Good Morning, my Angel,
I am home for a little while, till 10:30, then I am gonna take Pearl to Golden Agers and then pick up Grimsley to go to the Hart Ranch. Then I will be back home at about 2:30 after picking Pearl up. I hope you are having a great day. I Love You! xoxoxoxoxo :):)
2:40pm : I'm back. Grim and I had a nice little trip up Sierra Highway. We did wind up stopping at Placerita Canyon, and hiked in about as far as I did last time. I was looking for those Indian stick-figure paintings that my FB friend Dan mentioned, but I couldn't find 'em. I'll keep looking next time. We also stopped at the Hart Ranch for a quick visit to the barnyard, to say hello to the wild boar and the potbellied pigs. All three of those guys look like they could stand to go on a diet, haha. :)
Wow, how cool! - I was just gonna tell you what a beautiful day we are having here, and I wanted to see how the weather was in Middleton, so that if it was good, I could say that we are both having beautiful days. Well, one nice thing about these Chromebooks is that they remember everything you do (and I think mine knows how much I love you, too), so just now, when I went to, I didn't even have to type in "Middleton" in the search box. Right there at the top of the page, just for us, it says "Middleton, WI - 76", "Madison, WI - 75", and "Northridge, CA - 73". And there is a Sun symbol right next to each temperature.
So we are both enjoying beautiful days.
And I Love You So Very Much. :):)
I'm here til 4:15, then back at 6:45, as always. Still gonna remedy the Pearl computer situation, just so you know I haven't forgotten about it. :)
9:30pm : I'm just getting back from my walk. The nights are getting a little cooler now. I'm still able to get away with a short-sleeved shirt, lol, but I don't know how much longer I'll be able to hold out. Remember, it's still Summer until you have to put on a sweatshirt! :)
Yeah, the Higgs Boson. That was cool that they gave those guys the Nobel. Isn't that Stephane's field of study? I think I remember that from last year. Anyway, where the boson meets the aether (or "field"), that's Joe Farrell territory, which is one reason why I love his books so much, although he is writing from an alchemical/metaphysical point of view rather than a strictly scientific one, and yet his presentation and logic is thoroughly scientific. It's also the territory, from a philosophical point of view, of my old pal Oswald Spengler, he of "Decline Of The West", and the proposition of the Idea being before everything.
I love the place where art, magic, philosophy and science meet.
(back in a few minutes.....)
10:20pm : I think it's always kinda neat to extrapolate, and say, in any given subject of study, "where am I going with this" or "what am I trying to get out of this"? And when you get into metaphysical subjects, the answer can, for me anyway, remain a mystery. I think that both science and metaphysics have similar reasons for studying the makeup of the physical world. For science, a large part of the study was always to transfer knowledge and discoveries into real-world applications, but I think that some scientists might (just "might", mind you, nothing more) admit to a metaphysical or religious personal reason for the study of the breakdown of matter, as it comes down to something like the Higgs particle, where "nothing" becomes "something". Science as an organized human endeavor, including all of it's history, precedents, and rigorous disciplines - science as a whole, in other words - would probably officially consider the study and discovery of that final breakdown of matter in a purely mechanical way, but in their hearts, I imagine it is possible that some scientists might admit or consider the "desire to know God", or at least God's methods.
God is such an open concept, of course, but now that particle physics has built colliders like CERN, the purpose must be for something besides potential energy applications. The next potential study will be to see the transformation point, or passage, through which energy becomes matter. What is God's method (God being whatever you believe God to be)?
It is at that point that I think the pure scientist and what I will call the metaphysician or Alchemist or Art Scientist, have the same goal in mind. Science as a whole looks at the mechanical properties within any discovery, but the individual scientist, in his heart, may be saying, "what is on the other side" of the Genesis point of something like the Higgs. And that is always what the Art Scientist is looking for, for in metaphysics, one is generally not looking for mechanical results or practical applications.
So when you get all the way down, to the Higgs (or maybe to strings, if the string theorists are right), all parties involved are really trying to find what's on the other side. I think science is most interested in the matter itself (the breakdown of the ever smaller particle until it becomes nothing), while the Art Scientist (or just Artist, because all Artists are ultimately concerned with the Spirit) is most interested in the Aether, or Prima Materia, through which the Idea materialises.
The Artist is interested in The Transference Itself, or The Act Of Transference, and the Scientist is interested is What Is Being Transfered, and What It Becomes.
And that is where you get into Spengler, with his philosophy of "Becoming" (Art) vs. "Become" (Science).
It can be heavy stuff - not in the "far out, maaaaan" way - but heavy as in ponderous, but it can also be really interesting if you enjoy that kind of thing.
(back again in a minute)
11:05pm : I guess, that, for me, if I were to extrapolate my own interest in physics, everything would fall under one big tent of Infinity and Immortality. The body is of course mortal, so I mean Immortality of The Person, and the Infinity, not of space necessarily, but of conciousness. The reason I say immortality of "The Person" rather than "The Spirit" (or Soul) is that The Person encompasses all those forms. If I am "Me", then I am my body, my spirit, my soul, my consciousness...............but what blows me away is the notion that I am something more than even those things. It's just a Glimpse, but.......
I am, above all, Me. Just as You are You.
And the way I can feel that, is to say that it is even bigger or more encompassing than even a spirit or soul.
I can say I am Me here on Earth in my body, and I can say that I know my spirit is inside me, because I can feel it. It is my electricity. And I can further say that I can feel my soul in a deeper, but more distant way. It is on the Other Side, like a parking garage for my spirit, on That Side, when my spirit travels from my body.
So those are three incarnations, one physical (my body), one probably physical (my spirit, the "in-between" incarnation, that can go from my body to the Other Side and back again), and then one that is metaphysical (my soul).
But bigger, or more encompassing, than any of those incarnations, is.............Me.
The Person.
I don't even mean my consciousness. Maybe my will? I'm not sure.
But that's the Infinity and Immortality part I am talking about, that piques my interest in all things metaphysical, a term I don't really like because it has been co-opted by the New Agers, but I use it anyway. Meta-physical = Beyond Physical. But I want to go even beyond that.
So what I like to do - my own "practical applications" - is to study The Whole Thing from whatever angle I feel it calling to me. One day it could be astronomy. The next day it could be trails in Chatsworth. For years and years it was just music. Music is kind of like a fuel, or lifeblood.
But when I extrapolate, and ask "what is my interest, or objective, in my metaphysical studies", or "what do I see as the end result"?, my answer is that I don't have one. Because when you have an end result in mind, then you will reach an End Point, which is "Become". Become is End.
But if you do not have an ultimate objective, and are instead interested in following the continuing turnaround of mystery, in it's myriad formats, then you are thinking Infinitely.
You are Immortal, and you are always Becoming. ////
I Love You, my Darling. See you in the morning, Sweet Dreams. xoxoxoxoxo :):)
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