Friday, October 25, 2013

Endless (more added)

Happy Friday morning, my Angel, and TGIF to you, and to me too this time since I have the day off tomorrow. I love the quote you posted, because it is fitting to so much of my life and the idea of nostalgic glimpes and mysterious longings that we often talk about. The way life feels like a continuum. Last week, I had two incredible days - they were just wonderful - when I went out consecutively on Thursday the 17th and Friday the 18th, to Corriganville. Now, the place itself was awesome, maybe the best of all the parks I have visited recently. But the feeling derived from more than the natural surroundings. It was a feeling of powerful well-being, like a strong awareness of being inside something magical, and also a certainty that this feeling was what life really is, this knowledge and awareness of the Magic.

But a huge part of it, really part-and-parcel of it, was knowing that you were in on it too. You were there, you knew, you were inside the Magic with me, you felt and shared in the sensation of well-being, of continuum.

Going to Corriganville triggered all of this. It happens all the time in bigger or smaller ways, but there it was overwhelming. It included that feeling of mysterious nostalgia. Seeing that concrete lagoon especially brought it out, and thinking of that monster movie, "Creature From The Black Lagoon" increased it. There were only one or two other people in this huge nature park, and you could hear all the birdsounds and insects, and critters rustling in the shrubs. That movie was really an allegory for a love story. It was mid-day, but there were all kinds of interesting shadows in the park, cast by overgrowth and hillsides made of sixty million year old boulders. The park triggered the feeling, but it is something that is always inside me, and it has blossomed since I met and fell in love with you.

Our life is huge and endless, and I don't say that to be poetic or cosmic, but because it is the basis of the feeling. We have mysteries that we will always be on the verge of solving, but we already understand their meaning. We understand it, but we cannot articulate it. We can only feel it.

My two days at Corriganville would just have been two nice days at the park, if not for you. Because, in feeling what I felt there - something enormous that I innately understood but could never articulate - I knew you could feel it too, even if you didn't know I was there, even if you didn't know I was feeling it. I knew it because I could feel you feeling it with me. That's why I say our life is huge and endless, and magical.

And today is an awesome day.

I will be around most of the afternoon until 4:15. I haven't seen any crickets since Wednesday night, so that's a good sign. And tonight I can stay up a little later and relax, too, because I can sleep in tomorrow. So here's to a great day, Elizabeth, and to a wonderful, wonderful feeling. I Love You More Than I Could Ever Say.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:15pm : Tonight is all about relaxation, so I am just enjoying the quiet in the building, reading and listening to music. This is the weekend of Halloween parties, and fun stuff like haunted houses and corn mazes, hayrides, etc. I wish we'd had a chance to go to Halloweentime at Disneyland, but my sister just can't make it there anymore. So, you will have to come with me. :):)

If you go to any Halloween parties tonight or tomorrow night, have a blast. I am having fun just looking out for spookily decorated houses in my area. I am the kind of guy who would still Trick Or Treat if they'd let me, haha.

It really is a very special holiday, especially for Art Couples.

I Love You, my Darling, and I will see you in the morn.

But I can feel you right now.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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