Happy Sunday, my Beautiful Angel! You are right - Autumn is very inspiring! It's hard to put into words, and it's even more than the leaves turning and the shadows lengthening and the added crispness to the air. It's all those things, too, but there is - I think, anyway - an unexplainable magic in the air. An enchantment? Perhaps, but that is a word I might reserve for Spring. Well, I'll ponder it a while. Autumn is definitely enchanted, but in a different way. I love it, and I have to say again that I am so happy we are spending this Autumn together. :):)
I like the Sophie Miller pic, too! And there's a word written on the chalkboard in the background.........Love.
That pretty much sums it up, Elizabeth. I Love You, and these days are just The Best !
I know you are happy, too, and that makes me even happier. I would, and will always , do anything for you, my Darling. xoxoxoxoxo :):)
I'll be back at 6:45.........
10pm : That's me, Elizabeth - you can call me Happy. :) And see, I told you about your photographs! That amazing pic of Hannah with her hair in motion - now even other people are noticing. Before, I said that you are the go-to photographer for your friends, and all of them know you will make them look good. But now, even people you don't know are noticing! You've got it, my multi-talented Artist.
Well, I just got back from my walk a few minutes ago, so I am gonna eat something real quick then come back in a few minutes to write a little more and say goodnight. I think I at least won tonight's battle in the Cricket War. I had to spray Raid, something I hate to do because it's so toxic. And, I don't like to kill anything. But last night was a nightmare and I had to do something. Raid may be poisonous, but one thing is for sure : it works. Right now it's all quiet on the cricket front. I won't say the war is over yet, but I think I'm winning. Back in a few........
11:30pm : They played the Appassionata on KUSC today while I was driving Kobi to CSUN, hence my post. I have never found Beethoven to be as accessible as other great composers, and I think that is for two reasons : his music is more varied, and it is very intense. There is a lot going on with Beethoven. He had all this music in his head, and yet he was going deaf at the same time. There is often the question of who was the greatest composer ever, and of course that is subjective. For me, I'd have to say overall that it's Bach. His body of work is unrivalled and the harmony and counterpoint in his music seems like an achievement on the level with the greatest achievements in human history. Bach, to me, is superhuman. But if someone were to say that Beethoven was the best, or Mozart (the choice of many), or even Haydn, I wouldn't argue with them. Music is indeed subjective.
For sheer piano music, I guess I'd have to go with Chopin. Schubert might be a close second. Bach is played on the piano, but in his time there was no such instrument. His keyboard music was played on harpsichord or organ.
Here's a question for you : have you ever had the chance to play an organ? I am just curious. I know you played the harp recently. I would think it would be awesome if you got to play an organ.
But again, the purity of the piano is unsurpassed. With it's in-line run of notes, and it's inclusion of all ten fingers in it's playing technique, the piano gives free range to the expression of the spirit, more than any other instrument. When you have time, during the school semester, just sit down at random and play whatever comes out. Your fingers are developed now, enough so that you can let your spirit take over. It took me years to get my fingers that way, but what I will do now, if I only have a few minutes to play, is just to pick up the guitar and let it say what is inside me. Spontaneously. If I have longer to play, then I might practice more formally. But the spontaneous playing is, for me, the most fun. And with piano, the range of emotion is really unlimited. That's why the greatest piano composers like Chopin, Beethoven and Bach (even though he didn't compose for piano) used the keyboard for their greatest compositions. The nuance available to the pianist is greater than for any other instrument. Guitarists speak of making their instrument "talk", and of course I love the guitar and it's expressiveness in the hands of the greats is profound in it's own right.
But piano doesn't "talk" in the way that guitar does. Guitar hits you in the gut. Piano hits you somewhere behind the mind, where the intricate strands of feeling are being woven. And as the piano music is absorbed, so are new strands weaved. New things are created inside you with the intricate tones of the piano. So, when you get the chance, just play the first thing you feel, and then keep going. It doesn't even matter if you remember what you've played. It is the act of expression that is important. From it, you will become increasingly attached to your instrument, physically and spiritually. Rememeber, it's not just notes, but emotions that begin in your soul and vibrate outward. The piano really is the ultimate expressor of that state.
That's all I know for tonight, my Darling. I will see you in the morn and we will have another great week.
Sweet Dreams. I Love You! xoxoxoxoxo :):)
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