then I'll write more later. I Love You, my Wonderful and Awesome Lady, and I hope you are enjoying your evening.  :):)

10:55pm : I am listening to the music of Steven Wilson's Bass Communion. It's ambient stuff, the kind of music you listen to (for me, anyway) passively rather than actively. He does this kind of thing better than most. I've been flipping around on Youtube, just looking for stuff. Well, that's all I've got for tonight. I hope everything is good at home and that school is going well. I'm know you are probably maxed out with your workload, but any time you have the chance, I am always interested in what is happening in your life. Not just interested, but wanting to share our lives together.

I Love You, Elizabeth.    xoxoxoxo  :):)

Monday, October 14, 2013

I Love Us (It's True That He Loves Her) (Black Metal)

My Darling,

I love that photo! Of course I mean the Emily Tebbets photo you posted. I just now got home, cause I had to take Pearl to the eye doctor, and I saw that picture and immediately thought, "that's us". I would give anything to be hugging you at this moment, in the sunshine amongst the trees or anywhere.

That will be the first "moment of a lifetime" for us, and we will have many. But to hold you for the first time.........can you say "wonderful"?  :):)

I Love You So Much,, so much!

Well, it's Monday, so I have no more appointments. I'll be around until 4:15. I may run over to the store later on, or look for a movie at the Redbox, but mostly I will be here. What a great start to the week. :)

(back in a bit)

4pm : My girl, my girl.........that song title, I tell ya. I was browsing Bill Nelson's music on Youtube and I came across it. I mean, all you've gotta do is just change the spellings a little bit, and it's Us. 

And with that, my Beautiful Angel, I must leave for Pearl's, but I will be back shortly, at 6:45.

Atom Man Loves Radium Girl. :):) 

10:50pm : Have you ever heard of, or maybe even read, a book called "Lords Of Chaos"? It is somewhat along the lines of the paper your friend is writing. I have a copy that was given to me. It deals more with the so-called Satanic metal bands from Scandinavia (Norway mostly), but the guys who wrote it did their research, and interviewed a lot of people who were in on that scene. The crux of the book deals with how some of the more notorious bands, like Mayhem, went to great lengths to identify with their beliefs. It's more about the "Satanic" bands than Paganistic ones. I think the first couple waves of Black Metal were all about extremism. Some of those bands had members who were psychos. Mayhem, Emperor and Dissection all had guys who commited murders. Now, Mayhem flat out sucked, they couldn't play or write good music, but Emperor were actually pretty awesome, with two classic albums, and the same is true for Dissection. Emperor was founded by the guy who calls himself Ihsahn, and he is now a solo artist. Very talented, too. But he had two guys in the original Emperor who killed someone. In Dissection, the leader, a singer/guitarist named Jon Nodveidt, fancied himself a true Satanist. Not "evil" per se, but "against". It's a set of beliefs the specifics of which I am not familiar with. I got into Dissection because the first two albums they made were absolute classics. This was during the second wave of Black Metal, starting about 1993. I didn't discover Dissection or Emperor until 2010, but I was into first wave Black Metal back in 1985 with Venom and Celtic Frost. Anyway, Jon Nodveidt did something abominable. He participated in the murder of a gay man who had hit on him. This was during the 1990s wave of violence involving some of these bands in Scandinavia. In Norway, if you kill somebody, you do a few years in prison, and then you go free. Jon Nodveit did about 8 years. Then he came out and made a third Dissection album. And it was excellent.

That's quite a paradox, to say that a guy who committed (or participated, as the evidence shows, he was not the ringleader) a hate crime of murder. But, as sick as he was in his soul, he was a good musician who made three classic Black Metal albums. The second wave of Black Metal produced some great music. Not a lot, but the best stuff was classic. Jon Nodveidt, after serving his measly 8 year sentence, got out of prison, reformed Dissection with new members, made a third really good album called "Reinkaos". Then he and his band played a European tour. Then he killed himself. It was supposedly for "Satanic" reasons, there are numerous articles about it, but I think in reality it was because he felt guilty about what he'd done. He really was a great musician in a Black Metal way. If you Youtube Dissection at Wacken, or check out their first two albums, you can tell. His vocals were like no other, and his music was actually well written and performed. And yet he committed a cold blooded murder. Such was the mentality and emotional development of many of the people in that second wave of Black Metal. Ihsahn, the leader of Emperor, did not participate in the wave of violence, as he was a man of intelligence and refinement, a real artist and an excellent musician.

At any rate, this book, which made a big splash when it came out several years ago, does tackle some of the cultural issues that led to the violence and church burnings of the 1990s. Many of the guys in those bands were idiots trying to rebel in ever increasing ways, just to out-shock one another in an effort to have more street cred. There was one band at the beginning that was probably more Pagan or simply Viking oriented, culturally attuned to their historical origins, and that was Bathory. They named themselves after the Countess Elizabeth Bathory (you can Google her), but really they used that name because "Countess Bathory" was a song by original Black Metallers Venom. But Bathory emphasized the Paganistic roots before any other band, and especially the Viking history. The founder (I don't recall his name) died a while back, from cancer or heart problems or something. But I don't think he was involved in the violence of that era.

So, that is what this book is about - the way in which some of these bands chose to rebel against Christianity in the second wave of Black Metal in Norway. It began with church burnings and went from there. The funny thing was that Christianity was already on the way out in Scandinavia. Many people there have been turning to atheism for years now. So these bands were just looking for something to shock with.

I think now, at least with some of the more folk oriented bands, you might find a philosophy that is a bit more developed, and a better understanding of the cultural and religious history. But "Lords Of Chaos" is an interesting read, at any rate. I think in the long run, you protect your cultural heritage much in the same way the American Indians have protected theirs; by keeping traditions alive, continuing the practicing and teaching of rites, and identifying on the inside with your beliefs.

I am certainly no expert on the subject, but it is interesting.

That's all I know for tonight, my Darling. Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning.

I Love You!  :):)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday Morn With The Kobester

Good Morning, Sweet Baby,

I see that you went to Homecoming yesterday. It looks you had a good time, and I am glad. I know how much you love all things Star Wars, which is awesome, too. :) And, you guys kicked Northwestern's butts, so I won 19 points, yay! I would've bet 30, but the point spread was pretty big, and Northworstern (oops, I mean Northwestern) were nationally ranked coming into the game. But the Badgers showed 'em. Will they make it back to the Rose Bowl? It'll be tough, because of the loss to Ohio State, but you never know. If they do make it, I could even root for them if they were playing Oregon or Stanford, Pac-12 rivals to UCLA. Only if they were playing the Bruins would I have to root against 'em.

But for now, I am sticking with 'em to get to the Rose Bowl.

Well, it was another CSUN morning for The Kobedog and me. It's one of those nice overcast morns that will give way to a pleasant, sunny afternoon. These October days have been picture perfect, so I have been trying to enjoy them to the fullest. I am gonna pick Pearl up at 1pm, then I will be around from about 1:30 til 4:15. This weekend has also been the Fall Carnival at Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Church, which was my Mom's church. As you know, the Northridge Methodist Church is literally right out the window of my apartment, and right next door to that is the Catholic Church. Anyway, on the last night of their Carnival, they always have the Beatles tribute band Ticket To Ride playing, and tonight they are gonna play at 6:30. I know I just saw 'em in August, but they are really good, and it's free, so I will probably stop by for a little while in the course of my walk. Maybe watch a half hour's worth or so. I will come home first, after Pearl's, and then go on my walk about 7pm, and probably be back around 8:30 or so.

I checked the Black Kitty's food bowl this morn, and her food was all gone! Milk too - gone. So that's good! I put more food and milk out, and I will check it when I pick Pearl up. We've got us a hungry cat!

Have a great afternoon, my Darling, and I will be back here around 1:30pm my time. I Love You!  :):)

11:10pm : Just checking in to say goodnight. I went over to the church to watch Ticket To Ride. Hope your evening was good. I Love You and will talk to you tomorrow.  xoxoxoxo  :):)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday Morn With The Kobester (Valley Relics Museum) (The Black Kitty)

Good Morning, my Angel,

Today I am back-and-forth a little bit. I dropped Pearl off at Church for an all afternoon Country Store boutique sale, so she will be there til 2:30. Meanwhile I am gonna take my buddy up to CSUN (he gets two CSUNs this weekend!), and also do some shopping on my own, cause I don't know if my sister is coming over or not. So, I just wanted to wish you a nice morning and tell you that I Love You. I will be back in the 3pm range, and will pop in before then if Vickie does not come over. See you in a bit. Go Badgers!  :):)

3:10pm : I'm home. Vickie never did come over, so after I took Kobi to CSUN, I drove over to Chatsworth to catch the opening of The Valley Relics Museum. If you remember that selfie photo of me from last April, when I visited the Chatsworth Nature Preserve, I am wearing a Valley Relics t-shirt in that pic. There were a couple hundred people there. The Channel 7 news was there, the cameraman took some footage of me taking pics inside the museum, so I might be on the news this eve. Tommy Gelinas is a local businessman who has been collecting Valley artifacts and memoribilia for a while now, and he finally had enough stuff to open his museum. It's not a huge amount of stuff just yet, but it will grow given time, and I am so glad that somebody has finally decided - and has the resources to - preserve our history here in the Valley. People have said that everything here is disposable or transitory, because so many strip malls have replaced original, independently owned businesses, and as a result the Valley has lost some of it's character from the 1950s through the 1980s. Also, some of the snobbier L.A. people have looked down on the Valley, but really it's a great place with great history, so I am glad some of that history is being preserved.

Well, I am gonna put some groceries away, then head back to Pearl's at 4:15. I hope you are enjoying your Saturday, my Darling. I will write more this evening. I Love You So Very Much!  :):)

11:15pm : We sort of have a kitty now. Back in Fall 2010, I think it was in October, too, I rescued a small black kitten out of a tree in Pearl's backyard. It was significant enough that I wrote a Myspace blog about it, because it took me all day to get that kitten out of the tree. Briefly, what happened was that the cat was in Pearl's backyard, and Kobi chased her up the tree. It was the typical "should I call the Fire Department" situation. This tiny cat was so far up the tree that she couldn't get down, so I tried to help her. But even with a ladder, I couldn't quite reach her. At the top of the ladder I was still more than an arm's length away. I didn't know what to do. I tried getting a broom, to nudge her into coming toward me. Nothing doing. All she did was hunker down even tighter. Hours went by, and it was getting dark. She was mewing like crazy. I knew I couldn't leave her up there all night. Finally it hit me - food.

Animals love food! (just like people  ;)

We didn't have any cat food on hand, but we had some dog food, so I took the can and climbed the ladder again. When I got to the top, I stretched out my arm and put the can of dog food as close to the cat as I could. Then I froze myself, so that no sudden motion would spook the already timid kitty. After a couple of minutes, she inched downward on a steeply inclined branch, with claws digging in all the way. I was just waiting for her to get to the point where I could grab her nape. It took a few more minutes, and some coaxing, but I finally got that kitten to come close enough to the can of dog food so that I could grab her by the nape of her neck and pull her from the tree.

When I got her down, after several hours, I gave her some dog food because I figured she was pretty hungry.

In the last couple years, that kitty has gotten a little bigger (though she is still skinny as a stick), and she still makes the rounds through Pearl's backyard. Lately, she has taken to sitting on top of a tool shed in the backyard. We can see her up there from the driveway when I bring Pearl home from church or an appointment. She's been sitting up there so much that I figured I'd put a bowl of milk out for her. I put it on top of the shed, so she would easily see it. That was Thursday afternoon. Since then, I've put three bowls of milk out for the Black Kitty. That's what we call her. Every time I put milk out, it's gone a few hours later. So this morning, while I was shopping, I bought a can of cat food. I took another bowl and put some of the food on top of the shed, right next to the milk bowl. I am betting it will be gone in the morning.

I don't know if the Black Kitty remembers being stuck in Pearl's tree. That was three years ago, and she was just a tiny kitten then. I'm certainly not trying to lure somebody's cat away from their home. But the Black Kitty has been hanging out so much - every time I look, she's up on that shed - that I figured it couldn't hurt to put some milk out for her. And now some food.

So, I think we've got us a kitty. Sort of, anyway.  :)

I hope your weekend is a good one so far, and that everything is going well in general. You know I always love to hear from you. That goes without saying.

Sweet Dreams, my Darling. I will see you in the morning.     xoxoxoxoxo  :):)