Monday, October 7, 2013

Hanging At Home (more added)

Good Morning, my Darling,

Had a few extra errands this morn, but I am home now for the afternoon until 4:15. I hope your school week is off to a good start. I Love You!  :):)

10:50pm : Just the usual, reading, going for my walk. I was listening to the guys from GIS, the Ghost Investigators Society, on the Art Bell show. They were playing back tapes of EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon), which are pretty far out. These guys mentioned a radio device for sale on Amazon called an SB7 Spirit Box, which scans the radio band for white noise, which is how EVP is transmitted. Those boxes are only 70 bucks,'s the kind of thing I will leave to others. I have an interest in this sort of thing, but from a sideline perspective. I'm not one to mess with seances or Ouija boards and the like.

I am guessing you've got a lot of schoolwork. Tomorrow, I am gonna take Grimsley to see the Hart Ranch while Pearl is at Golden Agers, between 11am and 2pm. But I will be around in the morn for a little bit, and then in the later afternoon from about 2:45pm.

I Love You.  :):)

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